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Passage 111 (11/17)-T259



2. 第一段和每段的前两句,一定要放慢速度,确保读清,例子可以快速读





Modern manufacturers, who need reliable sources of materials and technologically advanced components to operate profitably, face an increasingly difficult choice between owning the producers of these items (a practice known as backward integration (backward integration: 后向合并)) and buying from independent producers. Manufacturers who integrate may reap short-term rewards, but they often restrict their future capacity for (capacity for: ...的能力) innovative product development.第一段:提出问题:生产者选择BI还是购买。提出观点:BI会有短期利益,但是长期来说不利

Backward integration removes the need for some purchasing and marketing functions, centralizes overhead, and permits manufacturers to eliminate duplicated efforts in research and development. Where components are commodities (ferrous( ferrousadj.铁的, 含铁的, [化]亚铁的)metals or petroleum, for example), backward integration almost certainly boosts profits. (BI的好处,列举)Nevertheless, because product innovation means adopting the most technologically advanced and cost-effective ways of making components, backward integration may entail a serious risk for a technologically active company—for example, a producer of sophisticated consumer electronics.(BI有风险)第二段:BI有益处(有列举),也有风险

A company that decides to make rather than buy important parts can lock itself into an outdated technology. Independent suppliers may be unwilling to share innovations with assemblers with whom they are competing. Moreover, when an assembler sets out to master the technology of producing advanced components, the resulting demands on its resources may compromise its ability to assemble these components successfully into end products. Long-term contracts with suppliers can achieve many of the same cost benefits as backward integration without compromising a company’s ability to innovate.第三段:BI的风险:会陷入技术落后,与S签约好 原因1:S不会分享技术 2:A被迫要妥协革新

However, moving away from backward integration is not a complete solution either. (承上启下)Developing innovative technologies requires independent suppliers of components to invest huge sums in research and development. The resulting low profit margins on the sale of components threaten the long-term financial stability of these firms. Because the ability of end-product assemblers to respond to market opportunities depends heavily on suppliers of components, assemblers are often forced to integrate by purchasing the suppliers of components just to keep their suppliers in business.第四段:与S签约也不好,高投入,低产出,威胁长期发展,A最终还得BI

259. Which of the following best describes the way the last paragraph functions in the context of the passage?逻辑题 ,最后一段作用 这题选项易混 主要错误在于对最后两段的理解,做对全属蒙的

(A) The last in a series of arguments supporting the central argument of the passage is presented.文中对BI有多个观点,而不是只有一个中心观点

(B) A viewpoint is presented which qualifies(to add to something that has already been said, in order to limit its effect or meaning) one presented earlier in the passage.

(C) Evidence is presented in support of the argument developed in the preceding paragraph.不是support, 而是qualify

(D) Questions arising from the earlier discussion are identified as points of departure for further study of the topic.(B)无

(E) A specific example is presented to illustrate the main elements of argument presented in the earlier paragraphs.无


这篇文章我读了多次可是最后一段的结构与关系 总是搞不清

T259 也是猜对的 不明白


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