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Depaul        74        学术声望134        要跟northern illinois univerisity比较        Bschool74;学术声望134;晚上上课;1.难道是GMAT的作文也要在30%的percentile么?2.基本上可用来保底 3.地理位置还是可以的,会计声誉在chicago(但是chicago对中国人不是很友好)还行;4.中国人会比pace少一点  5.中介很多        在chicago


"我有个同学在这家读会计, 说placement很不好啊,到现在工作没影, 而且说系里中国人很少, 上一届的没找到工作都回国了. 她很担心呆不下去.而且从网站上看该学校会计是有奖的吧, 可她说从来没人拿过奖学金,会计master
"        "我跟一个本科美国BC学金融工程的老美聊过 说了三个我比较喜欢的学校 temple depaul UTD 他说排名差别不大就看地域 也要看你更喜欢哪个地方 他的建议是 depaul>temple>utd

"        "此为出国前的臆测:depaul在当地声望也不错,但是depaul毕业意味着在芝加哥找工作,也就意味着跟芝加哥本地的其他学校学校有竞争,毕竟人家同样chicago毕业的学生,显然不会跑到LA或者附近其他的地方去找,这样的话就至少有当地的四所大学:chicago u, IIT, 州立,depaul,加上我最近所知的去uiuc的同学,毕业了也会去chicago找工作。如果忽略其他找工作因素,只靠学校的,depaul确实是好学校,但并不是完全没有压力。
"        "至于depaul 要在芝加哥找工作我估计难度也很大 可是depaul是晚上上课 而且在downtown 所以找实习应该相较比较容易 同时找实习的时候竞争也就只有芝加哥大学大学吧  而temple全天上课。。费城好不好找实习也是个问题。。。



"不过我最后决定去depaul depaul的名声在chicago是很好的 西北大学的都这样讲 而且在美国南方上学的一些人甚至也知道depaul depaul的学生比较好找工作 甚至更甚于芝大和西北的 因为这个学校出来的学生操作性强一些 很多公司都很喜欢的

但如果我有bentley的offer的话 我会舍depaul去bentley  boston这个城市实在是好 虽然chicago也很好 终归没有boston对于学经济的人来说环境更好些 所有去过boston的人都把boston认为是最喜欢的城市  而且那边离NY和一些大城市都很近 是美国历史最悠久的地方 chicago属于美国中北部 boston属于美国东海岸 两个地方的文化差异实际上是很大的 (其实现在都满后悔当初为什么没有申bentley...exbf是个美国人 申请的时候他都很向我推荐bentley的...可见bentley在美国东北部还是有很好声望的)

"        "08年的据信:Thank you for sending us your personal statement, and I appreciate your interest in DePaul.  For admission into our graduate business programs, we require scores above the 30th percentile on each section of the GMAT, including the analytical writing assessment.  We also require scores above 4.0 on the TWE section of the TOEFL paper-based test, or scores of 20 or higher on each section of the TOEFL iBT exam.  To have your application reconsidered for admission, you would need to submit new TOEFL and GMAT scores above these levels.

"        http://forum.Topway.com/dispbbs. ... replyID=&skin=0        他家的会计的确在商学院里面算是不错的。现在整理经济不行,就业形势严峻,但是很难说两年以后如何。 根据DePaul自己统计的数据,从他们商学院毕业的学生,90%以上可以在6个月内找到工作。 并且DePaul有一点比较好,就是不想其他同水平学校那样,中国人特别多,扎堆。 80%-90%以上是美国本土人或者欧洲人,所以有利于提高英语交流水平。 他家地理位置不错,交通方便,并且离黑人区较远。 这些都是我自己参加了他家的招生会,还有和一些想申请DePaul的外国学生交流所得的结果。希望你觉得有点用


2007到现在有2000多起枪杀        "definitely drexel. Though DePaul is in Chicago, you got to consider other big cities around Philadelphia such as boston, NY, DC etc.

Also, very important, chicago is damn cold in the winter
"        "你下班回来了啊。。。



一个说了4家,illiois, utaustin, brigham yang还有一个竟然是drexel



GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY        74        110                需要进一步confirm        这个学校在首府华盛顿地区口碑还是相当不错的,据说会计也很强。可就是在咱国没啥名。被US NEWS连续评为进步最快大学。学校一个招牌是2位教授获得诺贝尔经济学奖        "这个学校有在美国的朋友给我推荐过,说很不错,出来容易找工作,可惜他们家会计专业不招没有会计背景的,所以没申请,我还觉得很遗憾呢


GSU(georgia state univ)        52        154        atlanta        有精算master        "2006.3:GSU Robinson totally received 127 applications for all PhD concentrations, and 37+ are from China, including Chinese students residing in US.

