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Percent of 2009 graduates who provided employment information:
100  %

Seeking full-time employment in business: 86  %
Not seeking full-time employment in business: 14  %

Number of companies recruiting undergraduate students on campus in previous academic year:

Career services provided for business majors:
There are 662 undergraduate students at the McIntire School of Commerce and we have three full-time Master’s level career counselors. Through the “Employer-in-Residence Program” (mock interviews, resume reviews and coffee networking sessions), resume and interviewing workshops, student treks, industry focused seminars, a supplemental recruiting program and one-on-one advising appointments, McIntire students are afforded numerous opportunities to have their resume and interview skills fine-tuned in advance of the full-time and internship recruiting process.(To clarify the % of students not seeking full-time employment - 12% are attending graduate school and 2% are not seeking employment)


Job offer results, 2009 graduates:

Accepted first job offer by graduation: 65  %
Accepted first job offer in three months following graduation: 13  %
Did not report having accepted a job offer: 22  %

Top hiring firms:


Ernst & Young
Bank of America Corp.
Booz Allen Hamilton

Citigroup Inc.

Merrill Lynch

Barclays Bank PLC
Boston Consulting Group


Other Hiring Firms:

Navigant Consulting
Houlihan Lokey
Teach for America

Graduate compensation:

Mean base salary: $  55,254
Median base salary: $  55,500
Mean signing bonus: $  6,466
Mean other guaranteed compensation: $  13,546

Grads accepted jobs in following functional areas:

Consulting: 26  %
Finance/Accounting: 55  %
General Management: 0  %
Human Resources: 0  %
Management Information Systems: 4  %
Marketing/Sales: 7  %
Operations/Production: 0  %
Logistics/Transportation: 0  %
Other: 8  %


Grads accepted jobs in following industries:

Accounting: 10  %
Consumer Products/Retail: 2  %
Consulting Services: 28  %
Financial Services: 38  %
Government/Education: 4  %
Pharma/Biotech/Health: 1  %
Manufacturing: 1  %
Media/Entertainment: 0  %
Petroleum/Energy: 2  %
Real Estate: 0  %
Sports/Leisure: 0  %
Technology/Science: 1  %
Non-Profit: 3  %
Transportation: 1  %
Utilities: 0  %
Other: 9  %

Percentage of job acceptances, US and Canada:

US: 100  %

Grads accepted jobs in the following US regions:

Northeast: 26  %
Mid-Atlantic: 56  %
Midwest: 3  %
South: 9  %
Southwest: 4  %
West: 2  %
US Possessions/Territories: 0  %


Number of companies recruiting interns on-campus, 2008-09 academic year:

Top internship recruiters, 2008-09:

Barclays Bank PLC

Ernst & Young
Bank of America Corp.

Philip Morris


Citigroup Inc.
Deutsche Bank AG
Morgan Stanley
Procter & Gamble

Other Internship Recruiters:
Lazard 3 Rolls-Royce North America 3 Bloomberg 2 Publicis 2

Percentage of internships that were paid, previous academic year
99  %

Mean internship compensation per week:
$  860

Average internship, in weeks:


The ICE (Integrated Core Experience) program is a unique team-taught, group work focused program at the University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce. Instead of just letting students declare a concentration and having them only take classes in those areas, ICE gives students a holistic background of business principles. Also, since the program is team taught by professors, you get to know the other students and faculty extremely well. Although I am applying for advertising jobs, I have an advantage over other candidates because I have studied strategy, accounting, finance, systems, and many other key business components that a simple "advertising" or "marketing" major at other schools wouldn't have studied.

Commerce Career Services (CCS) is an excellent resource for resume reviews, mock interviews, and employer networking sessions. CCS makes the students a priority and personally knows each of the students. Their networking abilities are incredible and they really teach students best practices for obtaining internships and jobs.


I think the only weakness of the Comm school is that it stresses financial career paths heavily. I think that finance as a concentration is overdone, and that more students should be encouraged to pursue less common majors, such as IT.

Class participation is heavily emphasized. During the third year (the first year in the business program), our Integrated Core Curriculum was the most coordinated curriculum I have ever had in my academic career. The dean and the rest of the faculty took great efforts to put together a very organized agenda of what students will learn and what projects will be assigned for the entire year. It was the most difficult, yet the most enriching experience, in college.


The only aspect I feel the McIntire School of Commerce can improve is to place more emphasis on to non-finance related careers. Today, it seems like the Comm is strictly and I-banking school, great for those who are interested in the area, but somewhat limited to those that are not. Overall, I would say the Comm has been a GREAT experience and that it has fully prepared me and positioned me for next year's job.

I'm inspired by this place. Everyday I go to class I see a mountain top in the distance which sits Jefferson's home, Monticello. I walk past Edgar Alan Poe's old dorm room and across this magnificent Lawn with colonnades lining both sides, the Rotunda at one end and the business school at the other. I walk up the steps and into the building feeling like I've already achieved one of the greatest accomplishments in my life. I'm the first in my family to graduate from college. This school has been so supportive of me and the people are like a family. I wouldn't trade it for any other school.


It is the perfect mix of all I wanted to get out of college. (1) Great professors who take the time to explain difficult concepts and have no problem meeting you after class to talk about topics ranging from the previous lecture to the last Cav's football game. (2) Very smart and ambitious classmates that push you to constantly be thinking. (3) The facilities are some of the best I have seen around, perfect environment for learning. (4) The social life, everyone in the commerce school is very personable, and it has made for a great time throughout my years here.

In my 3rd year, the grading scheme in the ICE (Integrated Core Experience) was very ambiguous. I did not appreciate that at all. They give the breakdown of grades, but I still cannot accurately calculate my grade. It seems like the professors follow a different grading policy than is told to students.


One thing about McIntire that I truly detest is how often teachers turn to students to teach portions of their classes. It goes beyond participation. I would say that in most classes I have taken the teachers rely on student input to fill up 50% of class time. I just wonder if this is because the teachers don't have anything to say in the first place and are just filling time by asking for student opinion. Honestly, I'm not in business school to learn from other students, I'm attending school to learn from experienced professors.

The advertising class (Promotional Aspects of Marketing) is known nationwide and is an extremely successful program at McIntire. We are provided with amazing facilities, including our own computer lab, conference room, and supplies. I do not think that there is anything like this at another business school.



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