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[原创]9.28 US: 革命尚未成功

9.28 US: 革命尚未成功

二进宫。Q:5*; V: 3*; total: 7**. 可能会再考,不是贪心, 实在是我的目标不是MBA.. 先说说机经吧.

AA: apogee should close its local operation offices
AI: multinational companies help global homogeneity

Math: several old JJ. (copy and paste from GR Math总结)
1.        DS:有一个长方形的glass sheet,要铺在一张长方形的桌子上,问这个glass sheet能不能entire盖在桌面上,并且两边分别与桌面parallel(好象是这个意思,忘了英文是怎么说的了)
1) 桌面的长*宽是36*60
2) glass sheet 的面积是2400
2.        Someone save $1 in the first week, and each week after that,
she increases her saving by 1. Therefore, what is the
total amount that she could save in 52 weeks a year?
3.        the interest rate is 8% and what is the amount of x after 6 years?
4.        24个人,有两种都是12人,就当是red和blue吧,选2人是red的概率?
5.        一排位子,A在其中,A在从左数的第30个从右数的第33个,
在A的左边抽去2个右边抽去4个,还剩多少 (during my test, it is about books on a shelf)
6.        买什么东东,A 0.29一个,B 0.15一个,问买了多少A?
2)A和B 买的数量一样
7.        有图,一个圆有2个相互垂直的直径,1条直径的一端到另一直径的
8.        2的N次方是10!的因子,问N最大是几
9.        n把椅子(1-n)放在环形的路上,其中3号在顶(top),18号在底(bottom),问n=?
math new JJ.
1.        有图, 问该图对应哪一个function
a.)        y=x^3+x^2
b.)        y=x^3-x^2
c.)        y=-x^3+x^2
d.)        y=x^3-x
e.)        y=x^3+x
cost me a couple of minutes to figure out but I cannot remember which answer I chose.L
2.        DS: there are three numbers. If ranked in order, is the middle one equals to the average of the three?
1)        the middle one is equal to 2 times the difference between the largest and the smallest.
2)        Forgot this one

Verbal: Cannot remember anything clearly so worse than nothing. J
The order I encountered: 1sc, 1cr, 2sc, 2rc(first 10 questions) then sc’s and cr’s, the 3rd rc appeared around queston 22. the last rc was in question 35 and it was long!
My first BF question was Q13, whole screen. Guess I didn’t do well during the middle and the final parts.

感想: 第一次考在7月底,受了老公的蛊惑很是轻敌(大陆刚改机考人家就考了700+). 只作了新东方老教材的1-4, 也不知道网上有很多资源可以利用,懵懵懂懂地复习了一个月就去考了,结果670. 马上又定了9月再战. 可惜心有余力不足,8月准备其他的考试, 9月又开学了,每天忙不完的事,只有2-3小时给GMAT,这一次只做完了OG,KAPLAN 两套, PRINSTON 一套. AWA根本没时间看. 考得不差,但这一次分数还是不理想, 也许会再考,几乎没什么新题可做了,现在重要的也许是总结做过的题. 最后, 感谢ROBERT,VVWAY,MBA8 和G域. 祝大家一切顺利.
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\"Our lives are a combination of good and bad, positive and negative.When we focus on the good that is already present, we feel better. If not, we don\'t. Either way, life goes on.\" -- Peter McWilliams

Thanks spry. Good luck with your goals!







[此贴子已经被Q30于2002-10-3 14:57:44编辑过]




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