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[转帖]8月22号 广州二战 700 (v 38, m 48)少许jj

首先申明 本人不是nn, 能有700觉得很幸运。

今天感觉数学很难 好多都不是jj里面的, 我记忆力很差,先想想


aa:在过去的3个月里面,the clothes department 利润下降 , 卖家庭用品的部门利润反而上升。由此推测出顾客偏向买家庭用品而不是衣服,所以要缩小the clothes department ,扩大家庭用品部门。



 阅读2:长短不记得了,大概说 科学家们首先很确定一点是地球上的水是在一个什么大爆炸时期形成的,描述是外星的水inject到地球, 然后survive下来的水形成了海洋什么的。下面作者开始讲主要的东西了,就是地球的水到底是什么地方来的(body)。作者介绍了2种观点,1:来自jupitor和另一个星球之间的什么东西,说了说; 2:来自comet 然后作者说但是像哈雷彗星这样的彗星上面有一种物质,如果真是comet上的水是地球上水的主要body,那海里怎么没有这个物质?质疑了一下第2个说法。

In colonial Connecticut between

1670 and 1719, women participated

in one of every six civil cases, the

Line  vast majority of which were debt-

(5) related. Women’s participation

   dropped to one in ten cases after

   1719, and to one in twenty by the

   1770’s. however, as Cornelia

   Hughes Dayton notes in Women

(10) Before the Bar: Gender, Law,

and Society in Connecticut,

1639-1789, these statistics are

somewhat deceptive: in fact,

both the absolute numbers and

(15) the percentage of adult women

participating in civil cases grew

steadily throughout the eighteenth

century, but the legal activity of

men also increased dramatically,

(20) and at a much faster rate. Single,

married, and widowed women

continued to pursue their own and

their husbands’ debtors through

legal action much as they had

(25) done in the previous century, but

despite this continuity, their place

in the legal system shifted

dramatically. Men’s commercial

interests and credit networks

(30) became increasingly far-flung,

owing in part to the ability of

creditors to buy and sell prom-

issory notes (legal promises to

pay debts). At the same time,

(35) women’s networks of credit and

debt remained primarily local and

personal. Dayton contends that,

although still performing crucial

economic services in their

(40) communities—services that

contributed to the commercialization

of the colonial economy—women

remained for the most part outside

the new economic and legal culture

of the eighteenth century.



The passage is primarily concerned with

A.     reporting an author’s view of a phenomenon

B.     disputing the reasons usually given for an

unexpected change

C.     evaluating the conclusions reached by an


D.     assessing the impact of certain legal


E.      defending a controversial point of view




According to the passage, compared with women in eighteenth-century Connecticut, men were

A.     more likely to rely on credit and go into debt

B.     more likely to pursue their families’ debtors

C.     more likely to participate in economic transactions outside their own communities

D.     less likely to perform economic services in their own communities.

E.      less likely to participate in civil cases that were not debt-related.

涉及到取非思路,A选项不对,因为文章没有提到go into debtC是把文章最后一句话,women communities中,但是outside of the new economic culture,说明men更多地outside their own communities.



The passage suggests that which of the following best compares the economic concerns of women with those of men toward the close of the eighteenth Century in colonial Connecticut?

(A)  Both men and women had more economic responsibilities at the end of the century than they had had at the beginning of the century.

(B)  Women’s economic activities had become less varied by the end of the century; men’s economic activities had become more varied.

(C)  Women’s economic activities at the end of the century were similar to their activities at the beginning; men’s economic activities changed considerably.

(D)  Women’s economic concerns at the end of the century were primarily familial; men’s economic concerns were primarily political.

(E)   Women’s economic concerns at the end of the century were primarily personal; men’s economic needs were primarily familial.




还有gwd那篇结构主义否定技术进步的那篇 ,我不贴出来了。

sc gwd原题

(1)     GWD-29-Q7

Until a few centuries ago, any large bones discovered in the fields or caves of Europe, now known to be large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be the remains of giants and were often displayed as curiosities in castles, palaces, town halls, churches, and monasteries.



  1. now known to be large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be
  2. presently known as from large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed as
  3. bones now known to be those of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be

  4. bones known at present as of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed as those of

  5. currently known as those of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be those of

 还考了because , due to 同时出现的选向,一定选because 的, 两个by 引导的平行结构(从未划线部分推出来)

 还考了because , due to 同时出现的选向,一定选because 的, 两个by 引导的平行结构(从未划线部分推出来)

cr:有一个黑脸体, 文字极不清楚了, 第一个黑线是文


cr:有一个黑脸体, 文字极不清楚了, 第一个黑线是文


1.        GWD-13-Q27:

Which if the following, if true, most logically completes the argument?



Aroca County’s public schools are supported primarily by taxes on property. The county plans to eliminate the property tax and support schools with a new three percent sales tax on all retail items sold in the county. Three percent of current retail sales is less than the amount collected through property taxes, but implementation of the plan would not necessarily reduce the amount of money going to Aroca County public schools, because ______.


A.       many Aroca County residents have already left the county because of its high property taxes 无关

B.        a shopping mall likely to draw shoppers from neighboring counties is about to open in Aroca County 由于新开的卖场能吸引周边的顾客,销售额会增加

C.        at least some Aroca County parents are likely to use the money they will save on property taxes to send their children to private schools not funded by the county 无关

D.       a significant proportion of parents of Aroca County public school students do not own their homes and consequently do not pay property taxes 无关

E.        retailers in Aroca County are not likely to absorb the sales tax by reducing the pretax price of their goods 无关



今天应该运气不错,因为我平时perp模考都没有上过600, 最主要考试状态保持不紧张,即使时间不够。 给大家增加点信心吧,我这样的普通人也能考700, 基础好的更能创造奇迹。

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