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A Day of lsaac’s life 艾萨克一天的生活

in truth 实际上,的确

try out 试验

try on 试穿

tub 木盆,浴盆,桶

tube 管,软管,电子管,显象管,地铁

tuck 卷起,塞进

tug 拖,猛拉,拖船

tug of war 拔河比赛

tuition 学费

tumble 使摔倒,打滚,翻腾,摔交

tune 调子曲调,和谐协调,调音调节调整

tune in (to) 调谐,收听

tunnel 隧道,山洞

turbine 气轮机,涡轮机

turbulent 狂暴的,无秩序的

turkey 火鸡

by turns 轮流交替

in turn 依次轮流

turn down 关小调低,拒绝,摈弃

turn in 交出上缴,转身进入拐入


Isaac was a high school student. Every morning, he went to school on the tube. The tube roared in the tunnel quickly. The first class that morning was music. He played a tune on the violin. The second one was English. The students gave English speeches in turn. And the teacher asked them to turn in two essays every month. In the afternoon, the students visited a museum first. They saw the first ship to use turbine to propel forward in the world. Then they had a tug of war. Isaac tucked his shirt into his trousers then tugged the rope all out. He tumbled several times but he had fun. In the evening, Isaac took a good bath in the tub then tried on a new shirt. He recollected last weekend. He and his father went to a store. Isaac tried out the TV set before buying. He found that the TV tube had broken. They chose another good one. The television was too heavy they took carring it home. They had delicious turkey that night. Isaac was stopped recollecting by the rest bell. He lay down on the bed. He turned in his favoritestation to listen to it. In order not to disturb his roommates, he turned down the radio. The news said a hurricane was coming and the sea was turbulent. But Isaac worried about another thing, that is, the tuition was rising every year. He wanted to do a part-time job to lighten his parents’ burden. He was a good boy in truth.




The Twins and Their Tutor 双胞胎和他们的家庭教师

turn into 变成

turn off 关掉,断开,拐弯,叉开

turn on 接通,打开

turn out 制造生产,结果是,驱逐使离开

turn over 翻过来,翻倒,移交转交

turn to 变成,求助于,借助于

turn up 开大,调大,出现来到,发生

take turns 轮流

turning 转向,旋转,转弯处

turnip 萝卜,芜菁

turnover 翻倒,翻转(物),人员调整,(资金等)周转,成交量,营业额

tutor 家庭教师,指导教师

twentieth 第二十

twin 双的,成对的,孪生的,孪生子

twinkle 闪烁闪亮

twist 捻,搓,绞,拧,歪曲,曲解;搓,扭转,扭弯

typewriter 打字机

typhoon 台风

typical 典型的,有代表性的

typist 打字员

tyre/tire 轮胎


A factory turned out ten thousand automobiles each year. Its turnover was quick. Its turnover was pretty high. A worker in this factory worked hard. His wife gave birth to twins. She was a typical housewife. Every night after supper, the family turned off the light then turned on the television. The husband always asked the wife to turn the TV up a little because he could not hear very clearly. On weekends, the couple took turns to look after the twins. When the twins were 8 years old, their parents decided to turn over the children to a tutor, It’s maybe a good idea to turn to a professional tutor. On the day the tutor turned up, the weather forecast said that the highest was 10 degrees, but it turned out to be 5 degrees. The tutor drove a car. She turned off the highway and ran towords the seshore. Typhoon always struck the villages there. Then she took the first turning on the left. The tutor used to be a typist, so she brought the typewriter with her. Once the tutor saw the twins. she liked them. Their eys twinkled like stars. The tutor taught them how to twist threads together and how plant turnip. Also she explained why water turned into ice when it was cold. They turned over stones to watch ants under them. The twins liked the tutor too. In a big competition they won the twentieth and they told the tutor first.




