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大全-5-18.        Radio interferometry is a technique for studying details of celestial objects that combines signals intercepted by widely spaced radio telescopes. This technique requires ultraprecise timing, exact knowledge of the locations of the telescopes, and sophisticated computer programs. The successful interferometric linking of an Earth-based radio telescope with a radio telescope on an orbiting satellite was therefore a significant technological accomplishment.
Which of the following can be correctly inferred from the statements above?
(A) Special care was taken in the launching of the satellite so that the calculations of its orbit would be facilitated.
(B) The signals received on the satellite are stronger than those received by a terrestrial telescope.
(C) The resolution of detail achieved by the satellite-Earth interferometer system is inferior to that achieved by exclusively terrestrial systems.
(D) The computer programs required for making use of the signals received by the satellite required a long time for development.(E)
E是答案无疑。问题问你那个选项能从原文推出来。E不仅仅是从原文最后一句推出。原文说这个技术需要准确知道(eaxct knowlege of)the locations of the telescopes,这个telescopes不但包括Earth-based radio telescope,也包括radio telescope on an orbiting satellite 。因为最后一句说这技术要将Earth-based radio telescope 和radio telescope on an orbiting satellite 联系起来。既然所有的radio telescope的准确位置都知道,当然他们的相对位置也知道了。而且E还很严密的说这种知道的程度是就interferometric目的而言,并不是要精确到多细就多细。
(E) The location of an orbiting satellite relative to locations on Earth can be well enough known for interferometric purposes.
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大全-1-19.        Which of the following hypotheses is best supported by the evidence above?
(A) The lower layer contains the remains of the city where the siege took place.
(B) The legend confuses stories from two different historical periods.
(C) The middle layer does not represent the period of the siege.
(D) The siege lasted for a long time before the city was destroyed.
(E) The pottery of type 3 was imported to the city by traders.


大全-1-16.        In a political system with only two major parties, the entrance of a third-party candidate into an election race damages the chances of only one of the two major candidates. The third-party candidate always attracts some of the voters who might otherwise have voted for one of the two major candidates, but not voters who support the other candidate. Since a third-party candidacy affects the two major candidates unequally, for reasons neither of them has any control over, the practice is unfair and should not be allowed.
If the factual information in the passage above is true, which of the following can be most reliably inferred from it?
(A) If the political platform of the third party is a compromise position中立 between that of the two major parties, the third party will draw its voters equally from the two major parties.
(B) If, before the emergence of a third party, voters were divided equally between the two major parties, neither of the major parties is likely to capture much more than one-half of the vote.
(C) A third-party candidate will not capture the votes of new voters who have never voted for candidates of either of the two major parties.
(D) The political stance of a third party will be more radical than that of either of the two major parties.
(E) The founders of a third party are likely to be a coalition consisting of former leaders of the two major parties.
Questions 19-20 are based on the following.
Archaeologists [seeking the location of a legendary siege and destruction of a city] are excavating in several possible places, including a middle and a lower layer of a large mound. The bottom of the middle layer contains some pieces of pottery of type 3, known to be from a later period than the time of the destruction of the city, but the lower layer does not.


大全-1-15.        Technological education is worsening. People between eighteen and twenty-four, who are just emerging from their formal education, are more likely to be technologically illiterate than somewhat older adults. And yet, issues for public referenda will increasingly involve aspects of technology.
Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from the statements above?
public referenda需要technology,而年轻人缺少technology。
这类题目的答案必须是题目中已经隐含了的信息,是must be。这道题的题目中只提到了年轻人,技术,以及public referenda。所以选项里只有A是完全相关的
(A) If all young people are to make informed decisions on public referenda, many of them must learn more about technology.
如果要求所有的年轻人对public referenda都能做出明智的决定的话,他们中的许多人都必须再学更多的技术。
(B) Thorough studies of technological issues and innovations should be made a required part of the public and private school curriculum.无
(C) It should be suggested that prospective voters attend applied science courses in order to acquire a minimal competency in technical matters.无
(D) If young people are not to be overly influenced by famous technocrats, they must increase their knowledge of pure science.无(A)
(E) On public referenda issues, young people tend to confuse real or probable technologies with impossible ideals.无


