第一种情况:矮油,终于最后一题鸟~吓!怎么只剩下十秒了~~!!怎么办呢~! 解法:选最长的选项(←.←我是认真的!千万不要空着交~)
第二种情况:时间充分,淡定心情认真做~ 解法: 首先,阅读介绍句:在经过了前面做题的过程之后,已经把原文已经读过一遍了,但是可能因为做题而感到有点混乱,而介绍句一般是对原文的一句话总结,认真读一下介绍句就会对原文的结构有更清晰的概念,有利于下面的正确选出正确选项。
Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia (TPO14)
Pastoralism is a lifestyle in which economic activity is based primarily on livestock. Archaeological evidence suggests that by 3000 B.C., and perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region’s history for several millennia. Here, the horse was already becoming the animal of prestige in many regions, though transportation and warfare that explains why Inner Eurasian pastoralism proved the most mobile and the most militaristic of all major forms of pastoralism. The emergence and spread of pastoralism had a profound impact on the history of Inner Eurasia, and also, indirectly, on the parts of Asia and Europe just outside this area. In particular, pastoralism favors a mobile lifestyle, and this mobility helps to explain the impact of pastoralist societies on this part of the world.
The mobility of pastoralist societies reflects their dependence on animal based foods. While agriculturalists rely on domesticated plants, pastoralists rely on domesticated animals. As a result, pastoralists, like carnivores in general, occupy a higher position on the food chain. All else being equal, this means they must food, clothing, and other necessities. So pastoralism is a more extensive lifeway than farming is. However, the larger the terrain used to support a group, the harder principles imply a strong tendency within pastoralist lifeways toward nomadism (a mobile lifestyle). As the archaeologist Roger Cribb puts it, “The greater the degree of pastoralism, the stronger the tendency toward nomadism.” A modern Turkic nomad interviewed by Cribb commented: “The more animals you have, the farther you have to move.”
Nomadism has further consequences. It means that pastoralist societies occupy and can influence very large territories. This is particularly true of horse mobile of all major forms of pastoralism. So, it is no accident that with the appearance of pastoralist societies there appear large areas that share similar cultural, ecological, and even linguistic features. By the late fourth millennium B.C., there is already evidence of large culture zones reaching from Eastern Europe to the western border of Mongolia. Perhaps the most striking sign of mobility is the fact that by the third millennium B.C., most pastoralists in this huge region spoke related languages ancestral to the modern Indo-European languages. The remarkable mobility and range of pastoral societies explain, in part, why so many linguists have argued that the Indo-European languages began their astonishing expansionist career not among farmers in Anatolia (present-day Turkey), but among early pastoralists from Inner Eurasia. Such theories imply that the Indo-European languages evolved not in Neolithic (10,000 to 3,000 B.C.) Anatolia, but among the foraging communities of the cultures in the region of the Don and Dnieper rivers which took up stock breeding and began to exploit the neighboring steppes.
Nomadism also subjects pastoralist communities to strict rules of portability. If you are constantly on the move, you cannot afford to accumulate large material surpluses. Such rules limit variations in accumulated material goods between pastoralist households (though they may also encourage a taste for portable goods of high value such as silks or jewelry). So, by and large, nomadism implies a high degree of self-sufficiency and inhibits the appearance of an extensive division of labor. Inequalities of wealth and rank certainly exist, and have probably existed in most pastoralist societies, but except in periods of military conquest, they are normally too slight to generate the stable, hereditary hierarchies that are usually implied by the use of the term class. Inequalities of gender have also existed in pastoralist societies, but they seem to have been softened by the absence of steep hierarchies of wealth in most communities, and also by the requirement that women acquire most of the skills of men, including, often, their military skills.
By 3000 B.C., a distinctive form of pastoralism had appeared on the steppes of Inner Eurasia. (这就是介绍句)
Answer Choices
A. The domesticated horse is primarily responsible for Inner Eurasian pastoralism’s success in mobility and warfare.
B. As pastoralists traveled across large areas of terrain with their domesticated animals, they traded valuable material goods such as silks and jewelry.
C. Because pastoralists are highly mobile, they tend to have few material possessions and can influence the culture, ecology, and language of very large area.
D. Because pastoralism requires a great deal of land to support its animal-based lifeway, pastoralists must continually relocate and have comparatively egalitarian societies.
E. Most scholars now believe that Indo-European languages probably evolved during the Neolithic period in the region of the Don and Dnieper rivers.
F. Pastoralist communities do not have social classes in the usual sense because they value spiritual attainment over material wealth.
看了原文之后,对于原文的大意有了一定的概念,即是对于Nomadism对于Inner Eurasia等的影响。先看一遍介绍句,其中的a distinctive form of pastoralism即解释了原文的nomadism,它出现在Inner Eurasia,会为这个地方带来什么影响呢?结合原文的段落,发现主要有large area/linguistic和self efficiency/hierarchical两个方面的影响。
A项中的主语是domesticated horse,貌似并不是原文主题的文中细节,那么我们先把它放在一边。
C项说pastoralists因为生活比较有流动性,所以他们几乎没有物质积累(对应self efficiency)和影响了很大地区的文化生态语言(对应large area/linguistic)。和原文大致一致,选择。
D项说因为pastoralism 需要大块的地来支持他们的游牧生活,他们必须要不停的换地方并且有相对平等的社会(对应hierarchical)。似乎和原文是一致的,如果觉得前半句觉得不确定,可以先放在待定区。
E项中说到了scholars认为Indo-European languages从Neolithic Period的D&D河畔来的。应该是个细节选项,待定。
第一遍阅读选项后我们排除了两个选项,只选中了一个确定的,有三个待定的,那么我们来一一对照原文。A项中的关键词是domesticated horse,定位回去到第一段Here后。而D项的前半句很容易让我们想到文中对于某专家的引言:“The more animals you have, the farther you have to move.” E项可以通过D&D专有名词定位会第二段最后。对比之后,很容一发现A和D是和原文比较一致的,而E项中所说的Neolithic Period原文并没有提及。因此,我们得到了正确答案A,C,D。
虽然看完解题过程大家要花蛮久的,但是实际做题并不需要那么久。希望以上的技巧能够给大家打败这个小BOSS带来实质性的帮助~~!如果你觉得有所启发,就快找多几篇阅读来自己试一下吧~~练习才是王道哟~~~ |