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Take over a Careerfficeffice" />

tablet  n.药片,碑,匾

taboo  n./v禁忌

tackle  n.滑车,用具,器材v.处理,解决对付

tactic  n.策略,手段[-s]兵法,战术

tag  n.

tail  n.尾巴,后部,尾部

tailor  n.裁缝,v.逢制,裁剪

take…as  当作

take after  相象

take apart  拆卸

take away  消除,消耗

take down   记下,写下

take…for  认为是,把看成是

take in  接受,吸收;理解;欺骗

take off  拿走,脱下,起飞

take on  呈现,具有,装出;接纳;承担,从事

take over  接管,接办

take up  占去,占据,开始从事,拿起,接收

take to  亲近,喜欢

tale  n.传说,故事

talent  n.才能,天资,人才

talk back  回嘴,顶嘴

talk into  说服

talkative  a.健谈的,话多的

tame  a.驯服的,温驯的,沉闷的,乏味的 v.驯服,制服


A talkative tailor was famous for making good suits, Some people took him for a tame person, but they soon found out their mistakes, The tailor was skilled in tactic. He never took in his customers, Cheating was a taboo in his mind. The tailor had a son. The boy took after his father, He took to his father very much, He followed the tailor all day like a tail. His father told him tales of interesting things. The boy was talented. He took apart a sartorius at the age of 10. The tailor took him as his successor. He taught the son step by step. For example, at first he taught the son how to put the price tag on the suit. Whenever the tailor scolded the boy, the boy never talked back. He only took down what his father said thus he took in it quickly. Business took up much of the tailor’s time. Year by year, hard work took away his health. The tailor must take three tablets for his headache everyday. One night, the son helped his father to take off the coat, then he talked his father into retirement. The next day, the tailor began his travel. The plane took off on time. The son took in the task his father gave to him. He took on his father’s duty and took over the shop. He was eager to take up some job. As the spring came, trees took on the green color. But the tailor died. The son fixed a tablet to the wall in menmory of his father.fficeffice" />


一名健谈的裁缝因制作优质西服而出名,友人把他当作是一个很温驯的人,但是他们很快就会发现自己错了。裁缝对策略很在行。他从不欺骗他的顾客。在他的概念中欺骗是一种禁忌。裁缝有一个儿子,小男孩与他父亲很想象。他非常亲近父亲。他整天象尾巴一样跟着父亲。他父亲告诉他很多有趣的故事。男孩很有天资。他10岁时拆卸了一台缝纫机。裁缝把他作为自己的接班人。他一步步教儿子。比如一开始,他教儿子怎么把价格标签放到西服上。无论何时裁缝责怪男孩什么,男孩从不回嘴。他只是记下他父亲的话,这样他很快就理解那些话。生意占据了裁缝的大部分时间。一年年过去了,辛苦的工作消耗了他的健康。裁缝每天必须吃三粒药片来治头疼。一天夜里,儿子帮助父亲脱下外套,然后他说服父亲退休。第二天,裁缝开始了他的旅游。飞机按时起飞。儿子接受了父亲给他的任务。他承担了父亲的责任, 接管了衣店。他热切的要开始从事一些工作。春天来了,树木呈现出绿色。但是裁缝死了。儿子在墙上挂了一片匾来纪念父亲。 fficeffice" />


Painful Boyhoodfficeffice" />

tan  n.黝黑, a.棕褐色的, v.晒黑

tank  n. 坦克

tanker  n. 油船

tap  n.塞子,龙头,轻拍 v.轻敲;利用;开发

tape recorder  磁带录音机

tar  n.柏油,焦油

target  n.目标,对象 靶子

tariff  n.关税,税率;(旅馆饭店)价目表,收费表

tear  v.n.眼泪

in tears 流着泪,含泪,哭

tease  v.戏弄,取笑,挑逗,撩拨  n.戏弄他人者,戏弄,挑逗

technical  a.技术的,工艺的

technician  n.技术员,技师,技工

technique  n.技术,技能,工艺

technological  a.工艺的

technology  n.工艺,技术

tedious  a.乏味的,单调的,冗长的

teenager  n.13-19岁的)少年

telegram  n.电报

telegraph  n.电报机,电报; v.打电报,发电报

telescope  n.望远镜

temper  n.脾气,情绪;韧度,回火度

lose one’s temper  发怒,发脾气

temperature  n.温度,发烧

temple  n.庙宇,神殿,寺;太阳穴


James and Lou were teenagers. They were good friends. Whenever Lou heard a soft tap on his door, he knew it’s James, James liked to tease Lou but Lou seldom lost his temper. Their country declared a war against their neighboring country because of tariff problem. Advanced technology was used in war. The technological progress accelerated the development of weapons. New weapons were produced by new technique. The president made a tedious speech to encourage the youth to enlist. James and Lou joined the army. A highly skilled technician trained them to drive tank. Both of them tanned quickly in the sun. One day, Lou received an order to bombard a tanker. Before departure, he left a tape recorder to James. Lou saw the target through telescope. He didn’t know it was a trap. The road was covered with tar. Besides, the petrol tank in his tank is empty. The tank could not move owing to some technical reasons. The enemy surrounded the tank. Lou sacrificed his young life. When James heard of the news by telegraph, he cried Lou’s name in tears. James caught cold that night then had a temperature. His temples were very hot. He had to cool his forehead in the cold water from the tap. The war ended. James hesitated, but finally went to the telegraph office to send a telegram to Lou’s parents. Their hearts were torn by pain. They buried their son’s relics in a temple.fficeffice" />


