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Until Now, only injectable vaccines against influenza have been available.  Parents are reluctant to subject children to the pain of injections, but adults, who are at risk of serious complications from influenza, are commonly vaccinated.  A new influenza vaccine, administered painlessly in a nasal spray, is effective for children.  However, since children seldom develop serious complications from influenza, no significant public health benefit would result from widespread vaccination of children using the nasal spray.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        Any person who has received the injectable vaccine can safely receive the nasal-spray vaccine as well.
B.        The new vaccine uses the same mechanism to ward off influenza as jnjectable vaccines do.
C.        The injectable vaccine is affordable for all adults.
D.        Adults do not contract influenza primarily from children who have influenza.排除削弱。原来说给小孩注射这种新疫苗对公众健康不会有多大好处,现在就说有好处来削弱。或者理解成GAP。children seldom develop serious complications from influenza = no significant public health benefit弥补这个GAP。这里有一个分类小孩和大人。结论只考虑了小孩,从大人入手。
E.        The nasal spray vaccine is mot effective when administered to adults.[D]
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GWD-2-Question 11:
Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives.  However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        These wine makers have been able to duplicate the preservative effect produced by adding sulfites by means that do not involve adding any potentially allergenic substances to their wine.反前提
B.        Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions.横向比较无关。
C.        Wine is the only beverage to which sulfites are commonly added.无关
D.        Apart from sulfites, there are no substances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction.范围扩大(见补充例)
E.        Sulfites are not naturally present in the wines produced by these wine makers in amounts large enough to produce an allergic reaction in someone who drinks these wines.
但是MINDFREE 举了个例子,
There is no wolf in the woods. So it should be safe for kids to play there. Assumption: there is no other wild animals such as tiger or snake that pose dange to kid.
对于MINDFREE的例子的结论讲,MINDFREE是对的,因为该结论没有针对WOLF。如果结论改为KIDS CAN PALY THERE WITHOUT RISKING THE ATTACK OF WOLF,则该假设错。因为结论局限于WOLF。楼主的题也一样,因为结论局限于without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites。所以D说的其他物质就无关了。


Last year all refuse collected by Shelbyville city services was incinerated.  This incineration generated a large quantity of residue ash.背景 In order to reduce the amount of residue ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year’s total, the city has revamped its collection program. 目的 This year city services will separate for recycling enough refuse to reduce the number of truckloads of refuse to be incinerated to half of last year’s number. 措施
Truckload减少一半----垃圾火花产生的灰减半 GAP
Which of the following is required for the revamped collection program to achieve its aim? 目的可否达成。措施的有效性(找准具体措施)

A.        This year, no materials that city services could separate for recycling will be incinerated.
B.        Separating recyclable materials from materials to be incinerated will cost Shelbyville less than half what it cost last year to dispose of the residue ash.
C.        Refuse collected by city services will contain a larger proportion of recyclable materials this year than it did last year.
D.        The refuse incinerated this year will generate no more residue ash per truckload incinerated than did the refuse incinerated last year. truckload数量减半,但平均火化后的灰不能增多
E.        The total quantity of refuse collected by Shelbyville city services this year will be no greater than that collected last year.[D]
明白了原文推理的GAP,就明白了答案。原文推理是the number of truckloads of refuse to be incinerated 减少到去年的一半,所以产生的residue ash 也会减少到去年的一半。它的GAP在拿去烧的垃圾减少一半,产生的灰也减少一半。C只会影响今年产生的垃圾,并没有填补原文推理的GAP。只有D才填补了这个GAP


Newspaper editorial:

