我们不难发现,一篇长达75行的文章,往往一共4道题(有的甚至3道题) 其中包括主题题一道
Anthropologists studying the
Hopi people of the southwestern
United States often characterize
Line Hopi society between 1680 and
(5) 1880 as surprisingly stable, con
sidering that it was a period of
diminution in population and
pressure from contact with out-
side groups, factors that might
(10) be expected to cause signifi-
cant changes in Hopi social
The Hopis’ retention of their
distinctive sociocultural system
(15) has been attributed to the Hopi
religious elite’s determined
efforts to preserve their religion
and way of life, and also to a
geographical isolation greater
(20) than that of many other Native
American groups, an isolation
that limited both cultural contact
and exposure to European
diseases. But equally important
(25) to Hopi cultural persistence may
have been an inherent flexibility
in their social system that may
have allowed preservation of
traditions even as the Hopis
(30) accommodated themselves
to change. For example, the
system of matrilineal clans was
maintained throughout this per-
iod, even though some clans
(35) merged to form larger groups
while others divided into smaller
descent groups. Furthermore,
although traditionally members
of particular Hopi clans appear
(40) to have exclusively controlled
particular ceremonies, a clan’s
control of a ceremony might
shift to another clan if the first
became too small to manage
(45) the responsibility. Village
leadership positions tradition-
ally restricted to members of
one clan might be similarly
extended to members of other
(50) clans, and women might assume
such positions under certain
unusual conditions.
1. 考试时遇到长文章时在阅读的时候是否有什么策略,(我知道考试时,只能看到一道题,后面的是看不到的)
2.如果有选择的略读在真实考试环境下是否做得到(心理问题), (我又从前人经验看来,笔考时倾向XDF的略跳读笔记法(花儿阅读大法), 机考时,后来的NN们不再建议,而是建议尽量多记细节. 但碰到那些文章的话,真的不甘心啊)
3. 或者有什么其他的建议
我想这个问题对吾等即将赶赴沙场的XDJM应该会有所帮助吧, 有请众N |