Against Discrimination

ugly 丑陋的难看的讨厌的

ultimate 最后的最终的,根本的

ultraviolet 紫外线

umbrella 雨伞

unanimous 全体一致的,一致同意的

unbearable 无法承受的

uncertain 不确定的,易变的,不可靠的

uncertainty 不确定,易变,靠不住

uncover 揭露,揭开

underestimate 低估

undergo 遭受,经历,低估

undergraduate 大学生,大学肆业生

underground 地下的,秘密的,地铁

underline 在…下划线,强调

underlying 含蓄的,潜在的;在下面的

undermine 暗中破坏,逐渐削弱;侵蚀..的基础

underneath 在…下面,在下面,在底下

understanding 理解,理解力;通情达理的

undertake 承担;担任;许诺保证;着手,从事

undesirable 不受欢迎的,令人不快的

undo 松开揭开,取消撤消

undoubtedly 无疑;必定

uneasy 不安的,焦虑的

unemployment 失业,失业人数


An undergraduate was not good looking. In fact, he was ugly. Thus he underwent much unbearable discrimination. His manager framed a theft against him. saying the undergraduate stole an ultraviolet-proof umbrella. The committee had an underground meeting and was unanimous to fire him. The undergraduate’s understanding of his situation was correct. Undoubtedly, he was thrown into unemployment. He had to live in the uncertainty on the dole. He was uneasy in his mind about his future. Sometimes he was uncertain to commit suicide or not. He couldn’t undo his knot in his mind so he began to drink. He was often found sleeping underneath the table. His health was undermined by drink. A reporter happened to know his affair, He decided to visit the undergraduate. The uncertain weather delayed his departure. But the reporter did visit him finally. Then he undertook the job to give fair back to the undergraduate. He undertook to finish it by next month. His understanding words touched the undergraduate. Soon, the reporter undertook the investigation. He uncovered the whole affair. He wrote down the title of the article and underlined it. In his article, he underlined several points in an underlying way. His ultimate goal was to bring fair back to the undergraduate.


一名大学生长的不好看。实际上,他很丑陋。因此他遭受了很多不堪忍受的歧视。他的经理诬告说大学生偷了一把防紫外线的雨伞。委员会召开秘密会议并一致通过解雇他。大学生对自己处境的理解是正确的。 无疑,他是公司里不受欢迎的人。大学生被迫失业了。他不得不靠救济金过着不安定的生活。他对前景感到焦虑。有时他不确定自己是否要自杀。他无法解开心结,于是他开始喝酒,他被常常发现睡在桌子下面,他的健康逐渐被饮酒削弱。一名记者无意中得知他的事情。他决定访问大学生。易变的天气耽误了他的行程,但他最终还是访问了他。然后他承担了帮大学生讨回公道的任务。他许诺在下个月之前完成任务。他那通情达理的话让大学生很感动。很快,记者着手调查此事,他揭露了整个事件。他写下了文章的标题并在下面划线。在他的文章中他用一种含蓄的方式强调了几点。他的最终目标是为大学生讨回公道。


The Coming Catastrophe 即将来临的大灾难fficeffice" />

unexpected 意想不到的,意外的

unfit 不适宜的不适当的

unfold 展开,打开,显示,展示

unfortunately 不幸地

uniform 制服,军服,相同的一律的

unify 使联合,统一,使相同,使一致

union 协会,工会,同盟,联合,合并,融洽

unique 唯一的,独一无二的

unite 联合,团结,统一,合并

unity 团结,统一,一致,整体

universal  普遍的全体的,通用的,宇宙的世界的

universe  宇宙,万物

university  大学

unjust  不公平的

unkind  不仁慈的,不和善的

unless  除非,如果不

unlike 不同,不相似的,不像,和….不同

unlikely 未必,靠不住的

unlimited 无限的无拘束的

unload  卸货,卸下

unlock ..的锁,开启

unpaid 未付的,未缴纳的

unsatisfactory 不能令人满意的

unsuitable  不合适的不适宜的



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