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V2 Pitch(我的理解是绝对音准),the ability to blah blah (解释)。然后说调查音乐学院15岁小孩子,早期接受音乐训练的比近年来才接受musical训练的更显出pitch能力。所以说,早期接受音乐训练有助于pitch能力 问削弱
很早学音乐的可能会继续学下去--他因解释[因果 高水平的才留了下来]。
Weaken:有pitch能力的儿童更倾向于persist in 音乐学习——颠倒因果
他因导致[和颠倒因果是一致的]//类比 不成立;他因素导致 原因不能解释结论。

83. 帕金森和咖啡因
V1有发现喝咖啡的人得帕金森的比例小, 特别是一天喝4杯以上的, 所以得出结论说喝咖啡有利于治疗帕金森,问削弱——by jy03726381(710)
削弱:他因解释[或颠倒因果];类比;他因素--阻止 原因解释结果。


102. 可可和巧克力
可可价格今年rose above 125%, 就是可可怎么怎么贵啊,然后说现在巧克力公司生产巧克力用的主要原料是可可但是巧克力价钱却没怎么变,问解释discrepancy.
解释:原有 变化 不会导致X变化; 其他变化--抵消变化

答案:whether其他网站的重要收入来源于该网站浏览者点击进入消费的——by 粉红一台灯

106.bottle water与tap water
消费者买bottle water 是浪费钱,因为tap water便宜、味道也让蒙着眼睛的实验者尝不出区别,而且bottle water 也不比tap water更健康。问结论。我选了:不更健康、味道一样,更贵就是浪费。——by mymwmw(620,V25)


108. 蜜蜂导航
非他因导致;类比;原因成立--不存在 他因素 阻止原因解释。
科学家在有striped marker的那条路线上涂了一些蜜蜂讨厌的物质,但是蜜蜂仍然坚定的的走了那条路线,而没有走那条涂了有蜜蜂喜欢的物质的路线。---类比。

Whether商店、邮购方式的超时收费更多[即 超时 是否 lost顾客 的原因]。——by mymwmw(620,V25)


考了一个说体检的 说现在很多人体检,觉得对自己的健康比较好。但是科学研究没有发现体检的test能带来什么benefit。所以就说,如果提供beneficial的test,current体检的人,会更健康。assumption
差异原因差异结果;其他差异 不会导致 反向差异。类比。



115. 气温与动物骨头[因果型+ 充分必要型]
充分必要型 假设:动物生存 冷。
GAP: 在此地出现--表明适应此地生产环境--即充分必要型 成立。
我选了这个动物当时是是适应了这里的冷环境[假设 充分必要条件--成立]。——by wxingch(750,V41)

问那个BEE的实验,BEE能分辨东西,还能对maize干嘛干嘛,说明bee有这种视觉能力,问削弱。假设:不是因为chemical 气味吸引来的——by wxingch(750,V41)

因为广告太多了, 现在的观众都不看广告了。广告商就想办法把广告强行插在热门电视PROGRAM里或者BOTTOM 下(我想应该是那种滚动的),好像盈利了还是怎么地了。问Support.
[1. 措施可行; 2. 措施--目的 有关系 或 确实 是广告多不看; 3. 措施无害 目标]
most advertisement incorporate directly in program that has the most viewers. ——by qqquan13(700,V34)


123. 石油
一个什么城市被归并于一个EMPIRE了,它那里含有大量的石油, 所以它可以提供大量的石油给其他这个EMPIRE 的城市了。问削弱。——by qqquan13(700,V34)

124. 企业公共安全与教育成本
一个政府要求地方企业交AT LEAST 15%的钱用于PUBLIC SAFETY, 但是它又不提供给这些企业赚更多钱的方式,所以这些企业都不得不削减它们的EDUCATION COST。
问ASSUMPTION. --变化导致变化。
我选的是以前这些企业都没有交够15%的钱用于PUBLIC SAFETY. ——by qqquan13(700,V34)


