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It's cliché, but it's the truth: Stern's location places it in the epicenter of business. I still cannot figure out why people attend programs in the hinterlands. Perhaps for the beer, booze and themed parties with $.50/beers. Not at Stern.

There were several guest speakers, social networking events such as happy hours, team building experiences including weekend camping outings, and weekly get-togethers on campus.

Some of the professors for core classes (stats, etc.) were not the best. Maybe this is a feature of the part-time program. Economics and finance professors are excellent. Marketing professors are a mixed bag.


The faculty and staff were the leaders in their fields. Great communication and teaching skills. I come from an IT background, and planned to switch careers into finance. By the time I graduated, I feel very comfortable and confident in the finance industry. NYU is a great school with absolutely amazing faculty, staff, resources and networking opportunities.

The career services could have been greatly improved. The part-time student career services were subpar relative to the services provided to the full-time students. Moreover, part-time students were not allowed to have any access to services available for full-time students, unless you went through a lengthy orientation process which was offered only a few times. Given the economic climate, the school could have done more to help part-time students that found themselves in the unfortunate situation of being jobless.


The professors took an interest in the relationships they built with students. I was consistently impressed with their teaching abilities, but also the way in which they opened themselves up to relationships with students, lasting beyond your time at Stern. Many professors invited you to contact them outside of class and in the future with questions, business opportunities, etc.

I would urge friends to go full time if they could afford it. At NYU, they very noticeably distinguish the part-timers from the full-timers. The part-time program is treated as a cash-cow, so services and programming are geared towards full-timers.


My NYU Stern MBA has changed the way I think about business, opened up new doors of possibilities for me, been responsible for me meeting hundreds of great people, connected me with alumni that have helped me grow, and has almost directly paid for itself with new clients and new business opportunities I discovered while still in school.

There needs to be more integration with the full-time students. It was like West Side Story sometimes.

Smaller classes would have been ideal. I was VERY rarely in a course with fewer than 45 students, and often quite a bit more.



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