m: 49 v: 34
AA: The follwoing appeared in the editorial section of a West Cambria newspaper.
"A recent review of the West Cambria volumteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accidents than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria. In order to provide better patient medical care for accidents victims and to raise revenue for our town by collecting service fees for ambulance use, we should disband our volunteer service and hire a commercial ambulance service."
Employers can get the best performance from employees by praising what they do well rather than criticizing what they do badly.
math 这个有些令我失望,至少也应该50啊。遇到了一些奇怪的题(对我来说): 某人收入增长了15%,工作小时数减少了10%,问每小时的收入增长多少百分比?不就是1.15/0.9-1吗?竟然没有一个答案。我做了好几分钟,没感觉,而且印象特别深,翻译成中文就是这样,选项是百分比。
verbal 逻辑遇到一道直升机的题,我在电脑里找了半天也没有找到。
15. sight-seeing helicopters keep crashing in some island, and the government increased the max height for these helicopters, since it's safer to land for broken helicopters to land from a higher distance, but the crashes will increase, ask why:
the author:chose because the higher the max limit is, the lower the tourists want the helicopters to fly.(04年8月CR)
这几天CR JJ好少哦!
这个分数不多不少,对我来说,应该差不多了。看到那么多考了700多多的还在要重考,我真是羞愧啊。 以我的水平能考这个分数,大家用点心,应该能够考个更好的成绩,gmat没有那么可怕。 gwd和天山很重要,我还梦想着能够通过这个考个700多多呢,可惜只碰到一个。但是这些毕竟是机考的最新题目,对于了解自己的水平来说,用处非常大。大家好好珍惜这些题目吧。