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[转帖]10月24日 一点机经回忆

考得奇差无比,但是平静,加国庆长假 一共才17天 只有拚命看 连自己都不能信服 准备太浅太浅 OG直接看答案和解释 把OG11黄紫都赶完 心理踏实点点 可是根本没时间自己去做题验证正确率 Prep模考都没来及做 临考前两天电脑突然坏了 正当我想模考的时候 也许就是天意 (之后又奇迹般地好了...)让自己经过这次完全平静下来 实在不能侥幸心理去赌运气...不然自己都无法相信 更会紧张 结果理当。 工作中连请几天假挺不好的了 或许真的无法两全 只有作决断了...可能都是低分题库 而且verbal部分好多都是时间不够 乱填的  数学一开始不放心 做得太慢了 要平静 首先让自己信服才可以 恩


AA: After opening a new swimming pool in last summer, Take Heart Center got a 12 percent of increase in the use of members in the center. So the mangament would continue to add new recreational facilities to increase members and revenues of the center. For example, new golf --,  tennis play court, ----

My response:

1.casue-and-effect oversimplification. The opeing of Pool is before the 12% increase, but the former can not certainly be the cause of the latter without other evidence provided.

2.information about the prospect of other examples which can not be surely successful. various conditions balabala---

AI: The most effective way to complete a complex task is dividing the task into portions of components. In this way, each worker would complete a small part to complete the complex task.

My response: 基本同意:

1. save time and energy of people;

2. more successful than that the task completed by one person alone. Various ideas from workers. Wonderful


1.数列(原题是下角标表示的),第一项3,第二项5,第n项=第n-1项- 第n-2项。 求前n项和 (或许我看错或漏看题了,算了半天没算对) 答案有 2 3 5 9  记不清楚了 (方法会,可就是算不出,看来方法还是不对)

2. 正整数u<v<x<y<z  平均值14 , z=26, 问x最小是几? 答案有 5 6 7 8 9  (大概这个意思,忘了是不是DS了) 我选的 是7,



记不清原题了,但觉得好几个是修饰语位置,modifiers should be replaced. 感觉是这样。比如:

状语,a government-sponsered group directed by a poet F, perform---, modifers 位置变来变去的,大家小心


1 一个人想买某块地A to plan * forest, 但是这个地上有某种动植物(我认为的是动物),于是,这个人决定再买一块地B(面积更大)让那些动物去B生活。问 weaken.(选的是这种动物离开原生存地会毁减/不适应)

2.3轮大卡车的事故比两轮卡车的少,政府决定增加三轮卡车 减少事故。 问weaken,印象不深了。抱歉。

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