2. GWD25-Q2. [措施达目的--前后变化]
In two months, the legal minimum wage in the country of Kirlandia will increase from five Kirlandic dollars(KD5.00) Per hour to KD5.50 per hour. Opponents of this increase have argued that the resulting rise in wages will drive the inflation rate up. In fact its impact on wages will probably be negligible, since only a very small proportion of all Kirfandic workers are currently receiving less than KD5.50 per hour.[变化原因变化结果]
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A.        Most people in Kirlandia who are currently earning the minimum wage have been employed at their current jobs for less than a year.
B.        Some firms in Kirlandia have paid workers considerably less than KD5.00 per hour, in violation of Kirlandic employment regulations.[兼容]
C.        Many businesses hire trainees at or near the minimum wage but must reward trained workers by keeping their pay levels above the pay level of trainees.[也会带来trained worker工资的变化--使结论不成立]
D.        The greatest growth in Kirlandia’s economy in recent years has been in those sectors where workers earn wages that tend to be much higher than the minimum wage.
E.        The current minimum wage is insufficient for a worker holding only one job to earn enough to support a family, even when working full time at that job.
3. GWD25-Q3.[A]
Mel: The official salary for judges has always been too low to attract the best candidates to the job. The legislature’s move to raise the salary has done nothing to improve the situation, because it was coupled with a ban on receiving money for lectures and teaching engagements[反向change2].
Pat:  No, the raise in salary really does improve the situation[反结论]. Since very few judges teach or give lectures, the ban will have little or no negative effect[指出 反change2--可以忽略].
Pat’s response to Mel is inadequate in that it
A.        attempts to assess how a certain change will affect potential members of a group by providing evidence about its effect on the current members.
B.        mistakenly takes the cause of a certain change to be an effect of that change
C.        attempts to argue that a certain change will have a positive effect merely by pointing to the absence of negative effects
D.        simply denies Mel’s claim without putting forward any evidence in support of that denial
E.        assumes that changes that benefit the most able members of a group necessarily benefit all members of that group.


Criminologist: Some legislators advocate mandating a sentence of life in prison for anyone who, having twice served sentences for serious crimes, is subsequently convicted of a third serious crime.  These legislators argue that such a policy would reduce crime dramatically, since it would take people with a proven tendency to commit crimes off the streets permanently.  What this reasoning overlooks, however, is that people old enough to have served two prison sentences for serious crimes rarely commit more than one subsequent crime[evidence/judgement]. Filling our prisons with such individuals would have exactly the opposite of the desired effect[conclusion], since it would limit our ability to incarcerate younger criminals, who commit a far greater proportion of serious crimes[evidence].
In the argument as a whole, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?
A. The first is a conclusion that the argument as a whole seeks to refute; the second is a claim that has been advanced in support of that conclusion.
B. The first is a conclusion that the argument as a whole seeks to refute; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.
C. The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is an objection that has been raised against that conclusion.
D. The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a prediction made on the basis of that conclusion.
E. The first is a generalization about the likely effect of a policy under consideration in the argument[正确]; the second points out a group of exceptional cases to which that generalization does not apply.[overlook/fail是彻底反驳]
12. GWD25-Q12.[变化解释变化]
In Kantovia, physicians’ income comes from insurance companies, which require physicians to document their decisions in treating patients and to justify deviations from the companies’ treatment guidelines. Ten years ago physicians were allowed more discretion. Most physicians believe that the companies’ requirements now prevent them from spending enough time with patients. Yet the average amount of time a patient spends with a physician during an office visit has actually increased somewhat over the last ten years.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy between physicians’ perceptions and the change in the actual time spent?
A.        Patients are more likely to be in a hurry nowadays and are less willing to wait a long time to see their physician.
B.        Physicians today typically have a wider range of options in diagnosis and treatment to consider with the patient before prescribing[比较级--指出前后差异].
C.        Physicians are increasingly likely to work in group practices, sharing the responsibility of night and weekend work.[无关]
D.        Most patients would rather trust their physicians than their insurance companies to make decisions about their treatment.[无关]
E.        Since the insurance companies pay physicians a set amount for each office visit, it is to physicians’ financial advantage to see as many patients as possible.[反向解释]


