Whales originated in the freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient Asia about sixty million years ago. Not until about ten million years later did species of whales develop specialized kidneys enabling them to drink salt water. Although fossil evidence shows that some early whale species that lacked such kidneys sometimes swam in the Earth’s saltwater oceans, these species must have had to return frequently to freshwater rivers to drink.
Which of the following is most strongly supported by the information given?
- Fossils of whale species dating from between sixty million and fifty million years ago will not be found on continents that were at the time separated from ancient Asia by wide expanses of ocean.
- Among whale fossils that date from later than about fifty million years ago, none are fossils of whale species that drank only fresh water.
- Fossils of whale species that drank fresh water will not be found in close proximity to fossils of whale species that drank salt water.
- The earliest whales that drank salt water differed from fresh-water-drinking whales only in their possession of specialized kidneys.
- Between sixty million and fifty million years ago, the freshwater lakes and rivers in which whales originated were gradually invaded by salt water.
阅读 RC:太阳跟地球温度过往机经 比较长 但是结构清晰,题目不难。
【第一段】地质学家一直有一个paradox。太阳的辐射能量一直在变的越来越大,据此并且假设地球大气情况在以往并未又改变,在地球形成之初,温度一定比现在低很多。那么,这个时候应该是冰川时代。可是地质研究证明,地球形成之初水是成液态的,也就是说温度并不是那么低。 【第二段】看来合理的假设是,地球的大气情况是经历了很大的改变来balance太阳辐射的变化所带来的影响。二氧化碳的浓度直接影响地球接受和反射辐射的比例。二氧化碳浓度越高,反射愈有限。某个科学家,做了研究,quantify这个二氧化碳浓度要怎么变,才能使得地球温度在整个历史中保持相对稳定。这种变化,如果要保证生命延续,tolerance是很低的,二氧化碳变低的速度稍微快一点,就会造成冰川;稍微满一点,则会热死掉。 【第三段】又有其他一帮人出来说这个 causal relationship不是这样的,不是二氧化碳浓度为因,温度为果。实际上,地球系统的一些bio chem. Cycle保证了温度和二氧化碳浓度的互相影响(当温度太高,二氧化碳浓度自然降低 and vice versa),以至于可以保证温度的相对稳定。 2 原始人类的分类的问题 第一段讲科学家发掘出了一具只有1m高的女性原始人类的化石。
第二段就对她的feature进行研究,有证据显示该hominid属于hominid S这种,但又有些特别的特征 第三段说用一种理论大致解释上段所说特别特征的产生原因。说是在孤立的岛上,为适应食物的不足所以进化中变成身体较小。 (treesmemory) 同意treesmemory的气候研究发现较长时间该区域因气候问题导致实物短缺 的答案。 第二段就对她的feature进行研究,有证据显示该hominid属于hominid S这种,但又有些特别的特征 第三段说用一种理论大致解释上段所说特别特征的产生原因。说是在孤立的岛上,为适应食物的不足所以进化中变成身体较小。 (treesmemory) 同意treesmemory的气候研究发现较长时间该区域因气候问题导致实物短缺 的答案。 第二段就对她的feature进行研究,有证据显示该hominid属于hominid S这种,但又有些特别的特征 第三段说用一种理论大致解释上段所说特别特征的产生原因。说是在孤立的岛上,为适应食物的不足所以进化中变成身体较小。 (treesmemory) 同意treesmemory的气候研究发现较长时间该区域因气候问题导致实物短缺 的答案。 第二段就对她的feature进行研究,有证据显示该hominid属于hominid S这种,但又有些特别的特征 第三段说用一种理论大致解释上段所说特别特征的产生原因。说是在孤立的岛上,为适应食物的不足所以进化中变成身体较小。 (treesmemory) 同意treesmemory的气候研究发现较长时间该区域因气候问题导致实物短缺 的答案。 第二段就对她的feature进行研究,有证据显示该hominid属于hominid S这种,但又有些特别的特征 第三段说用一种理论大致解释上段所说特别特征的产生原因。说是在孤立的岛上,为适应食物的不足所以进化中变成身体较小。 (treesmemory) 同意treesmemory的气候研究发现较长时间该区域因气候问题导致实物短缺 的答案。 其他的我想想再补充,最后祝大家好运!! 1) ax> ay 2) bx> by E. 164.@K=K+1若K为奇/=K-1若K为偶,求@A平方+@B为奇还是偶(好象求这个式子的) 1)a is even 2) b is odd B 156. For any integer x, f(x)=(x^2)(1-x)^2, then, f(1-x)=? 讨论:本月jj。 f(1-x)=f(x) 4 148.W为员工总数,把员工分3组,然后会多出一个人来, 问下面3组可能是各组员工人数选项的 答案是W-1/3 ,W-1/3,W+2/3. 142. 2小时(8:00-10:00)内开关门引发开关灯,问关灯时间. 题目提供了很多个时间点,仔细算算应该没问题。 讨论:本月jj 140.还有一道题目是说两个立方体每个面上都分别写上1,2,3,4,5,6, 问两个立方体当骰子扔两个骰子的差相差2的概率。 ---- 2/9。 130.两个圆外切,每个圆上有一点,问这两点的距离最远是多少。1.知道两个圆的半径之和;2.知道两个圆的半径分别是多少。 -------------这题简单,就是D吧 讨论:最远距离就是两个圆的直径和。条件1和2都可以单独求出直径 语法比较简单,平行结构考得比较多。没有遇到做过的。 逻辑遇到两道GWD的。 Whales originated in the freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient Asia about sixty million years ago. Not until about ten million years later did species of whales develop specialized kidneys enabling them to drink salt water. Although fossil evidence shows that some early whale species that lacked such kidneys sometimes swam in the Earth’s saltwater oceans, these species must have had to return frequently to freshwater rivers to drink.
Which of the following is most strongly supported by the information given?
- Fossils of whale species dating from between sixty million and fifty million years ago will not be found on continents that were at the time separated from ancient Asia by wide expanses of ocean.
- Among whale fossils that date from later than about fifty million years ago, none are fossils of whale species that drank only fresh water.
- Fossils of whale species that drank fresh water will not be found in close proximity to fossils of whale species that drank salt water.
- The earliest whales that drank salt water differed from fresh-water-drinking whales only in their possession of specialized kidneys.
- Between sixty million and fifty million years ago, the freshwater lakes and rivers in which whales originated were gradually invaded by salt water.