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A Nice Tour 一次愉快的旅行fficeffice" />

tough  坚韧的;棘手的困难的;强健的吃苦耐劳的;粗暴的凶恶的

tour  旅行,游历

tourism  旅游业

tourist  旅行者

tow  拖,牵引

towel  毛巾

tower  塔,高耸

trace  痕迹,踪迹;极少量微量;描绘,跟踪,追踪

track  跑道小路;轨迹轮迹;跟踪,追踪

keep track 通晓事态,注意动向

lose track  失去联系

tractor  拖拉机,牵引车

trademark  商标

tradition  传统,惯例

traffic  交通,交通量

tragedy  悲剧,惨事,灾难

tragic  悲剧的,悲惨的

trail  踪迹,痕迹;(乡间)小道,追踪跟踪

training 训练培养

trait 特征特点特性

traitor 叛徒,卖国贼

tram  有轨电车

tramp 流浪者,步行,跋涉

transaction 办理,处理;交易,事务;会报学报

transfer 转移,调动,转车,转业,转学,转让,过户


亚历山大是一个建筑工人。他所在的公司有两支队伍。两支队伍不时会有竞争。根据时间表,今天工人们需要把瓷砖贴到建筑物的墙上。这可是件讨厌的累活。铃声一响,两支队伍就立即开工了。同时竞赛也开始了。暂时一队领先于二队。二队全速追赶一队。突然一个架子倾倒了,所有的木材落了下来,一队不得不把它们放整齐。及时的事故使得二队提前完成了它的任务。下班后亚历山大感觉很累。他的鞋子太小了,让他感觉很紧。他决定去一个酒吧。亚历山大从不吸烟。他有时喝酒。女侍应给了他一瓶密封的酒。他从紧身口袋里掏出钱来付了帐单。此外,他给女侍应两美圆小费,然后,亚历山大不急不忙的享用那瓶酒了。他有点儿醉意,查点儿掀倒了桌子。他及时清醒了。亚历山大离开了酒吧,他给家人买了些罐装食品。那些罐头盒是锡做的。亚历山大准时到了家。他上楼去看他的婴儿。婴儿昨天感冒了。他一次吃两片药,一天吃三次。他今天看起来很胆怯。亚历山大用指尖轻拍那小小的婴儿。两人都笑了。fficeffice" />


This morning,the Broadcasting Station interrupted its normal transmissions to bring the audience a piece of special news flash. The police arrested a spy. The spy was a treasurer working in a big company. The transition from a good man to a spy was a complicated course. The man took his transistor everywhere with him. In fact, the transistor had been transformed into transmitter. By using a transformer, he translated the codes into translation he could read. Then he transmitted useful information back. Because of his crime, the country lost a lot of treasure. The man committed the crime of treason. His purpose was transparent, for money, He would have a bone-marrow transplant and needed a lot of money. But he couldn’t transform his plan into reality. His sweet dream was transient. The police “visited” him soon, The treasurer trembled with tremendous fear. He crashed a transparent tray on the floor. The police sent him to the police station by some special transport. The man tried to jump into a trench half way but failed. The transport was rather successful. By clever questioning the police trapped him into making a confession. And finally the two countries signed a treaty to solve the problem.fficeffice" />


今天早晨,广播站打断了它日常的播送,给听众发布了一条特别新闻报道。警方逮捕了一名间谍,间谍是一家大公司工作的财务主管。从一个好人到一名间谍的转变是一个复杂的过程。这个人走到哪儿都带着他的晶体管收音机,实际上晶体管收音机已经被改造成了一台发报机。通过运用一个变压器,他将密码翻译成他读得懂的译文。然后他将有用的信息传送回去。因为他的罪行,国家损失了大量的珍宝。这个人犯了判国罪。他的动机很明显,为了钱。 他将做骨髓移植手术,必须要一大笔钱。但他没有办法将他的计划变为事实。他的美梦很短暂。警察很快拜访了他。财务主管因为巨大的恐惧而发抖。他打碎了一只透明的盘子,警察用特殊的运输工具押他去警察局,这个人在半路上试图跳进一个沟渠但失败了。运送还算比较成功。警察用聪明的提问使他中圈套坦白了一切。最后两个国家签订了一项条约来解决这个问题。fficeffice" />


