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请教 大全-13-12

12. A researcher studying drug addicts found that, on
average, they tend to manipulate other people a
great deal more than nonaddicts do. The researcher
concluded that people who frequently manipulate
other people are likely to become addicts.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weak-
ens the researcher's conclusion?
(A) After becoming addicted to drugs, drug addicts
learn to manipulate other people as a way of
obtaining drugs.
(B) When they are imprisoned, drug addicts often
use their ability to manipulate other people to
obtain better living conditions.
(C) Some nonaddicts manipulate other people more
than some addicts do.
(D) People who are likely to become addicts exhibit
unusual behavior patterns other than
frequent manipulation of other people
(E) The addicts that the researcher studied were
often unsuccessful in obtaining what they
wanted when they manipulated other people.

D 为啥不行?  A 比D更好吗?

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D 说吸毒的人除了喜欢控制别人之外还有其他反常的行为,并没有对吸毒的人喜欢控制别人进行削弱


in D) addicted people still like to manipulate other people so it does not

"seriously weakens the researcher's conclusion"


Why "c" is not correct, i think it point out that nonaddicts even manipulate more than addicts .  Thanks


同问...为什么C不行呢? 我觉得C也可以削弱
people who frequently manipulate other people are not become addicts....



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