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with 的用法

Executives and federal officials say that the use of crack and cocaine is growing rapidly among workers, significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already are a cost to business of more than $100 billion a year.
(A)        significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already are a cost to business of
(B)        significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, which already cost business
(C)        significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, already with business costs of
(D)        significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, and already costing business
(E)        significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse, and already costs business
答案是b 我也認同
但是為啥 c不對 OG 說因為with的指認不清楚 why ?
另 b的which 是不是指the effect?
with 的用法
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1、b的which 是不是指the effect?
2、with 有表示伴随的意思。既然表示伴随,那么这个cost就不能说一定是effects引起的,有可能是其他的原因引起。


tongxun的意思是不是說 b用which 表明cost 是由effect引起的
但是c選項 只是說明這個effect後 cost隨即發生 但是並沒有強調是因為effect的關係 對嗎
總之 感謝萬分



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