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[转帖]12月21日 Total740 动车组上写JJ

12月21日 Total740 动车组上写JJ



语文题干也很长,sc有很多长划线的句子,但是全划线的只遇到一道,知识点很难判断,只有一道题考到了not only,but also 的固定搭配,连主谓一致几乎都碰不到,感觉很侧重于句子整体结构的优化,修饰语的放置位置等。Cr 题干能达到五六行,话多又绕,做的我云里雾里的,要注意抓正确答案的特征;削弱加强假设题都不多,但是黑脸题出现两道,evaluate题出现很多,至少有3道。阅读理解文章都不长,但是题干和选项很长,加起来能盛满右半屏,也是云里雾里的读啊。infer题很多,主题题只出了两道。总之,噩梦过去了,结果还好,满足了!






1、  做到20几题时,突然蹦出这样一道,成为了今天考试印象最深的一题:2(6-2)+6除以2-2    当场心情几乎跌落到谷底。

2、  图形题:考相似三角形:一个旗杆和一个小杆,二者的影子和影子的端点都重合。给出了小杆长度4和影子长度8,问旗杆长度是多少?(1)小杆和旗杆之间的距离是40 (2)影子端点到旗杆的距离是48

3、  ms+tp>0?   (1)mt+sp>0   (2)mp+st>0

4、  x>5?  (1)(x-5)^2>0 (2)x<5

5、  卖房子,**费为卖价的3%,佣金为该**费的75%,现在告诉你佣金得了2000,问房子卖价为多少?

6、  一周五天,干什么来?忘了,反正是最后三天的数量和是之前两天数量和的二倍,周一数量比周二多4,没告诉你总数量,但是告诉你总数量的3/4是30,求周二数量。

7、  吃饭,第一道可以选择a,b,第二道可以选择c,d,e,第三道可以选择f,g,h。一顿完整的饭以上三种都要吃。问某人不同时吃c,f的选择方法有几种?

8、  买铅笔,只有30分每支和24分每支两种,某人总共买了几支?

9、  两个同心圆,小圆的面积等于两圆之间的面积,求半径的比值?

10、              某圆方程x^2+y^2=10,问有几个整数点落在圆上?

11、              一直线方程给出,一抛物线方程给出,问交点落在第几象限?

12、              某人打长途电话,前三十分钟一共4.8美元,之后每超出一分钟0.05美元,一共打了50分钟,求费用?

13、              还有道很简单的:101.1-99.1/11约等于多少?

14、              《n》代表1*2*4*8 … *n, n为偶数。问《20》+《22》的greatest prime factor












E、当时经济增长的速度(social acceptance)。我选了E。

补充以下题目1,E选项中说是social acceptance. 呵呵,还是选E。



2、考了red book和green list的那篇。长。之前有人(prayer?geranium?)发了一篇背景资料,要看熟!非常有帮助!虽然文章说的不完全一样,但是提前了解了红书和绿名单的概念和不同点是很有帮助的!题目难,绕。


ach year the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world's largest independent conservation organization, updates its Red Data Book which lists worldwide plant and animal species known to be endangered, vulnerable or rare. Out of approximately 950 species of bats in the world, the 1988 Red Data Book lists only 33 bat species in these categories— less than 4% of the total. This proportionately small number should lead anyone with even a remote awareness of the worldwide extinction crisis to be suspicious. Why then, does the red list stray so far from an accurate picture of the real problem?

First, consider that the IUCN red list has a substantial geographic bias toward North American species. There are 39 species of bats in North America (exclusive of Mexico),1 comprising about 5% of the worldwide bat diversity. However, five of the 33 species on the list are North American*— thus a fauna comprising only 5% of the total accounts for 15% of the number considered threatened or endangered.** Far from reflecting reality, the red list reflects our ignorance regarding the status of most species. We simply have more knowledge about the status of bats in North America than we do for most other parts of the world. In fact, our ignorance is so extreme that we are not even certain how accurate the IUCN list is for many North American species. We simply do not have the data to determine whether they are stable, increasing or decreasing, and at what rates. Given this lack of information and the fact that most bats investigated are declining, the IUCN red list gives an inaccurate and minimal assessment of the current crisis.

A different approach
Conservation biologists recently have suggested that constructing red lists has been a major tactical error.2 The mere existence of such lists can lead to the assumption that if a species is not listed, it is not in jeopardy. A great many species that are not on any threatened or endangered list, should be, but we do not know enough about them. A major problem is that to be included, the extent and rate of decline must be documented, but since in many cases, past populations have not been studied, this data is often not available. To correct this problem, it has been suggested that rather than putting together red lists, we should construct "green lists." Green lists would index species known to be secure.*** Species that are not green-listed would include those whose status is undetermined; given the grand scale of wildlife habitat loss throughout the world, we should consider all species not on a green list to be threatened and act accordingly. Thus, the burden of proof would be shifted to those who maintain that all is well with a species.


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