Accounting track has 20+ applications on hand, and the possible admission would be 0-4. Currently the school of accountancy has 5 PhD students in resident,with 2 first-year students, and one graduating this summer. The school tries to expand the program to at least 8 studens in resident and ideally 10-12. Obviously we even failed to stand out in such a ""nice"" condition. This only shows that the school would rather keep the position vacant than simply make up the number.



在MITbbs这学校好火,怎么在CD都这么冷呢        "要没奖的话,都不想去读了,很变态,一般美国学校州外生与州内生学费的比例是2:1,可这所学校居然是4:1.  你说georgia居民一个semester交3500,我们得交13200刀。太欺负人了。
"        "排名在150以外,Robinson商学院还是不错的,Acc和HR是它最强的两个专业,GSU也是全美最早获得Acc和HR的PhD授予权的学校之一


GWU        39        52                1.申MSF要大学毕业证,check一下MSA,在读证明行不行?2.关于GWU的location优势持相反观点的都有;3.关于GWU好找Intern的优势,也呈相反的3.但是中国人多是肯定的4.accounting的实力不强也是肯定的;5.时间长,但是相对贵; 6.check是否要wes        GWU在位置的的确站有优势,在附近的REPUTATION也不差,但是这个并不能让你保证就能找到工作,找工作绝对是因人而异的;如果你读完了GWU找不到工作的话,估计您即使去USC,UNC之类所谓很强的PROGRAM也很难找到!毕竟会计工作不是很看出身(因为在哪学的东西也都差不多,深度上大同小异了;).而且作为私立学校GWU的CARRER CENTER很积极,MOCK INTERVIEW,RESUME WORKSHOP,CPT WORKSHOP等等很多很多,自己还可以约CARRER CENTER单独辅导(偶的RESUME和COVER LETTER已经被改的面目全非了;偶好歹在米国工作过的呀)!费用不贵




"        dc有很多ngo,实习还是好找的,只是ngo的pay不高。        "千万别去,现在会计找工作也难,DC唯一优势是找实习


"        "GWU 今年中国人会计就业(不包括去年8月以前毕业的,不说明问题);学校就业问题在经济最差时是最能反映一个学校的真实水平;以下是我所能确定的中国人就业(不一定很全,但是基本能cover到至少60%找到工作的了)
2个local 中小firm (似乎2个都在别的地方实习过)
1个世行(accounting firm实习近1年)
实习若干,大家想找实习基本上来了下功夫找都可以找到,只不过pay高低的问题;实习真的很重要,基本今年找到工作的都是实习过的人,很多公司有position open的话都会直接留给intern,毕竟大家都互相了解呀。



"I feel very sad that my Alma Mater, U of I, is even compared with GWU.  UI is a great school.  The problem is UI has created too many ""for-profit programs"" (MS whatever) to deceive others.  However, the flagsheep programs at U of I such as MAS and regular MBA are strong.  If lz is considering the regular MBA program  from U of  I vs GWU, the two are not in the same league.  U of I is way better.

I am in Chicago and share recruiting duties for my firm.  Those who said GWU for sure either have no idea about US universities or have special motives "        据我所知,GWU不是个好学校,很多美国人根本不知道.是中国学生或者中介炒作起来的,那个学校学费还很贵.        不过在DC找工作并没有优势,相反我认为chicago的商业气氛很好,尽管UIUC在玉米地里。        "People come from the west coast of US may not heard GW, but GW is quite well known in the east side,especially DC, Virginia, NYC. GW has a great reputation in law, politics and international affair, and it's location is probably the best in US. That's why GW is the most expensive school in the States. In DC,
Georgetown is the best, GW is the second. Lehigh is also the second best school in Pennsylvania, second
to U-Penn. It is well-known for its engineering program. Both schools are pretty decent schools, although
their business school are not quite famous. I would recommend you to post some useful information for
reference, not just post some bullshit, junk words. That wastes your time and it's meaningless.

"        "1. The faculty in GW-MS accounting program suck. Most of them can't teach.

2. There are too many Chinese students. You can't improve your English and it's hard for you to land a intern because of your fellows.

3. GW B-school career center sucks as well. You can't expect to find a job through its network.

4. I personally recommend UA. Tucson is growing right now, just as your American friend told you.



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