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[转帖]03/26 北美 JJ
1,3 个整数,是否可以确定xz is even?
1), DS. xy even 2),yz even
2, 2^2-1/2^2= ? (this is the first question on my test)
3, (tianshan #4, Question12. (今天大概有3道题目出自天山#4)
If x >o.9, which of the following could be the value of X?
Answer: B, genhao o.9
4,DS, There are some houses together,2 bedrooms are X, 3 bedrooms are Y,the rent for is 500, the rent for y is 700. (the number may not correct), ask how many room they have?
1), forgot
2), the number of 2 bedroom has 1/3 more than 3 bedroom.
5, One question which I met on my test is similar to the question from 03/2004 JJ, please check question #122. but the question asked me the height rather than the time. ( Sorry, I don’t remember it clearly, it is not hard) Answer: 34
6, DS. C=5/9 (F-32), ask F<-30?
1), C>-5 2), C< -2
Verbal: 我没有时间看JJ,考前只简单看了GWD的JJ。今天考完了,才发现下面这个JJ
1. 很久以来科学家研究动物与植物的进化。没有多大进展。最近有学者发现他们之间的关系可作为研究动植物进化的很重要的证据。举例:如 蝴蝶和P植物之间存在一种特殊的关系。
2. 蝴蝶吃p的叶子和嫩芽。导p的新芽不能成长。于是p逐渐进化改变自己叶子的形状为蝴蝶不敏感植物的叶子形状。但是蝴蝶采取了一种反侦察的方式,进化自己的嗅觉,通过P发出的化学气味辨清真P假P.
3. P发现改变叶子的方式不能让蝴蝶晕菜后,又努力进化自己,改变自己的叶子,使之出现像疱疹一样的小粒状物-黄色。因为蝴蝶喜欢在叶子上产卵,但是母蝴蝶间非常绅士。从不侵略以被其他蝴蝶占领的植物。从而P保护了自己。科学家预测这个成功导致了今后蝴蝶与P共生进化链关系的结束
3) Scientist investigated men and women exercised speech...... Women were given the opportunities to do lamentation presentation. During the lamentation, sometimes women did \\"idle\\" talk。。。。。
4) D1 1700 年以后,CO2 在大气中的的含量增加了。但是没有预计中增加的那么多。A scholar 提出那是因为很多CO2被Wood 的成长吸收了。
D2 进一步阐述这个学者的观点。讲在1890接下来的40年中。大量的tree lodging,deforestration caused large amounts of CO2 to realese to atmosphere. But since 1920, this phonemenon decreased. 大量的树木成长从而吸收了CO2。这就解释了为什么CO2相对少的原因。
GWD GWD4( industralization and urbanization contribute to the growth of participatory demorazy....) some questions have been changed
特别感谢,而今迈步从头越 ,gagababy, vineyard 3位姐妹的热心帮助和祝福,我们素不相识,但是来自你们的关心支持确实让我心理很安慰。谢谢你们!祝你们申请顺利!有空常联系! |