詹姆斯和路都是十几岁的少年。他们是好朋友。无论何时,路听到他家门上的一声轻叩,就知道是詹姆斯来了。詹姆斯喜欢戏弄路。但路很少发脾气。因为关税问题,他们的国家向邻国宣战。先进的技术被运用于战争。工艺的进步加快了武器的发展。新技术制造出新型武器。总统发表了冗长的演讲鼓励年轻人参军。詹姆斯和路都参军了。一名技术娴熟的技师训练他们如何驾驶坦克。两人在阳光下很快晒黑了。一天,路接到任务去炮击一艘油船。分离前,他留了一台磁带录音机给詹姆斯。路用望远镜看见了目标。他不知道那是个陷阱。道路被柏油覆盖着。此外他坦克里的油箱空了。坦克因为某些技术问题而无法移动。坦克被敌人包围了。路牺牲了他年轻的生命。当詹姆斯通过电报听说了这个消息后,他流着泪哭喊路的名字。当晚詹姆斯感冒了,并发起高烧。他的太阳穴发烫。他不得不用水龙头里的冷水来凉额头。战争结束后。詹姆斯犹豫良久,最终还是去电报局给路的父母发了一份电报。他们的心被悲痛撕碎了。他们在一个庙宇里埋葬了儿子的遗物。fficeffice" />


A Dangerous Temporary job 一个危险的临时工作fficeffice" />

tempo  n.节奏,行进速度;(音乐的)速度

temporary  a.暂时的临时的

tempt  v.诱惑,引诱;吸引,使感兴趣

temptation  n.诱惑,引诱

tenant  n.承担人;房客,佃户

tend  v.趋向,往往是;照料看护

tendercy  n.趋向趋势

tender  a. 嫩的;脆弱的敏感的温柔的温厚的v.提出提供投标

tennis  n.网球

tense  n. 时态a.拉紧的紧张的

tension  n.张力,拉力;紧张

tent  n.帐篷

tentative  a.试探(性)的,试验(性)的

term  n.学期,期限,期间;条件条款,术语

in terms of 依据,按照;用的措辞

terminal  n.终点站,接线端;(计算机)终端

terminate  v.停止,结束

terrible  a.很糟的,极坏的;可怕的骇人的;极度的厉害的

terrific  a.极好的,非常的,极度的

terrify  v.使害怕,使惊吓

territory  n.领土版图,领域范围

terror  n.恐怖;可怕的人(事)

terrorist  n.恐怖主义者

testify  v.说明,证实

testimony  n.证据证词;表明说明


There was a growing tendency of terrorism in this terrirory. The local people were terrified by terror. The government tended to have a tentative negotiation with those terrorists. It hired Samuel as a temporary worker to do the job. Samuel was an ordinary university student. He liked disco music tempo. He liked to play tennis. He could fix the broken terminals of the computer. He needed to recite many technical terms to pass his exams at the end of this term. His landlord collected the tenant’s rent monthly. Because his contract had been terminated, Samuel had to move to a tent to stay over. The job was dangerous in terms of security, but he could earn some money. Money tempted him to take a risk. 1,000 dollars was a big bemptation. Samuel started off. He was rather tense and his tense muscles exposed this. His mind was full of terrible imaginations. then he drove a car to the bus terminal where he would meet those terrorists. The negotiation went well. Samuel felt relaxed on the way home. He drove his car at a terrific speed and at the same time he enjoyed the terrific view. But suddenly his car collided with another one. Samuel was sent to hospital. He was as weak as a tender flower. His tender mother tended him patiently.fficeffice" />


这块地域上恐怖主义有增长的趋势。当地人民被恐怖惊吓着。政府趋向于同那些恐怖分子进行试探性的谈判。它雇佣了塞弥儿作为临时工来做这事。塞弥儿是一名普通的大学生。他喜欢迪斯科音乐的节奏。他喜欢打网球。他能够修理坏了的电脑终端。他需要背诵许多工业术语来通过这学期期末的考试。他的房东每个月收房客的房租。因为他的合同已经被终止,塞弥尔不得不搬到一个帐篷里过夜,这份工作依据安全性来讲是危险的,但它可以挣一些钱。金钱诱惑他去冒险。一千美圆可是一个大诱惑。塞弥儿出发了,他相当紧张。他绷紧的肌肉泄露了这一点,他的脑袋里满是可怕的想象。然后他驾驶一辆汽车去公交终点站,在那里他将会合那些恐怖分子。谈判进展顺利。一项协议的签定有助于缓和紧张局势。塞弥儿回家的路上感觉轻松。他以极快的速度驾驶着车子并同时欣赏着极好的风景。但突然他的车同另一辆车相撞了。塞弥儿被送往医院。他像脆弱的花儿那样虚弱。他那温柔的母亲耐心的照料他。fficeffice" />


Forgiveness 关于宽恕fficeffice" />

textile  纺织品,纺织的

thanks to 由于,幸亏

thanksgiving  感恩节

that is 就是说,即

theater/theatre  戏院,戏剧,阶梯教室

theft  偷窃失窃

theme  题目主题

theoretical  理论上的

therapy  治疗理疗

thereafter  此后,以后

thereby  因此,从而

therefore  因此,所以

thereof 由此,因此

thermal  热的,保暖的

thermometer  温度计

thesis  论文论题论点

thick  厚的,粗的,稠的;密集的

thin  薄的,细的;稀薄的淡的,瘦的;变薄变细变稀

for one thing  首先,一则

think of …as  看作,以为

think over  仔细考虑

think better of  改变主义;重新考虑

thirst  口渴,渴望

thirsty 渴的,渴望的

thorn  荆棘,刺



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