In an attempt to reduce the crime rate, the governor is getting tough on criminals and making prison conditions harsher.  Part of this effort has been to deny inmates(在监狱服刑的人) the access they formerly had to college-level courses.  However, this action is clearly counter to the governor’s ultimate goal, since after being released from prison, inmates who had taken such courses committed far fewer crimes overall than other inmates.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        Not being able to take college-level courses while in prison is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime that he or she might otherwise have committed.
B.        Former inmates are no more likely to commit crimes than are members of the general population.
C.        The group of inmates who chose to take college-level courses were not already less likely than other inmates to commit crimes after being released. 不是其他原因或可能导致该结果
D.        Taking high school level courses in prison has less effect on an inmate’s subsequent behavior than taking college-level courses does.
E.        The governor’s ultimate goal actually is to gain popularity by convincing people that something effective is being done about crime.[C]
This is an interesting question. To effectively solve CR, one must to analyze an argument's line of reasoning(LoR). Actually there are two arguments here, that of the governor’s and that of the passage author’s.
LoR of the governor: deny college course --> make prison harsher --> reduce crime rate. LoR of the author: inmates who take courses will commit fewer crimes after release --> denying them course will lead to more crimes by them after release --> governor's action won't reduce crime rate.
Since the question ask for assumption of the author’s argument, only the author’s LoR is relevant.
Now let's look at A, which says "Not being able to ... is unlikely to deter anyone from a crime ..." (不能读书不会deter任何人) You probably can already tell that this is not relevant to the author's LoR (although it's relevant to governor's LoR). So, choice A is not relevant. You don’t even needs to try deny test here.
Now let’s look at C. C says "...inmates who chose to take courses were not already less likely ... to commit crimes after being released." Deny C, we get "...inmates who chose to take college-level courses were already less likely... to commit crimes after being released." In other words, denying them course will not lead to more crimes by them after release. This directly contradicts the author’s LoR and cause the argument to fall apart. So, C is a necessary assumption of the author.


Two centuries ago, Tufe Peninsula became separated from the mainland, isolating on the newly formed Tufe Island a population of Turfil sunflowers.  This population’s descendants grow to be, on average, 40 centimeters shorter than Turfil sunflowers found on the mainland.  Tufe Island is significantly drier than Tufe Peninsula was.  So the current average height of Tufe’s Turfil sunflowers is undoubtedly at least partially attributable to changes in Tufe’s environmental conditions(最后一句话是指T岛屿的).
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        There are no types of vegetation on Tufe Island that are known to benefit from dry conditions.
B.        There were about as many Turfil sunflowers on Tufe Peninsula two centuries ago as there are on Tufe Island today.无关比较
C.        The mainland’s environment has not changed in ways that have resulted in Turfil sunflowers on the mainland growing to be 40 centimeters taller than they did two centuries ago.排除他因。假设取非验证
D.        The soil on Tufe Island, unlike that on the mainland, lacks important nutrients that help Turfil sunflowers survive and grow tall in a dry environment.他因削弱
E.        The 40-centimeter height difference between the Turfil sunflowers on Tufe Island and those on the mainland is the only difference between the two populations.[C]那又怎样,有其他不同能削弱文章嘛?


The average hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland has long been significantly lower than that in neighboring Borodia.  Since Borodia dropped all tariffs on Vernlandian televisions three years ago, the number of televisions sold annually in Borodia has not changed.  However, recent statistics show a droip in the number of television assemblers in Borodia.  Therefore, updated trade statistics will probably indicate that the number of televisions Borodia imports annually from Vernland has increased.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        The number of television assemblers in Vernland has increased by at least as much as the number of television assemblers in Borodia has decreased. 工人人数的比较。
B.        Televisions assembled in Vernland have features that televisions assembled in Borodia do not have.
C.        The average number of hours it takes a Borodian television assembler to assemble a television has not decreased significantly during the past three years.
D.        The number of televisions assembled annually in Vernland has increased significantly during the past three years.
E.        The difference between the hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland and the hourly wage of television assemblers in Borodia is likely to decrease in the next few years.[C]
C is the assumption. C states that the time of a B assembler to assemble a TV hasn't drop, we know, sum= N(assemebler) * working hour / T ( time needed to assemble a TV). To be symplified, sum=N*H/ T, if T drop, even N drop, then sum will probably not drop. C declares that T hasn't drop.


