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求教OG12-94 ,95阅读

94,The author implies that Duverger’s actual findings are
(A) limited because they focus on only four
(B) inaccurate in their description of the four
countries in the early 1950s
(C) out-of-date in that they are inapplicable in the
four countries today
(D) flawed because they are based on unsound data
(E) biased by Duverger’s political beliefs

答案是C,但我找不到文中的定位。原文中有句话However, since these contexts have changed
over time, Duverger’s approach has proved more durable than his actual findings.
也就是说虽然历史环境变了,但是D的方法还是可以用的。那么为什么说是“out of date"呢?
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Duverger’s research findings
were that women voted somewhat less frequently
than men (the difference narrowing the longer
women had the vote) and were slightly more


95 The passage implies that, in comparing four European
countries, Duverger found that the voting rates of
women and men were most different in the country in
which women
(A) were most politically active
(B) ran for office most often
(C) held the most conservative political views
(D) had the most egalitarian relations with men
(E) had possessed the right to vote for the
shortest time




Inference中提到,Duverger found that women voted somewhat less frequently than men but that this diff erence narrowed the longer the women had the vote (lines 9–11). 应该是说,妇女投票的时间越长,差距就缩小了。这种差距指的是women voted somewhat less frequently than men.问题问的是most different,对照一下答案应该是the shortest time.



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