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刚从广州捷泰广场出来, 二战, math 50 verbal其差, 出考场连续问了十几个为什么? 始终没能明白自己为什么那么逊, 准备了一个学期有多还是那么烂...... 废话少说, 机井先奉上

重复的机井好多起码十道左右, 大家好好看

1. 10^8-1 不能被下面哪个数整除 a.9 b11 c99 d999 e111 my ans:111

2 求 range 1) the least number is 85 2)the biggest number is 98 (数字是我掰的) 我选了c

3 注意 旗杆65 那题 求的三条绳子的总长, 应该是75*3=225 选这个

4 一个售货员weekly工资问题 感觉是GWD里面的 但是选项不一样 DS: 销售额小于等于15,000的话只能给9000的底薪; 超过部分给6%的commission A, B两weeks的销售共20,000 问 B week的工资是多少 1) A week的工资9000 2) 忘了 注意 这题很容易把commission 和工资混淆



131. (黄金80)

“We can learn more about a society by observing how its people spend their leisure time than by observing them at work.”


10. (黄金80)

The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper.

“This past winter, 200 students from Waymarsh
State College traveled to the state capitol building to protest against proposed cuts in funding for various state college programs. The other 12,000 Waymarsh students evidently weren’t so concerned about their education: they either stayed on campus or left for winter break. Since the group who did not protest is far more numerous, it is more representative of the state’s college students than are the protesters. Therefore the state legislature need not heed the appeals of the protesting students.”

verbal: 这题比较有参考意义 因为出现在前几题:

类似 sb.. finish work that is better as compared to those who......

b. better work as compared to those

c. work that is better than those

d. better work than those being 这题我塄了许久, 感觉 as compared to < than those 最后乱扔了 个 c 做答案 正确答案可能是 b 这题请大家注意下

以上是今天的部分机井, 鉴于本人verbal 出奇的低 verbal的机井我就不说了. 最后预祝出征的战友考试顺利, 为我雪耻, 要等到下个月才能三战, 实在太久了.到时一定亲手血仞什么GM什么烂出题机构, 整死偶也 呜呜.

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