AI 带暴力的娱乐节目很赚钱. 所以
所有的节目都应该有暴力. AA 一个城市(Oak
City)的shopping mall 是个错误. 周围的生意都关了. 没停车位. 犯罪率上升. 所以
在附近的另一个城市(Ely City) 不应该建同样的一个mall.
AI: 如果想成功 , 应该做些具体的任务(specific task), 而不用在意结果. AA: A城的房价比B城涨了很多. 几年前不是这样. 所以 A城的房子
现在 overpriced. 所以
我的阅读 都是大概的意思. 看得不是很懂. 1. pollution 问题. 以前
企业人为产品的质量不能提高. 但是后来
通过改变产品设计等等. 质量可以提高. 所以
通过改一些其它方面的东西, 污染也能减轻.
2. 大脑睡觉的
3. 考古的. 比较两个地方的一些东西. 好象跟女性文化有关. 文章挺长, 基本没看懂.
4. 关于DNA的. mogolia的叶子. 什么被现代的DNA污染了. 比如研究人员的汗. 没时间了, 也没怎么看懂.
朋友的阅读. 黑人女人成功发迹那篇. 政府控制物价跟限制产量在不同工业的成效.
12个笔, 三个坏的. 取两支, 求没有坏的的概率.
from A to B, 20 miles per gallon of gas, from B to A, different route, 25 miles per gallon of gas. ask average how many gallon of gas per mile for the round trip. 1. round trip 175 miles 2. from B to A the distance is 3/4 of distance from A to B.
sweep floor. A takes 3 times as long as B. A and B together needs 24 mins. ask how long does B ( or A) need to do it alone Need to put many boxes into warehouse. All box are the same. The warehouse area is 1200 sq feet. Height 12 feet. The box can be stacked, but the arrow drawn on it must be upwards. Ask if all the box can be placed into warehouse. - the volume of each other box is 60.
- there are total 240 boxes
Is |s-t| > ||s|-|t||? - st<0
- s-t < 0
A person rounds each item on the telephone bill charge to the nearest dollar. Ask if the final total after rounding is within $8 of the actual total 1. each item is < $7.75 on the bill 2. there are total 14 items on the bill Another question on telephone bill. Every item is rounded to the nearest dollar. Then add them up to get an estimated amount. Ask under what condition, is the estimated amount > the actual total. - half of the items is rounded UP to the whole dollar.
- there are 17 items in the bill.
Set A has n integers. Arithmetic mean is m. standard deviation is R. Set B has all the elements of A and x. if standard deviation of B is r , is r < R? - x = m
- m <= x <= m+R
there are tree seeds numbered from 201 to 740. Among these seeds, the hundred digit is 4, 5, 6 or 7. and unit digit is 2, 3, 4 or 5. are pine tree seeds. Ask if select one seed randomly, what is the probability of picking a non-pine tree seed. X^2 + bX + c = 0. has two different roots what is the product of these two roots? - one root is 3
- c = 4.
如果还能想起别的, 再加. 祝这个月其他的战友成功. |