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The new buds appeared in the spring. But the storm brought down a number of trees last night. Scientists said that many factors brought about changes in the weather, but they could not bring forward the exact reasons. Constant stress had made our nerves brittle. And the poor aunt fell into a coma. Difficulties could bring out a persons qualities. Her daughter, Jenny, was a brisk girl. She brought her to life by artificial respiration. Our brows went up in surprise. And Jennys composedness brought forth a positive effect. We calmed down and then we cleaned the room with a broom, a mop and a bucket. Suddenly, I noticed there was a bronze sword on the wall. Jenny said she had been to ffice:smarttags" />Britain and it was a gift from a British friend. She took out a travel brochure and continued, Last year I budgeted for all my expenses in the year and I decided to travel. Then I met Mr. Brown. Nazis were brutal during the World War II and he was the only survivor of his family. He cross a brook and avoided the chase. He saw bubbles rise from under the water.. He would never forget that. Later, Mr. Brown got married and brought up two children. Because we communicated well, he gave his favorite sword to me.


 春天新绽放。但昨夜暴风雨打倒了许多树。科学家说有许多因素造成天气的变化,但他们没法提出确切的原因。持续的紧张让我们的精神很脆弱。可怜的姑妈昏迷了过去。困难时刻能显示出一个人的最佳品质。她的女儿,珍妮是一个生气勃勃的姑娘。她用人工呼吸使她恢复知觉。我们惊奇地竖起了眉毛。珍妮的镇定产生了积极的影响。我们冷静下来,然后我们用一支扫把、一支拖把和一只水桶来打扫房间。突然,我注意墙上有一把青铜剑。珍妮说她去过英国,那是来自一位英国朋友的礼物。她拿出一本旅游的小册子接着说:“去年我预算了全年的开支,然后决定去旅游。后来我就遇到了布朗先生。二次大战时纳粹非常残忍,她是他们家中唯一的幸存者。他穿过一条小溪才得以躲过追击。他看见气泡从水底冒起。他永远也忘不了那个情形。后来,布朗先生结了婚并且培养了两个孩子。因为我们交流得很好,他把他心爱的剑赠送给了我。”fficeffice" />


Teddy was the son of a butcher. They lived in an old building. And they often bought bulbs in bulk to save money. But poverty wouldnt stop Teddys steps to college. Further more his classmate, Sally, fell in love with him. She was more beautiful than a butterfly. She often gave him a bundle of new clothes.. In return, she would receive a bunch of flowers. They built up love day by day. The girls father was a businessman. He sold by-products of crude oil. He had a temper as bad as a bull. The father disliked Teddy very much. First, he burned up all the pictures of Teddy that Sally had. Secondly, he threatened to kill Teddy with a bullet. Thirdly, he posted a bulletin on the board to expose Teddys financial burden. And then, one day, he informed his secretary that he was going on business. But in fact, he followed Teddy. Teddy caught the No. 111 trolley bus to the tourist bureau. The father took a by-pass to the track. But electric motor of his car was too powerful and it burned out a fuse. He bumped into a tree and the car crashed. But for the accident he should had seen the two young people get on an airplane going abroad.




There were three candidates for the presidential election campaign and finally Mr. Knox won. Right away, he called his wife up to inform her. Then he bought lots of candies for the children to celebrate the victory. At night, they went to a cafeteria to taste favorite cabbage. The next day, Mr. Knox put the calendar on the shelf. There were many problems that called for solutions. He intended to build more libraries on the campuses. The ministers were called up to discuss this. The proposal called forth a good deal of hostile criticism in the cabinet. The project needed a number of cables. They calculated the cost and at last the proposal was called off. Mr. Knox felt disappointed, and the worse was, his doctor told him that he had gotten cancer in his liver. So he cancelled all his appointments. He decided to call on a famous doctor who lived in ffice:smarttags" />Canada. His packages were delivered across the desert by camels. .He crossed a lake in a canoe first then took a ship to sail on the canal. It was strange to see a cannon on the ship. Usually, Mr. Knox had his supper at the canteen. While staying in the passenger cabin, he would miss his family very much.