19: GWD-23-Q1[解释矛盾--变化解释变化]
A major health insurance company in Lagolia pays for special procedures prescribed by physicians only if the procedure is first approved as “medically necessary” by a company-appointed review panel. The rule is intended to save the company the money it might otherwise spend on medically unnecessary procedures. The company has recently announced that in order to reduce its costs, it will abandon this rule.[review也有副作用;不利于目标]
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest justification for the company’s decision?
A. Patients often register dissatisfaction with physicians who prescribe nothing for their ailments.
B. Physicians often prescribe special procedures that are helpful but not altogether necessary for the health of the patient.[削弱]
C. The review process is expensive and practically always results in approval of the prescribed procedure.[无正向变化//一个方向变化]
D. The company’s review process does not interfere with the prerogative of physicians, in cases where more than one effective procedure is available, to select the one they personally prefer.
E. The number of members of the company-appointed review panel who review a given procedure depends on the cost of the procedure.[无关/削弱]

21. GWD25-Q21[C] B, 结论:A[A1/ A2]不是原因。必须指出其他C是原因[指出A1为原因--削弱]。
Which of the following most logically completes the editorial below?
Editorial in Golbindian Newspaper:
For almost three months, opposition parties have been mounting daily street demonstrations in the capital in an effort to pressure the ruling party into calling an election. Though the demonstrations were well attended at first, attendance has declined steadily in recent weeks. However, the decline in attendance does not indicate that popular support for the opposition’s demands is dropping, since      [因果型; 必须是其他变化解释]
A.        the opposition’s demands have not changed during the period when the street demonstrations have been mounted.[不变--不能解释]
B.        No foreign governments have expressed any support for the opposition’s demands.[不变]
C.        The state-controlled media have ceased any mention of the demonstrations, leaving many citizens outside the capital with no way of knowing that demonstrations continue.[可能解释]
D.        There have not recently been any antigovernment demonstrations in cities other than the capital.[无关]
E.        A recent sharp decrease in unemployment has led to increased popular support for the government.[反向关系--说明popular support for the opposition]


22. GWD25-Q22.
Springfield Fire Commissioner: the vast majority of false fire alarms are prank calls made anonymously from fire alarm boxes on street corners. Since virtually everyone has access to a private telephone, these alarm boxes have outlived their usefulness. Therefore, we propose to remove the boxes. Removing the boxes will reduce the number of prank calls without hampering people’s ability to report a fire.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the claim that the proposal, if carried out, will have the announced effect?
A.        The fire department traces all alarm calls made from private telephones and records where they came from.
B.        Maintaining the fire alarm boxes costs Springfield approximately five million dollars annually.
C.        A telephone call can provide the fire department with more information about the nature and size of a fire than can an alarm placed from an alarm box.
D.        Responding to false alarms significantly reduces the fire department’s capacity for responding to fires.
E.        On any given day, a significant percentage of the public telephones in Springfield are out of service.
30. GWD25-Q30.[D]
Museums that house Renaissance oil paintings typically store them in environments that are carefully kept within narrow margins of temperature and humidity to inhibit any deterioration. Laboratory tests have shown that the kind of oil paint used in these paintings actually adjusts to climatic changes quite well. If, as some museum directors believe, paint is the most sensitive substance in these works, then by relaxing the standards for temperature and humidity control, museums can reduce energy costs without risking damage to these paintings. Museums would be rash to relax those standards, however, since results of preliminary tests indicate that gesso, a compound routinely used by Renaissance artists to help paint adhere to the canvas, is unable to withstand significant variations in humidity.
In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A.        The first is an objection that has been raised against the position taken by the argument; the second is the position taken by the argument.
B.        The first is the position taken by the argument; the second is the position that the argument calls into question.
C.        The first is a judgment that has been offered in support of the position that the argument calls into question; the second is a circumstance on which that judgment is, in part based.
D.        The first is a judgment that has been offered in support of the position that the argument calls into question; the second is that position.
E.        The first is a claim that the argument calls into question; the second is the position taken by the argument.



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