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 Is it possible to decrease

inflation without causing a reces-

sion and its concomitant increase

line in unemployment? The orthodox

(5)  answer is “no.” whether they

    support the “inertia” theory of

    inflation (that today’s inflation rate

    is caused by yesterday’s infla-

    tion, the state of the economic

(10) cycle, and external influences

such as import prices) or the

“rational expectations” theory

(that inflation is caused by

workers’ and employers’ expec-

(15) tations, coupled with a lack of

credible monetary and fiscal

policies), most economists

agree that tight monetary and

fiscal policies, which cause

(20) recessions, are necessary to

   decelerate inflation. They point

   out that in the 1980’s, many

   European countries and the

   United States conquered high

(25) (by these countries’ standards)

inflation, but only by applying tight

monetary and fiscal policies that

sharply increased unemployment.

Nevertheless, some govern-

(30) ments’ policymakers insist that

direct controls on wages and

prices, without tight monetary and

fiscal policies, can succeed in

decreasing inflation. Unfortu-

(35) nately, because this approach

fails to deal with the underlying

causes of inflation, wage and

price controls eventually col-

lapse, the hitherto-repressed

(40) inflation resurfaces, and in the

meantime, though the policy-

makers succeed in avoiding a

recession, a frozen structure of

relative prices imposes distor-

(45) tions that do damage to the

economy’s prospects for long-

term growth.


The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. apply two conventional theories.

B examine a generally accepted position

C. support a controversial policy

D. explain the underlying causes of a


E. propose an innovative solution



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这篇文章开篇先抛出一个问题,然后给出正统的观点(position);对于这个观点,大多数经济学家是支持的,而政府官员持保留态度。把握一下结构,作者的主要论述对象是什么呢?是最先讲到的这个对一个问题的观点—“no”。作者接下来都在审视这个正统观点,经济学家支持,作者没有做明示反对;政府官员反对,作者对其鄙视了一番。对于这个“no”,它不是作者的原创态度,不能将文章看成presentation的结构,他在评论,因此用examine, review等词都是可以接受的。答案中,A错误还是比较明显的,apply是什么意思呢,不是比较,是应用,作者自己没有要应用的意图;而且two conventional theories指的是文章中经济学家的两种理论,两个理论都支持了同一观点,不能将其理解成大结构中对立的两种态度。从解题的角度,这个选项犯了以偏概全的错误。C选项有一定的干扰性,作者偏向于这种传统观点,可并没有对这种观点下的经济政策表达好感,相反认为这种单调的经济政策引起失业增加,暗示应该改良,以降低这种recessionunemployment



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