When Mrs. Hayes was a child, her father, a capable carpenter cared for her very much. He made a very beautiful carriage for her.He drew canvases for her. So Mrs. Hayes promised to give her own children a good childhood. Mr. Hayes used to be a cargo carrier. His early career was successful until he was choosen to explore the outer space! The day they departed, Mr. Hayes said to his wife,"Take care of the children in case I don't come back." Mrs. Hayes answered,"You take care." The capsule had a capcity of 10 persons but 15 peoples got in. It's ridiculous to carry out the plan. All of their lives were carried off. The moment Mrs. Hayes heard of the news, she want to take a poison capsule to kill herself. But finally she didn't become the captive of Death. One day, a thief stole her ID card and her credit card. The police had not captured the thief yet. From then on, whenever she went out, she brought a knife with her in case of need. In the day, she taught the children what's capitalism and what's carbon dioxide. At night, she would cook beef and carrot. After supper, she accompanied them to watch cartoon. Later, the government built up her husband's statue carved out of marble. Facing the statue, Mrs. Hayes said,"In no case am I to leave my children! In any case, it is my responsibility to bring them up. Though tired,I will carry on untill they are grow up."


当海斯夫人还是个孩子,她的父亲,一个有能力的木匠非常关心.他给她做了一个非常漂亮的四轮马车.他给她画油画.于是海斯夫人许诺给她自己的孩子一个好的童年.海斯先生是一个好的货物搬运人.他最初的事业挺成功,直到他被选择去太空探险!他们分别的那天,海斯先生对他的夫人说:"假如我没法回家了,照顾好孩子们."海斯夫人回答:"当心."太空舱容量10个人,但有15个人进去了.执行这个计划是荒谬的.所有人的生命都被夺去.听到消息的那一刻,海斯夫人想吞食一颗毒药胶囊自杀.但最终她没有成为死神的俘虏.一天,一个小偷偷了她的身份证信用卡.警方还没有捕获住小偷.从此无论何时出门,她都随身带着刀子以备万一需要.白天,她教孩子什么是资本主义什么是二氧化碳.晚上,她会烧牛肉和胡萝卜.晚饭后,她陪他们看卡通.后来,政府为她丈夫立了一座大理石雕刻的雕像.站在雕像面前,海斯夫人说:"决不离开孩子们!无论如何,我都有责任抚养他们.尽管疲惫,我还是会坚持下去,直到他们长大成人."fficeffice" />


It's a story about a prince. You can look for the books in the library catalog. A prince live in a beautiful castle. His bedroom was a large room with a high ceiling. The floor had been cemented over. From the window, he could watch the cattle grazing. One day, he had a casual meeting with a pretty girl. Some robbers robbed of a cashier and flew away. The number of casualty was 5. The robbers had gone ten miles before the police caught up with them. Soon they were locked in a cell of the cellar. When the prince arrived at the locale, he saw a girl looking after the wounded. In the prince's eyes , women could be divided into two categories: kindhearted and evil-minded. So he could not help casting his eyes toward her. He walked up to her and found he was 15 centimeters taller than her. He asked her ,cautious in his choice of words,"Would you like to visit my castle?" The girl was surprised, "Would you mind repeating what you said,I didn't quite catch on." Gradually their talk ceased with long silence followed. From then on, the prince's every cell was eager to see her. In the end, they decided to get married after census. it's a nice day. It's 20 centigrate that day. The wedding ceremony was held in a Catholic cathedral. The pastor showed the marriage certificate to all of the guests. A new cassette recorder recorded their love swear.


这是一个关于一位王子的故事。你可以在图书馆的目录里去找它。一位王子住在一个美丽的城堡里。他的卧室是一个有着高高天花板的大房间。地面铺过水泥。从窗户那儿,他可以注视牛群吃草。一天,他同一位漂亮女孩有一次偶然的相遇。一些抢劫犯抢劫了一名出纳并逃走了。伤亡人数5名。抢劫犯已逃出10英里警察才追上他们。很快他们被锁在地下室的一个小囚房里。当王子到达现场时,他看见一个女孩正在照看伤员。在王子眼里,女人分成两个种类:心地善良的和心地狠毒的。于是他禁不住把目光向她。他走到她面前,发现自己比她高15厘米。他谨慎用词地问到:“您愿意参观我的城堡吗?”女孩很惊讶:“您再重复一遍好吗?我没听太明白。”渐渐地,他们的谈话停止了,紧接着是长时间的沉默。从此,王子的每一个细胞都在渴望见到她。最终,他们决定在人口普查之后结婚。那是个好日子,温度20摄氏度。结婚典礼在一座天主教的大教堂里举行。牧师向所有来宾展示了他们的结婚证书。一台崭新的盒式磁带录音机记录下他们爱的誓言。fficeffice" />



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