Yueyuan:目前看来,第一年新进来的MBA给的奖学金比较少,但是我们在二年级的时候,通过一年级你的GPA、你的努力学习和你的contribution to community,展现你的leadership,基本我们两年级可能有一半的中国学生拿到了奖学金,相当于是三分之一左右的学费。我当时的GMAT是730,托福是106。
提问7:I want to know the demands like the score range of TOEFL and GMAT for applying McCombs School, and the deadline...thank you. And if possible, can we chat through email? Because I want to go there very much, but I have an exam on 21st, so I may not be available to be here on 20th.Thank you very much.