AA: A study in Bedfalls says that the percentage of students graduate on time from private high schools is higher than the percentage of students graduate on time from public high schools. Therefore, Bedfalls parents should send their children to private high schools if they want their children to graduate on time. AI: Some people said consumers should be protected from advertising. Managers of some companies claims that," companies should be allowed to claim truthful information, which could be misunderstood by some consumers." Math: - A can finish
a task in 7 hours, b in 5 hours. How long will take both of them to work together to finish 2/7 of the task? - 1/x + 1/y = (一个数)
x/y = (一个数) 求2x+y - 一桶液体V,A占60%,B占40%. 如果想让B占25%.应该加入多少A?
- 一袋marbles, 红的有12粒,如果从袋里取出2粒
(取出第一粒后放回)都是红色可能性是9/25 的话,袋里原来一共有多少粒marbles. - 一个女人要坐火车到一个地方,途中要在X,Y,Z三个站换车,X站的火车早上8点开出,每一个小时开出一趟;Y站的火车早上6点开出,每半个小时一趟;Z站的火车早上9点开出每45 分钟一趟. 从X到Y要一个半小时;从Y到Z到2个半小时,问女人从X出发到达目的地,最小要在火车站等多久?(数据不确定记得对不对,但答案应该是B)
- X and Y are positive integers. They are both less than 144. What might be the biggest common divisor of A and B.(I chose B)
A:72 B:71 C:142
- A square ABCA has a diagonal 6根号2,如果要从这个square中切出四个一样的圆形,且要求剩下的部分最小,圆的半径是多少?(I chose 3)
Verbal: RC: 只记得第一篇是关于Mythology的研究。 P1:学生应该多根据不同的文化来研究Myth.告诉Myth是什么。说它是好东西。 P2:指出有人说Myth 是language 是不对的。Myth 应该是language,又不是language,因为它是language的变体“L”和“P”(P是Speaking的意思)的合并。 P3:指出Myth 和 poem 的不同。(有出题,选B,作者认为Myth比poem高层次) |