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1、核心课程:包括主要的管理学与战略学,分三个专业方向:Marketing, Finance, Human Resources





Team Building : the induction week

The aim is to teach the students how to work together when having different cultures. They have to understand the mechanisms developed in other cultures and to identify the ways to face those differences.

The welcoming week
The residence induction seminar helps to create a durable team very fast and develop common work methods and landmarks.

Skill Development

objective number One : mastering the basic general management principles

Those core courses are taught in English, from October to March (first term).

objective number Two : specialising
A large choice of electives are offered and taught in English, from March to June (second term). Some of these electives are offered in the IMP framework, in order to open to multi-cultural perspectives and professional views.

objective number Three : broadening one's skills

The personal development courses are taught throughout the year :

Language courses : English, French
public speaking
individual coaching
work placement

Various International Options
From the Second Term (March - June) students can choose :

either to pursue their studies in Reims and attend International Management classes (in the International Management Programme or Summer Programmes taught by teachers coming from Reims Management School's partner universities)

or to attend management courses in one of our partner universities (exchanges or double degrees).

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