As a tourist, Harriet was touring a famous city for the holidays. A bell tower was the emblem of that city. Before the tour, Harriet received a thorough training in a university. The transactions of that university focused on tourism and tour. Harriet had finished the transaction of business in her company. She would keep track of business when she was away. Also, she transferred her cellphone to her brother. At ffice:smarttags" />Jamaica, Harriet transferred from the train to a bus. Then she must tramp over a mountain. It was a tough task. Harriet kept on sweating and had to dry herself with a towel. But she was tough enough to face it. That was her trait. There was a track to the top of the mountain. She and some tramps found the trail of rabbit. From the top of the mountain, Harriet saw a tragic scene, a traffic accident. A truck collided a car then flew away. To avoid more tragedies, the police traced the truck and then arrested the driver. A tractor towed the car to the repair factory. In the following three days, Harriet visited a lot of places. She noticed there were hunge trademark advertisements everywhere, She was invited to a traditional wedding. She visited a temple in which there was a statue of a traitor, The traitor would be cursed by his people forever. Harriet enjoyed her tour very much while her families worried about her because they lost track of her since she left home.fficeffice" />


作为一名旅行者,哈丽特要去一个著名的城市度假旅行。一个钟塔是那个城市的标志。在旅行之前,哈丽特在一个大学接受了彻底的训练。那个大学的学报主要刊登旅游业和旅行的文章。哈丽特已经完成了她公司的业务处理。她在离开后仍会注意公司业务动向。还有她将她的手机转让给了她弟弟。在牙买加,哈丽特从火车转车到公交车上。然后她必须徒步爬山。那是一件困难的任务。哈丽特一直流汗,不得不用一条毛巾擦汗。但她足够吃苦耐劳来面对挑战。那是她的特点。有一条小路通向山顶。她和一些流浪者发现了野兔的踪迹。从山顶上,哈丽特看见了一幕悲惨的景象,一起交通事故。一辆卡车撞了一辆汽车后跑了。为了避免更多的悲剧。警察追踪卡车然后逮捕了司机。一辆牵引车将汽车拖去修理厂。接下来的三天哈丽特参观了许多地方。她注意到到处都是巨大的商标广告。她受邀请参加传统婚礼。他参观了一座寺庙,里面有一座卖国贼的雕像。卖国贼将永远被人民诅咒。哈丽特沉浸在旅行的快乐中,而她的亲人担心她,因为自她离家后,他们就同她失去了联系。fficeffice" />


Special News Flashfficeffice" />

transform  改变,转化;变压;改造,改革

transformer  变压器

transient 暂时的

transistor  晶体管,晶体管收音机

transition  转变,过渡

translate  翻译

translation  翻译,译文,译本

transmission  播送,发射;传递传导

transmit  发射,传播;传递传导

transparent  透明的,显然的,明显的

transplant  移植

transport  运输,搬运;运输系统,运载工具

trap  陷阱,圈套;诱捕,使中圈套

tray  盘,碟,托盘

treason  判国,谋反,通敌

treasure  财宝,珍品; 珍爱珍惜

treasurer  司库,财务主管

treaty  条约

tremble  发抖,颤抖;摇动晃动

tremendous  巨大的极大的

trench 沟,沟渠


Trip in Tropical Rain Forest 热带雨林之旅

trend 倾向趋势,伸向,倾向

trial 审讯,试验考验

triangle 三角形

tribe 部落家族

tribute 贡品,颂词,称赞,(表示敬意的)礼物

trick 诡计,骗局,恶作剧,窍门,诀窍,欺骗哄骗

trifle 少量,少许,小事,琐事

trim 整齐的整洁的,整理,修整装饰

trip 旅游,远足,拌倒,失足

triple 三部分的三方的,三倍的,使增至三倍

triumph 胜利成功,得胜战胜

triumphant 得胜的,得意洋洋的

trivial 琐碎的,无足轻重的

trolley/trolly 手推车小车,(英)无轨电车,(美)有轨电车

troop 部队,军队,一队,群

tropical 热带的

troublesome 令人烦恼的,讨厌的

truck 卡车,载重汽车

trumpet 喇叭,小号

trunk 皮箱,(车尾)行李箱;树干,躯干


A young couple planed to make a wedding trip in the tropical rain forest. Before leaving, the wife had had her hair trimmed in the morning. all the night she packed her trunk. She put her trim clothes into it. Young women were always interested in the trends of fashion, She was tricked to buy a scarf made of a triangular piece of blue silk. She put it into the trunk also. Her husband never was impatient over such troublesome trivial matters. and they never quarreled over trifles.They respected each other and never trifled with the other’s affections. The couple drove a truck in the tropical rain forest. Suddenly, they heard someone playing trumpet. They followed it and found two tribes. One tribe played tricks on the other one. They triumphed in the end. A trial was held for both sider. The winner was triumphant because the loser must pay tribute to it. This time the winner could obtain triple tributes. They would use trolleys to carry the tributes. The couple was excited to watch this while the wife tripped on a tree root. The other people walked towards them. The couple jumped into the truck in a hurry and drove away quickly.





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