In Teruvia, the quantity of rice produced per year is currently just large enough to satisfy domestic demand.  Teruvia’s total rice acreage will not be expanded in the foreseeable future, nor will rice yields per acre increase appreciably.  Teruvia’s population, however, will be increasing significantly for years to come.  Clearly, therefore, Teruvia will soon have to begin importing rice.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        No pronounced trend of decreasing per capita demand for rice is imminent in Teruvia.假设取非
B.        Not all of the acreage in Teruvia currently planted with rice is well suited to the cultivation of rice.
C.        None of the strains of rice grown in Teruvia are exceptionally high-yielding.
D.        There are no populated regions in Teruvia in which the population will not increase.
E.        There are no major crops other than rice for which domestic production and domestic demand are currently in balance in Teruvia.[A]
If you think C is correct, you might have misunderstood C. Here it does not matter whether the rice strain is high yield or low yield. If you thought C means the rice strain has potential to grwo more rice per acre, which is apparently a misunderstanding, the argument has said that "...nor will rice yields per acre increase appreciably"    反对前提


In the past the country of Siduria has relied heavily on imported oil.  Siduria recently implemented a program to convert heating systems from oil to natural gas.  Siduria already produces more natural gas each year than it burns, and oil production in Sidurian oil fields is increasing at a steady pace.  If these trends in fuel production and usage continue, therefore, Sidurian reliance on foreign sources for fuel should decline soon.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.        In Siduria the rate of fuel consumption is rising no more quickly than the rate of fuel production.
B.        Domestic production of natural gas is rising faster than is domestic production of oil in Siduria.
C.        No fuel other than natural gas is expected to be used as a replacement for oil in Siduria.
D.        Buildings cannot be heated by solar energy rather than by oil or natural gas.
E.        All new homes that are being built will have natural-gas-burning heating systems.


Three large companies and seven small companies currently manufacture a product with potential military applications.  If the government regulates the industry, it will institute a single set of manufacturing specifications to which all ten companies will have to adhere.  In this case, therefore, since none of the seven small companies can afford to convert their production lines to a new set of manufacturing specifications, only the three large companies will be able to remain in business.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the author’s argument relies?

A.        None of the three large companies will go out of business if the government does not regulate the manufacture of the product.
B.        It would cost more to convert the production lines of the small companies to a new set of manufacturing specifications than it would to convert the production lines of the large companies.不一定是小的成本比大的成本高,而是同样的成本小的承担不起大的可以承担。
C.        Industry lobbyists will be unable to dissuade the government from regulating the industry.
D.        Assembly of the product produced according to government manufacturing specifications would be more complex than current assembly procedures.
E.        None of the seven small companies currently manufactures the product to a set of specifications that would match those the government would institute if the industry were to be regulated. 如果一开始就有小公司已经符合新规定,那么它没有必要Convert也就不存在能否Afford的问题了。


Q 18:
Most household appliances use electricity only when in use. Many microwave ovens,
However, have built-in clocks and so use some electricity even when they are not in
Use. The clocks each consume about 45 kilowatt-hours per year. Therefore, house
Holds whose microwave oven has no built-in clock use 45 kilowatt-hours per year
Less. On average, than do comparable households shoes microwave oven is other-
Wise similar but has a built-in clock.
The oven that has not built-in clock=T
The oven that has built-in clock=T’+45 kilowatt-hours
The statement: T’+45-T=45.
Assumption: T=T’
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A.        Households that do not have a microwave oven use less energy per year, on
average, than do households that have a microwave oven.
B.        Microwave ovens with a built-in clock do not generally cost more to buy than
microwave ovens without a built-in clock.
C.        All households that have a microwave oven also have either a gas oven or a
Conventional electric oven.
D.        Households whose microwave oven does not have a built-in clock are no more
likely to have a separate electric clock plugged in than households whose
microwave oven has one.
E.        There are more households that have a microwave oven with a built-in clock
than there are households that have a microwave oven without a built-in clock.



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