First Round 1, Male 北大毕业,GMAT710,toefl640分,GPA2.8。 在一个全球很有名的美国企业工作七年,先后当普通销售员工,产品经理,销售经理! 在公司前后获得五个大奖,其中有三个大奖对我申请MBA起了非常重要的作用(我老板哈佛MBA毕业的,他说就凭着这三个奖,就可以敲开基本上所有business school的大门)
(注:一共申请了四所学校,除了harvard waitlist之外,其它的三所学校(duke,tuck,mit)都给了offer)
2, Female Background: B.E. and M.S. from top top engineering programs (China and U.S.). 3.5+ work experience at a leading company in the telecom industry in U.S.. GPA 89/100, 3.9/4.0. GMAT 770, TWE 5.5. Didn't take TOEFL. Sloan is the first school I applied to.
Had hub interview in NY. Couldn't really tell how it went. Tough questions, one was "tell me a time when you annoyed someone". Wasn't prepared for that at all but cooked something up on the spot.
Second Round 1, Male In at Yale as well.
2, Female No specific information.