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The Earth is only one of the numerous planets. It is not unique. so one day, we had unexpected guests. Some Ets were coming. Unlike other Ets, they were unkind. They had unlimited ambition. They were unlikely to treat the earthmen well. The earth union held an urget meeting in a university. The world unity was essential in time of universal war. All the officers wore in uniforms.The chairman unlocked a door and guided the others to walk into the room. Then he unfolded a universal map. He said the earthmen must unite against the invaders. All the people that supported the chairman would be unified under his leadership. Unfortunately, the chairman was unfit for the position even though he said the people’s accusation was unjust. The chairman’s work was unsatisfactory. According to his order many workers were unloading weapons from ships in the harbor. All the weapons were unpaid. Nobody knew that most o f these weapons were unsuitable to cope with those Ets. the Earth was facing a catastrophe unlee some real leader replaced the chairman.fficeffice" />


地球只是众多星球中的一个。它并非独一无二的,因此有一天我们有了意外的来客。一些外星人正朝地球来。不像其他外星人,他们非常不和善。他们有着无限的野心,他们未必善待地球人。地球同盟在一所大学里召开了紧急会议。在宇宙的战争中世界范围内的团结是很重要的。所有的军官都穿着制服。主席打开一扇门带领其他人走进屋子。然后他展开一幅宇宙地图。他说地球人必须团结起来反抗侵略者。所有支持主席的人将统一在他的领导之下。不幸地是,主席并不胜任这个职位,尽管他说人们的评价不公平。主席的工作不能令人满意,根据他的命令,很多工人在海港从船上卸下武器,所有武器的帐款都是未付的,没人知道大部分武器都不合适用来对付外星人。地球将面临大灾难。除非有真正的领导者取代主席。fficeffice" />


accept Innovation 接受新事物fficeffice" />

untie 解开解放。

unusual 不平常的,与众不同的

unwilling 不情愿的

update 更新,使现代化

upgrade  提升,使升级

uphold  支持,赞成,举起,坚持

upper  上面的上部的,较高的

upright 垂直的,直立的,正直的诚实的

uproar 骚动,喧嚷,鼎沸

upset  扰乱,使..心烦意乱的;打翻推翻

upside-down 颠倒的倒置的

up-to-date 时新的,新式的,跟上时代的

urban 城市的

urge 催促,力劝,强烈希望,鼓励,促进;迫切要求,强烈欲望

urgent 急迫的,紧迫的

usage 用法,惯用法

make use of  利用

put to use 使用,利用

use up 用完,花完

as usual 象往常一样,照例

utility 效用,有用

utilization/utilisation 利用

utilize/utilise 利用

utmost 最远的;极度的极端的;极限最大可能

utter 说,发出(声音)


At the beginning of computer usage, quite a few people rejected it. Mr Russell was one of them. He was an upright person but he was unwilling to accept innovation. He even disliked urban life. One day, as usual, Mr. Russell went to work. He found that a new employee joined the company. The young man had an unusual mind. In a meeting, he stood upright. Then he did his utmost to urge the other employees to make use of up-to-date instrments like computer. He suggested the meeting into an uproar. Mr. Russell uttered a sigh. He disagreed with the young man. He thought the company would use up its money if it did that. He thought it was utter waste. But Mr. Russell’s upper superior upheld the young man’s suggestion. The superior was urgent to update the OAS too. His support quite upset Mr. Russell.Soon, the computer was put to use in the company. The employees were busy untying all kinds of packages of new equipments. The office was turned upside-down. Next, the young man utilized his computer knowledge to teach other employees to operate computer. Step by step, none besides Mr. Russell could deny the utility of computer.fficeffice" />


在计算机使用的初期,不少人抵制它,拉塞尔先生就是其中之一,他是一个正直的人,但他很不情愿接受新事物。他甚至不喜欢城市生活。一天,象往常一样,拉塞尔先生去上班。他发现有一名新职员加入了公司,那个年轻人有着与众不同的思维方式。在一次会议中,他直立着。仁厚他尽他最大可能地力劝其他职员利用时新的仪器,比如计算机。他建议公司升级办公设备。他的建议让会议陷入骚动。拉塞尔先生发出一声叹息,他不同意那个年轻人的建议,他认为如果公司那样做的话将花光所有的钱。他认为那是彻底的浪费。但是拉塞尔先生上级领导赞成那个年轻人的建议,领导也急迫的想要更新办公自动化系统。他的支持使拉塞尔先生心烦意乱。很快,计算机在这个公司中得到使用,员工们忙着解开各种新设备的包装。办公室被弄的乱七八糟。接下来年轻人利用他的知识来教其他员工来操作计算机。渐渐地,没有任何人,包括拉塞尔先生否认计算机的效用了。fficeffice" />


