德克萨斯A&M大学主校区位于德克萨斯州大学城,校园距休斯顿约90英里。大学城具有典型的德克萨斯小镇风情,平静、宁和,其公共设施应有尽有。德克萨斯A&M大学旧译为“德州农工大学”,这是将校名中 A&M 错误翻译为农业(agriculture)和机械(mechanics)之故。在该校的官方主页上清晰说明,校名中 A&M 只是一个符号,没有任何实际意义。该校前身为德州农机学院(Texas College of Agriculture and Mechanics)。留下A和M的缩写,只是为了不忘历史。在加尔维斯顿和卡塔尔波斯湾、墨西哥城、意大利Castiglion Fiorentino还有分校。
the state's first public institution of highereducation, wasopened on
Oct. 4, 1876 as the Agricultural andMechanical College ofTexas, and at
that time the "A" and "M" initialswere used to abbreviatethe name
components. When the institutiongained university status in1963, the
"A&M" representation (noperiods, no spaces and with anampersand)
was incorporated into theofficial name in deference to theinstitution's
history and richtraditions, but the individual letters nolonger
explicitly stand foranything.