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Linda Kerber argued in the mid-

980’s that after the American Revolution

(1775-1783), an ideology of “republican

Line motherhood” resulted in a surge of edu-

(5) cational opportunities for women in the

United States. Kerber maintained that

the leaders of the new nation wanted

women to be educated in order to raise

politically virtuous sons. A virtuous citi-

(10) zenry was considered essential to the

success of the country’s republican form

of government; virtue was to be instilled

not only by churches and schools, but

by families, where the mother’s role

(15) was crucial. Thus, according to Kerber,

motherhood became pivotal to the fate

of the republic, providing justification for

an unprecedented attention to female


(20) Introduction of the republican moth-

erhood thesis dramatically changed

historiography. Prior to Kerber’s work,

educational historians barely mentioned

women and girls; Thomas Woody’s 1929

(25) work is the notable exception. Examining

newspaper advertisements for acade-

mies, Woody found that educational

opportunities increased for both girl

and boys around 1750. Pointing to “An

(30) Essay on Woman” (1753) as reflecting

a shift in view, Woody also claimed that

practical education for females had

many advocates before the Revolution

Woody’s evidence challenges the notion

(35) that the Revolution changed attitudes

regarding female education, although it

may have accelerated earlier trends.

Historians’ reliance on Kerber’s “repub-

lican motherhood” thesis may have

(40) obscured the presence of these trends,

making it difficult to determine to what

extent the Revolution really changed

women’s lives.



According to the passage, within the field of educational history, Thomas Woody’s 1929 work

innovative because it relied on newspaper advertisements as evidence exceptional in that it concentrated on the period before the American Revolution unusual in that it focused on educational attitudes rather than on educational practices controversial in its claims regarding educational opportunities for boys atypical in that it examined the education of girls 答案是B, 但是我想是E, 因为从文中 "Prior to Kerber’s work,educational historians barely mentionedwomen and girls; Thomas Woody’s 1929 work is the notable exception. " 可以得知E, 请大家看看我的推论对吗?
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Compared with B, E, although not perfect either, sounds a little bit better.

One of my first impression to the wording of E, especially the word "atypical", is that the word "atypical" suggests some negative implication, and thus flawed. But after checking out more materials, I cannot find there is any negative implication beneath the word "atypical". ATYPICAL, as far as I'm concerned, is good enough to accommodate the meaning of EXCEPTIONAL.

B, on the contrary, attribute the EXCEPTIONALITY to the certain period on which the Woody's points concentrated. I think Quincy has properly pointed out that such EXCEPTIONALITY is due to Woody's exact concentration on the female education compared to other historians prior to Mrs. Kerber.

Not 100% sure yet. Open for discussion...




I initially chose E, after check with the answer, I realize Woody didn't examine the education of girls, He just mentioned the opportunies were increased for both girls and boys.  so in this case, I think B is more appropriate



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