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GMAT考试-GWD-CR解析-reasoning /conclusion

Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?

Davison River farmers are currently deciding between planting winter wheat this fall or spring wheat next spring.  Winter wheat and spring wheat are usually about equally profitable.  Because of new government restrictions on the use of Davison River water for irrigation, per acre yields for winter wheat, though not for spring wheat, would be much lower than average.  Therefore, planting spring wheat will be more profitable than planting winter wheat, since‗‗‗‗‗‗.

A.        the smaller-than-average size of a winter wheat harvest this year would not be compensated for by higher winter wheat prices 收入不足以抵消支出
B.        new crops of spring wheat must be planted earlier than the time at which standing crops of winter wheat are ready to be harvested
C.        the spring wheat that farmers in the Davison River region plant is well adapted to the soil of the region
D.        spring wheat has uses that are different from those of winter wheat
E.        planting spring wheat is more profitable than planting certain other crops, such as rye [A]
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Which of the following most logically completes the passage below?

Heavy rains during Centralia’s corn planting season prevented some farmers there from planting corn.  It is now the planting season for soybeans, another of Centralia’s principal crops, and those fields originally intended for corn are dry enough for planting.  Nonetheless, even though soybean prices are unusually high at present, the farmers will leave most of these fields empty rather than plant them with soybeans, since ‗‗‗‗‗‗.

A.        the extensive rains have led to an increase in the price of corn (留空地不种大豆不代表就种玉米,而且现在不是玉米季)
B.        some Centralian farmers anticipate serious financial losses due to the extremely wet spring planting season
C.        chemicals that were used to prepare the fields for corn planting would stunt the growth of soybeans
D.        the majority of Centralia’s corn farmers were able to plant corn as they had intended, despite the wet planting season
E.        many Centralian farmers grow both corn and soybeans [C]*


GWD-2-Question 12:(OG12th中22题的变体)
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

Concerned about financial well-being of its elderly citizens, the government of Runagia
decided two years ago to increase by 20 percent the government-provided pension
paid to all Runagians over 65.  Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible,
and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians.  Nevertheless,
many of them are no better off financially than they were before the increase, in large
part because ________.
A.        They rely entirely on the government pension for their income
B.        Runagian banks are so inefficient that it can take up to three weeks to cash a
pension check
C.        They buy goods whose prices tend to rise especially fast in times of inflation(相近于OG中的正确选项,但是此题选项是especially fast不是faster,不能表现出OG中指的这些特殊商品及服务的价格涨得比平均通胀快,只能因为这题中提到的negligible inflation而排除)
D.        The pension was increased when the number of elderly Runagians below the
poverty level reached an all-time high
E.        In Runagia children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but
only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living
If E, "...children typically supplement the income of elderly parents, but only by enough to provide them with a comfortable living," is true, then government's pension increase will be offset by lower income supplement from children, and the elders' total income (gov. pension + children's supplement) will stay the same. So, E provides a good explanation to complete the original passage.


Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

Yorco and Zortech are two corporations that employ large numbers of full-time workers who are paid by the hour.  Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers.  Therefore, hourly wages must be higher, on average, at Yorco than at Zortech, since _____.
A.        Zortech spends a higher total sum per year than Yorco does to provide its hourly wage workers with benefits other than wages
B.        the work performed by hourly wage workers at Zortech does not require a significantly higher level of skill than the work performed by hourly wage workers at Yorco does
C.        the proportion of all company employees who are hourly wage workers is significantly greater at Yorco than it is at Zortech
D.        overtime work, which is paid at a substantially higher rate than work done during the regular work week, is rare at both Yorco and Zortech(排除他因)
E.        the highest hourly wages paid at Yorco are higher than the highest hourly wages paid at Zortech


Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

A new drug, taken twice daily for one month, is an effective treatment for a certain disease.  The drug now most commonly prescribed for the disease occasionally has serious side effects such as seizures; in field tests, the new drug’s side effects, though no worse than mild nausea, turned out to be much more frequent.  Nevertheless, the new drug is clearly preferable as a treatment, since _____.

A.        people who experience nausea are prone to discontinue use of the new drug prematurely
B.        …
C.        …
D.        …
E.        there is a nonprescription medication that when taken with the new drug prevents the onset of nausea [E] 非处方药和新药一起吃能预防。


Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

Garnet and RenCo each provide health care for their employees.  Garnet pays for both testing of its employees’ cholesterol levels and treatment of high cholesterol.  This policy saves Garnet money, since high cholesterol left untreated for many years leads to conditions that require very expensive treatment.  However, RenCo dose not have the same financial incentive to adopt such a policy, because ______.
A.        early treatment of high cholesterol dose not entirely eliminate the possibility of a stroke later in life
B.        the mass media regularly feature stories encouraging people to maintain diets that are low in cholesterol
C.        RenCo has significantly more employees than Garnet has
D.        RenCo’s employees are unlikely to have higher cholesterol levels than Garnet’s employees(R的员工不会比G的员工得更严重的胆固醇。如果R也已经是严重的了,仍然要付昂贵的医药费,只是比G少点,不足以支持不用负担的理论)
E.        the average length of time an employee stays with RenCo is less than it is with Garnet [E](因为R的员工在公司工作时间少,则发病的时很可能已经离开公司了,R不用为其医药费买单)


Which of following most logically completes the argument?

