刚刚考完回家, 趁还有印象, 贡献一点jj AA 86. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a daily newspaper. “Company A has a large share of the international market in video-game hardware and software. Company B, the pioneer in these products, was once a $12 billion-a-year giant but collapsed when children became bored with its line of products. Thus Company A can also be expected to fail, especially given the fact that its games are now in so many American homes that the demand for them is nearly exhausted.” AI 107. “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”
Math 1. if x>y? 1)5^x > 7^y 2)2^x > 3^y 2. 平行四边形内有一三角形是平行四边形面积的1/3,问三角形底边和平行四边形底边边长比 (忘了数字了,但是jj有)
3. somebody has twice as many 25 cent coins as 10 cent coins; and has twice as many 10 cent coins as 5 cent coins; ask the ratio of the value of all the 25 cent coins versus the value of all the 5 cents coins
Eleanor Roosevelt Free trade UN--gender mainstream Vaccine: 不是狂犬病那篇 是有关一个病(lym??), 说了一些使用的好处和限制, 但不太明白全篇重点(有问主旨) CR--没有遇到jj, 一时想不起来了
SC--觉得都蛮难的, 很多模棱两可的选择, 只记得 take a toll on--我查过字典确定是用on, 把in的选项去掉,剩下只要看单复名词和动词一致就可选答案