11月27日,广州杀G,JJ AA: The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum: “On average, 9 out of every 1000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines in 1993 filed a complaint about our luggage-handing procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia's passengers.” Discuss how logically convincing you find this argument. In explaining your point of view, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. Also discuss what, if anything, would make the argument more sound and persuasive, or would help you to better evaluate its conclusion.
AI: “As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business." MATH出现过的JJ: 1. 一个等边三角形的内切圆和外切圆的面积比是多少? 答案: 1:4 2. 本月JJ85题: 85. 总共5本书,分为西班牙语的和非西班牙语的两类,要从5本书里面选2本书,问:至少有1本是西班牙语的概率是多少?大概确定 (1)选出的2本书都不是西班牙语的概率是a (已给出数字) (2)选出的2本书都是西班牙语的概率是b (已给出数字) 解:D 假设西班牙x 本 1) C(2,5-x)/C(2,5)=a 可求得x 2)C(2,x)/C(2,5)=b 也可以求得x 3. A 的WATCH每小时慢3分钟,B 的 每小时快2分钟,两人的表同时设在8点,72小时后两人手表相差的时间是多少。 (3分钟,2分钟 那数字不一定正确,但是题意一样) 4. 本月JJ107题: 107.ds z﹤x-y?? 1,x,y,z是三角形的三边2,z﹤x+y 解:A
三角形除了两边之和大于第三边, 还有两边之差小于第三边
5. 长为70的消防梯成角60度那题 6.本月JJ149题: DS:问两条直线l 和k 的斜率谁大。 (1)l 和X交点为正,k 和x交点为负(2)两条直线和y轴正半轴相交 答案C 7. 本月JJ222题: l and t are two lines on the x-y plane. Is the slope of l greater than the slope of t? 1. l intersect x axis at (1,0) and t intersect x axis at (-1,0) 2. l intersect t on the positive segment of the y axis. 解:C
8. 本月JJ95题: DS。 x<y?(1)5^(-x)>3^(-y) (2)x>0,y>0 解:C
9. 本月JJ180题:
180.挖一块地,长5000,宽不记得了,高度从15下降到25。有个装废土的地方,容量是73500(具体数字不记得了),求这个装废土的地方能装挖出来的土的多少。 解:设宽为b 73500除以5000b*(25-15) 根据题意,装废土的地方应该会比挖出的土的体积大
10. 本月JJ 255 .DS) S0已知,S0,S1,S2,S3 ...........S9 为连续, 问S9为多少? 1) Sn -S n-1=i i为常数 2) Sn+S n-1=i ^2 解:D
11. 有一个边长为4的SQUARE,有两点ON THE OPPOSIT SIDE OF SQUARE, 问两点间可能的距离。 |