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Oxford or Cambridge? Details about Chinese!

Here I have some questions for those who are and were in the program.

1) How many Chinese students in both programs?

2) What costs of both program? It seems that Oxford would cost around GBP 3000 more than Cambridge.

3) I really feel hurt to see the "huge" difference between the two schools in the latest FT ranking. It should not be that huge. However, Oxford seemed to get more media coverage than Cambridge.

4) What are job opportunities for Chinese MBAs from both programs? Location, range of starting salaries, number of offers upon graduation.

5) What's the implication for UK's initiatives for attracting MBAs for top 50 schools to work in UK up to 12 months after graduation? After 12 months employment in UK, what would happened? Leave UK...

6) How long does it take to recover the investment of GBP 40,000+ after graduating from both programs for recent Chinese participants? I would assume that average starting salaries of GBP 52K and 62K of the two programs are actually much higher than a typical one for Chinese graduate. Anyone who can prove my wrong?

Thank you very much.

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good questions. Have you received answers from insiders?

a lot of notes on this forum touting the brand name of the university as a whole, but no message about the employment records of chinese students.



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