A Painful Vacation 痛苦的休假fficeffice" />

vacant 未占用的,空的

vacation 休假,假期

vacuum 真空,真空吸尘器

vague 不明确的,含糊的,暧昧的

vain 徒劳的,自负的,虚荣的,徒劳,白费

in vain  徒劳,无效

valid  有效的合理的,有根据的

validity  有效,有效性

valley  (山)谷,流域

valuable 贵重的有价值的;贵重物品,财宝

valve 阀,电子管真空管

van 有蓬汽车,有蓬货运车厢

vanish 消失,消散

vanity 虚荣心,浮华

vapor/vapour 蒸汽,水蒸汽



variety 种种,多样;种类,品种

a variety of 种种,各种

various 各种各样的,不同的

vary 改变,变化

vase 花瓶,瓶

vast 巨大的大量的;辽阔的;巨额的

vegetable 蔬菜植物,植物的蔬菜的

vegetarian 素食主义者


Sometimes Mr. Seymour didn’t know what to do with his vacant time. His vacation plan was rather vague. He analyzed the various factors then finally decided to go to a valley abroad. His wife would go with him. Both of their passports were valid for travel abroad. Before leaving, Mr.Seymour turned off the vacuum cleaner and the water valve. His wife put on valuable ring and necklace. Her interest lacked variety. she treated herself as a vase and liked to vary her dress as fashion changed. She did that out of vanity. Mr. Seymour tried in vain to make his wife change her mind. She offered a variety of excuses. So he gave up. They took a van to the airport. Two hours later,the airplane vanished into the clouds. The couple arrived at a plain first. The vast plains stretched for hundreds of miles. Nearby the plain there was a lake. Water vapor rose from it. It was beautiful. The following three days, the weather was hot. There had been no variantion in the temperature. If any room with air-conditioning was vacant, they would move in. Mrs. Seymour’s mood was variable because of the hot weather. She was unhappy again in dinner. Mr. Seymour was a vegetarian. He only ate vegetable. His wife complained a lot about it. She always demanded more varieties for her food. It was really a painful vacation for Mr. Seymour.fficeffice" />


有时候,西摩先生不知道怎么打发他的空闲时间,他的休假计划很不明确。他分析了各种因素后最终决定去国外的一个山谷。他的妻子与他同行。两人的护照对于出国旅游都是有效的。在离开之前,西摩先生关掉了真空吸尘器和水阀。他的妻子戴上贵重的戒指和项链。她的兴趣种类不多。她把自己弄的跟花瓶似的并喜欢跟着流行改变她的穿着。她出于虚荣心而那样做。西摩先生徒劳地想让他的妻子改变主意,她提出种种的借口。于是他只有放弃。他们乘一辆有蓬汽车去飞机场,两个小时后,飞机消失在云层里。这对夫妇先来到一个平原。辽阔的平原绵延几百英里。在平原附近有一个湖,水汽从湖面升起。真是太美了,接下来的三天,天气很热,气温没有变化,如果有任何有空调的房子空出来的话,他们一定搬进去。西摩太太的情绪因为炎热的天气而易变。进餐时她又不高兴了。西摩先生是个素食主义者。他只吃蔬菜。但他的妻子对此抱怨很大。她总是要求食物有更多的品种。对西摩先生来说这真是一次痛苦的休假。fficeffice" />


Deep love between Father and Daughter 父女情深fficeffice" />

vegetation 植物,草木

vehicle  车辆,交通工具;媒介载体

veil 面纱,遮蔽物 用面纱掩盖,掩饰

velocity 速度,速率

velvet  丝绒,天鹅绒;丝绒制的,柔软的

ventilate 使通风,换气;给装通风设备

venture 冒险,拼;敢于,大胆表示;冒险事业

joint venture 合资企业

verb 动词

verbal 用言辞的,用文字的;口头的动词的

verdict  裁定;定论;判断,意见

verge 边缘;接近

on the verge of  接近于,濒于

verify 证实,证明

versatile 通用的,万用的,多才多艺的,多方面的

verse 韵文,诗;诗节诗句


versus/vs ….相对,与相比,以为对手,对

vessel 容器器皿;船舰;管,血管

vest 背心马甲,汗衫内衣

veteran 老手老兵

veto 否决

via 经,通过

vibrate (使)振动,(使)摇摆


There were several versions of a verse. Its verbal expression was very clear. Irene was a versatile girl. She could weave vest and also she could make vessels for holding food. Her father was a veteran. Now he worked in a joint venture. On a sunny morning, he went on business. A week later, a car ran towards Irene’s house at a fast velocity. Irene was opening the window to wentilate the room at that time. The messenger told her that her father had been kidnapped at the border. No vehicles or vessels were permitted to pass the border. When Irene knew her father was on the verge of death, she decided to venture her life to rescue him. Irene hired a group of strong men. She put on a velvet veil then set out. They left from their village to the border via a high mountain. fficeffice" />

The mountain was almost vertical. There was no vegetation on it at all. Irene’s every blood vessel was hot when she climbed the mountain. they stole into the border. Irene’s courage was verified in this risk. after innumerable hardships, they found her father. In the gunfight Irene versus the kednappers, Irene won. The veteran’s voice vibrated with passion when he saw his daughter. They went home together. But soon Irene was arrested because of stealing into the border. Irene’s verbal ability showed in her self-defense. The jury vetoed the charge against her. The final verdict was inspiring. Irene was set free.



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