AA 是newspaper上的报道说campus housing occupation rate低,而且影响了revenue。因此作者建议campus officials should reduce the number of housing units, thereby increasing occupation rate. campus officials should reduce rents too, thereby increasing the demand。 AI People's role as citizen in the world is more important than their role as citizen in a particular country. AWA的经验是,多亏一开始就先把开头和结尾的模板type好,然后再写first and second,否则时间真的会不够。 其他的记不起来了,只记得有一道Math是三种颜色的球各50个,问一把最少抓多少个球才能保证14个球是同色的。当月JJ里就有,所以一下就选了40。说明JJ还没换。数学不难。 |