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Graduate compensation:

Mean base salary: $  52,290
Median base salary: $  54,000
Mean signing bonus: $  4,532
Median signing bonus: $  4,000
Mean other guaranteed compensation: $  5,367
Median other guaranteed compensation: $  5,000

Grads accepted jobs in following functional areas:

Consulting: 12  %
Finance/Accounting: 65  %
General Management: 5  %
Human Resources: 0  %
Management Information Systems: 0  %
Marketing/Sales: 4  %
Operations/Production: 4  %
Logistics/Transportation: 4  %
Other: 6  %


Grads accepted jobs in following industries:

Accounting: 41  %
Consumer Products/Retail: 4  %
Consulting Services: 8  %
Financial Services: 14  %
Government/Education: 7  %
Pharma/Biotech/Health: 1  %
Manufacturing: 12  %
Media/Entertainment: 0  %
Petroleum/Energy: 1  %
Real Estate: 1  %
Sports/Leisure: 1  %
Technology/Science: 5  %
Non-Profit: 1  %
Transportation: 0  %
Utilities: 0  %
Other: 4  %

Percentage of job acceptances, US and Canada:

US: 100  %
Canada: 0  %

Grads accepted jobs in the following US regions:

Northeast: 22  %
Mid-Atlantic: 74  %
Midwest: 1  %
South: 2  %
Southwest: 0  %
West: 1  %
US Possessions/Territories: 0  %


Number of companies recruiting interns on-campus, 2008-09 academic year:

Companies posting internships on job boards, previous academic year:

Top internship recruiters, 2008-09:

Other Internship Recruiters:


The opportunities are definitely there, and the school is constantly working on expanding on its resources. I have been able to participate and experience many different opportunities but only because I actively looked for them. There is no hand-holding, and students are expected to drive their own education and career path utilizing the resources that the business school offers to them.

The faculty is great, the students are just below Ivy level, and the facilities are better than every school I have visited. However, UMD has struggled to gain respect, especially on Wall Street. Our new Dean has addressed the student body directly and seems to be hearing our concerns. As a future investment banker, I can attest that the recruitment process at Maryland has been less conventional that my peers at "more prestigious" schools. This has had little effect on my ability to land interviews, since most alumni are more than happy to help undergraduates out.


One of the greatest aspects of Smith is the way the program is structured - as long as students put in the effort, everyone can find a niche. I've definitely found mine. I am able to combine my passion for graphic design with a passion for strategic planning and research through my leadership experience with TerpAMA, our chapter of the American Marketing Association. I have also applied and been accepted to a number of fellowship programs, which help me expand my knowledge in my fields of interest. I'm very happy for having chosen Smith for my undergraduate experience.

Most of its faculty have had many years of research and work experience as well as degrees from highly prestigious universities. In addition to the outstanding professors, there are also many innovative and educational fellows programs. For example, the Lemma Senbet Fund Fellows Program allows undergraduate finance students to manage a fund of $100,000 of the schools money in the stock market.


Group projects and real-world simulations give students excellent hands-on experience with post-graduation type settings. Teamwork is heavily emphasized, but so is individual achievement. Tests in the business school generally do a great job of measuring how much students have learned. Though the course material tends to be challenging, the professors here are so committed to their students' success that help will always be made available should a student find themselves confused or lost. The environment of the business school in general is also very professional; there's great respect among both classmates and faculty, and the newly built Van Munching Hall is the nicest building on campus.

It has outstanding facilities- the best of any of the other schools on campus. By taking advantage of Honors classes, I have only had one class of over 100 students in my four years of being in school here. For an undergraduate population of 24,000 students on campus, that is a pretty impressive number. The career center is also extremely useful and their job posting website, HireSmith, is invaluable.


The Fellows Programs at the Smith School makes [the school] incredibly unique. We each have our own path to graduation. I've been able to combine my interest in business with my love of music and design. The school also works incredibly hard to make sure that we have all the opportunities that we can, whether it be through internships, study abroad or student organizations. Finally, our advising services are phenomenal.

The Office of Career Management needs plenty of work. You can have all the technology and facilities, but a top notch business school is one that can play its students with high quality companies. The new dean, Mr. Anandalingam, is working very hard to change this, and I feel in five years or so there will be a radical difference. But as of now, students who want a real top job basically will have to do 10 times the amount of work for it.


The QUEST program in particular allows students to participate in real-world consulting projects for major corporations. The business school also has a strong focus on technology and offers students exposure to these brand new technologies. All of the professors are engaging and very down to earth. They are all willing to work with you to ensure you understand the course content. There is also a strong focus on teamwork and presentations. These skills are much more valuable than purely learning specific topics such as finance or systems.

The study abroad opportunities for Smith students are incredible. The winter term programs offered span the entire globe - from Australia to Thailand to Tunisia. Summer term programs are offered all over the world as well, to countries such as Chile and China. Personally, I have had the opportunity to study in Tunisia and spend the semester studying abroad in Spain. These international experiences have been essential for broadening my view of the global economy and understanding more about the cultural differences in the Middle East, Europe and the U.S.


Our school's emphasis on entrepreneurship and international experiences make our business program unique. The Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship can help students turn an idea into reality with a variety of resources throughout the university. Their network of support and wealth of experience is inspiring. Regarding international travel, so far I have traveled to Tunisia and Hong Kong with the business school and this winter I plan to travel with business school to Vietnam and Thailand with the Thai American Business Club. These experiences were eye-opening and remarkable. The Smith school helped make these trips very affordable.

The majority of the faculty from the Undergraduate Career Office have little to no experience in the real world as recruiters or even interviewees of business positions. In addition, many of their resume reviews and "workshops" are on par with free materials one could easily find on the internet, making them essentially useless. This creates an environment where students cannot even come in contact with top name employers, and even if they do, they will find themselves very unprepared. Ultimately, the few students who succeed do so entirely on their own, through personal connections, or using the public resources provided by more prestigious business programs (i.e.. Wharton's career website).





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