The last members of a now-extinct species of a European wild deer called the giant dear lived in Ireland about 16,000 years ago.  Prehistoric cave paintings in France depict this animal as having a large hump on its back.  Fossils of this animal, however, do not show any hump.  Nevertheless, there is no reason to conclude that the cave paintings are therefore inaccurate in this regard, since ______. 壁画上该鹿有hump,化石上该鹿没有hump,但壁画是对的。

A.        some prehistoric cave paintings in France also depict other animals as having a hump
B.        fossils of the giant deer are much more common in Ireland than in France
C.        animal humps are composed of fatty tissue, which dose not fossilize
D.        the cave paintings of the giant deer were painted well before 16,000 years ago
E.        only one currently existing species of deer has any anatomical feature that even remotely resembles a hump [C]


GWD-5-Q30: OG12th 99题
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage.  However, it also lowers the nutritional value of many foods.  For example, irradiation destroys a significant percentage of whatever vitamin B1 a food may contain.  Proponents of irradiation point out that irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking.  However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading, since _______.

A.        many of the proponents of irradiation are food distributors who gain from food’s having a longer shelf life
B.        it is clear that killing bacteria that may be present on food is not the only effect that irradiation has
C.        cooking is usually the final step in preparing food for consumption, whereas irradiation serves to ensure a longer shelf life for perishable foods
D.        certain kinds of cooking are, in fact, even more destructive of vitamin B1 than carefully controlled irradiation is
E.        for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B1 associated with either process individually is compounded[E]
compound的意思不是分不清,而是混合加成,作者想要指出的是,i的支持者们误导消费者去比较i和c的作用,而不是关注如何减少总的作用。c不存在i存在(生吃i过的),i单独作用,c就无关,比较i,c是beside the point。c,i同时存在,i,c的作用混合发生,比较i,c这两个组成部分之间的大小是对判断总量的一种misleading。
1.no worse than不是not worse than, 这里可以把no worse than理解为as great as,as much as,as significant as。所以这个fact的表述应该是没有问题的。就是说irradiation和cooking在这一点上差不多,可能i>c or i<c,并不是i>=c(i not worse than c).
2, 这一题的关键还是beside the point和misleading,就是离题(或无关)和误导。C只是说明了无关(也就是离题),并没有说明误导。只有E说明了误导。


Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

Although the pesticide TDX has been widely used by fruit growers since the early 1960’s, a regulation in force since 1960 has prohibited sale of fruit on which any TDX residue can be detected.  That regulation is about to be replaced by one that allows sale of fruit on which trace amounts of TDX residue are detected.  In fact, however, the change will not allow more TDX on fruit than was allowed in the 1960’s, because ______.

A.        pre-1970 techniques for detecting TDX residue could detect it only when it was present on fruit in more than the trace amounts allowed by the new regulations。原先能够检测出的最低含量比新规定的量多。
B.        many more people today than in the 1960’s habitually purchase and eat fruit without making an effort to clean residues off the fruit
C.        people today do not individually consume any more pieces of fruit, on average, than did the people in the 1960’s
D.        at least a small fraction of the fruit sold each year since the early 1960’s has had on it greater levels of TDX than the regulation allows
E.        the presence of TDX on fruit in greater than trace amounts has not been shown to cause any harm even to children who eat large amounts of fruit[A]
以前,监测到有RESIDUE就不能卖,新规定允许有trace amounts 。(虽然说条件放宽了),但较松的规定却没有让更多的苹果通过监测。A说的是原来的技术其实单纯的RESIDUE是检查不出来的,只有到了TDX的量高于trace amounts ,才能检查成有RESIDUE。这样虽然条件放宽了,但技术水平使实际检查到的TDX的量是差不多的。所以说较松的规定却没有让更多的苹果通过监测。


Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
According to promotional material published by the city of Springfield, more tourists stay in hotels in Springfield than stay in the neighboring city of Harristown.  A brochure from the largest hotel in Harristown claims that more tourists stay in that hotel than stay in the Royal Arms Hotel in Springfield.  If both of these sources are accurate, however, the county’s “Report on Tourism” must be in error in indicating that _______.

A.        more tourists stay in hotel accommodations in Harristown than stay in the Royal Arms Hotel
B.        the Royal Arms Hotel is the only hotel in Springfield
C.        there are several hotels in Harristown that are larger than the Royal Arms Hotel
D.        some of the tourists who have stayed in hotels in Harristown have also stayed in the Royal Arms Hotel
E.        some hotels in Harristown have fewer tourist guests each year than the Royal Arms Hotel has



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