大全-1-11.        Some observers have concluded that the rise in the price of pepper means that the switch by some growers from pepper to cocoa left those growers no better off than(almost or just as bad as几乎一样坏) if none of them had switched; this conclusion, however, is unwarranted because it can be inferred to be likely that
(A) those growers could not have foreseen how high the price of pepper would go
(B) the initial cost involved in switching from pepper to cocoa is substantial
(C) supplies of pepper would not be as low as they are if those growers had not switched crops
pepper price低的时候, 就有人不种pepper, 种的人少了, price自然上升, 但如果当初这些人不switch的话, price可能还是很低. 所以observer的说法不对.
(D) cocoa crops are as susceptible to being reduced by bad weather as are pepper crops
(E) as more growers turn to growing cocoa, cocoa supplies will increase and the price of cocoa will fall precipitously(suddenly,急剧地) 原文讨论的是pepper的价格,而不是cocoa的。


大全-1-10.        Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Pepper is a profitable crop only if it is grown on a lar        ge scale.
(B) World consumption of pepper has been unusually high for three years.
(C) World production of pepper will return to previous levels once normal weather returns.
(D) Surplus stocks of pepper have been reduced in the past three years.
(E) The profits that the growers of pepper have made in the past three years have been unprecedented.原文并没有谈到利润。
unprecedented:if you describe sth as unprecedented, you are emphasizing that it is very great in quality, amount or scale


大全-1-7.        Stronger patent laws (a)are needed to protect inventions from being pirated. With that protection(b), manufacturers would be encouraged to invest(c) in the development of new products and technologies. Such investment frequently results in an increase in a manufacturer’s productivity(d). abcd, E:ad
Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the information above?
(A) Stronger patent laws tend to benefit financial institutions as well as manufacturers.
(B) Increased productivity in manufacturing is likely to be accompanied by the creation of more manufacturing jobs.
(C) Manufacturers will decrease investment in the development of new products and technologies unless there are stronger patent laws.
(D) The weakness of current patent laws has been a cause of economic recession.
(E) Stronger patent laws would stimulate improvements in productivity for many manufacturers.
Questions 10-11 are based on the following.
Partly because of bad weather, but also partly because some major pepper growers have switched to high-priced cocoa, world production of pepper has been running well below worldwide sales for three years. Pepper is consequently in relatively short supply. The price of pepper has soared in response: it now equals that of cocoa.


大全-2-5.        The city’s public transportation system should be removed from the jurisdiction(管辖) of the municipal government, which finds it politically impossible either to raise fares or to institute cost-saving reductions in service. If public transportation were handled by a private firm, profits would be vigorously pursued, thereby eliminating the necessity for covering operating costs with government funds.
The statements above best support the conclusion that
(A) the private firms that would handle public transportation would have experience in the transportation industry
(B) political considerations would not prevent private firms from ensuring that revenues cover operating costs
(C) private firms would receive government funding if it were needed to cover operating costs
(D) the public would approve the cost-cutting actions taken by the private firm
(E) the municipal government would not be resigned to accumulating merely enough income to cover costs


大全-2-3.        Sales taxes tend to be regressive(of taxes, having less effect on the rich than on the poor递减的,对富人的影响比对穷人的小), affecting poor people more severely than wealthy people. When all purchases of consumer goods are taxed at a fixed percentage of the purchase price, poor people pay a larger proportion of their income in sales taxes than wealthy people do.
It can be correctly inferred on the basis of the statements above that which of the following is true?
(A) Poor people constitute a larger proportion of the taxpaying population than wealthy people do.
(B) Poor people spend a larger proportion of their income on purchases of consumer goods than wealthy people do.
(C) Wealthy people pay, on average, a larger amount of sales taxes than poor people do.
(D) The total amount spent by all poor people on purchases of consumer goods exceeds the total amount spent by all wealthy people on consumer goods.
(E) The average purchase price of consumer goods bought by wealthy people is higher than that of consumer goods bought by poor people.


大全-2-1.        After the national speed limit of 55 miles per hour was imposed in 1974, the number of deaths per mile driven on a highway fell abruptly as a result. Since then, however, the average speed of vehicles on highways has risen, but the number of deaths per mile driven on a highway has continued to fall.
Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from the statements above?
(A) The speed limit alone is probably not responsible for the continued reduction in highway deaths in the years after 1974.
(B) People have been driving less since 1974.
(C) Driver-education courses have been more effective since 1974 in teaching drivers to drive safely.
(D) In recent years highway patrols have been less effective in catching drivers who speed.
(E) The change in the speed limit cannot be responsible for the abrupt decline in highway deaths in 1974.



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