JJ: 135. Sixty-five million years ago, according to some scientists, an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest slammed into North America, which, causing plant and animal extinctions, marks the end of the geologic era known as the Cretaceous Period. A. which, causing plant and animal extinctions, marks B. which caused the plant and animal extinctions marking C. and causing plant and animal extinctions that mark D. an event that caused plant and animal extinctions, and it marks E. an event that caused the plant and animal extinctions that mark
A: which 指代不清
B: 同上
C: and causing 和前面没有对称的对象
D: it指代不清
E: correct SC:我的感觉就是80%都是考句意,基本都凭句意选答案,明白意思就知道答案了. 马上要考试的XDJM一定要把PREP SC看好,多看几遍一定要研究透了,别的材料可以不看。GMAT语法为王非常有道理.前十道题有6道语法,都答对了,就到高分题库了,下面的阅读就都是JJ了,我今天就是这样,那么高分自然就来了。这是我考完的一点感受,说的不对大家别见怪. 我记性不好,能想起来的都是已有的JJ,大家别怪我啊! |