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Justice Must Done 必行正义fficeffice" />

Life in a village seemed static, but it’s not. Ed found this recently. There was a stall nearby the landlord’s house. Ed could buy some stationery, stamps, and stainless steel knife there. From the standpoint of a stranger, the landlord set too strict standards for his servants. The servants only could use the back staircase. They starved but only could eat a piece of stale bread everyday. Each cow made her own stall in the shed. Every servant worked as standardized machine. One day, the landlord lost his stakes in the horse race. Additionally, he was stumbled by a stake. He became angry and began to thrash a servant. In his opinion, he himself stood for power. And he could kill a person like stamp an insect. The other people stood by and did nothing. At first, Ed remained stationary so as not to be seen. He stared with astonishment. Such a conduct was a stain to humanity. He decided to stand by the poor servant. He acted quickly because the man’s life was at stake. Ed stood up for him. The landlord didn’t listen to him. On the contrary, he killed the servant then he warned Ed! Ed stood up to his threat. The next day, Ed visited a famous statesman who was respected by people. Ed stood up when he came in. The statesman’s red hair made him stand out in a crowd. He was startled by Ed’s words. Soon afterwards he made his statement about the affair. He promised to punish the savage act.


一个乡村的生活看起来是静态的,但其实不然,爱德最近发现了这一点。一个地主家的房子附近有一个货摊。他可以在那里买一些文具邮票不锈钢刀。从一个外地人观点来说,他觉得地主对他的仆人定的规则太严格了。仆人们只能使用后楼梯。他们饿得发慌,可只能每天吃一片不新鲜的面包。每头木牛在牛棚里还有它独自的畜栏呢,每个仆人像标准化的机器一样工作。一天,地主在赛马里失去了他的赌注。而且他还被一个树桩给绊倒了。他很生气,就开始鞭打一个仆人。在他的概念里,他自己就代表着权力,杀人就象跺死个昆虫一样。其他的人袖手傍观。起初,爱德保持静止,以免被人发现。他吃惊盯着这一幕。这种行经是对人性的玷污。他决定帮助那个可怜的仆人。他行动很快,因为那个人的生命在危险中。爱德辩护。地主不听他说话,相反,他用枪杀死了仆人并且警告爱德。但爱德勇敢地面对他的威胁。第二天,爱德拜访了一位著名的人民爱戴的政治家。当他走进来的时候爱德站起来政治家的红头发让他在人群中很显眼。爱德的话让他很震惊。很快就此事他发表了声明。他许诺一定要惩罚这种暴行。fficeffice" />


The Last Sail 退休之航fficeffice" />

July 30 was the date an old captain sailed last time. His steady working style of 35 years made his status high. The statistical data from weather bureau showed there was a storm soon. Despite the statistic, the captain stuck to his duty. Nothing could change his stern mind. The steamer set out on a sunny morning. As usual, his wife bought some roses with long stems. She was stung by one of roses. The wife stirred the sugar into her husband’s coffee. The captain stuck the fork into the potato then they kissed goodbye. The captain’s father came to see him off. The stern old man stood on the dock leaning on a stick. The captain stuck his head out of window and waved to his father and his wife. The stewards had stuck sticky labels on the cargo. They were ready for sailing. Step by step, the steamer stepped up its speed and left the harbor. The status  of weather wasn’t optimistic. After standing in the chilly wind for too much time, the captain felt stiff in four limbs. But he still stood steadily at the stern like a statue. The captain together with the steward stuck out the stiff sailing. The steamer passed by steep hills and was close to the destination. This stimulated the steward work harder. The captain listened to the stereo radio and steered the steamer careful into the harbor. To welcome the steamer, a long line of honor guards marched all in step. And the police stepped in to keep order.


ffice:smarttags" />730是一个老船长最后一次远航。他35扎实的工作作风让他的地位很高。气象局的统计资料表明很快就有一次风暴。尽管有统计,船长还是坚持他的职责。没有什么可以改变他坚定的想法。轮船在一个阳光明媚的早晨起程了。象往常一样,他的妻子买了一些长的玫瑰。她被其中一朵刺了一下。妻子为丈夫搅拌咖啡里的糖。船长把饭叉进土豆,然后他们吻别了。船长的父亲来送行。这个苛刻的老人站在码头。拄着一根拐杖。船长将头伸出窗外并向他的父亲和妻子挥手。乘务员已经将粘性标签粘贴在货物上了。他们已准备好了航行。逐步地,轮船加快了他的速度并离开了海港。天气情形并不乐观。船长站在寒风里太长时间,以至于感到四肢僵硬。但他仍然稳定的站在船尾,仿佛一座雕像。船长和乘务员一起将这艰难的航行坚持到底轮船经过了陡峭的山峰并靠近目的地。这刺激乘务员更加努力得工作。船长一边收听立体声收音机,一边小心翼翼的掌舵将船驶进海港。为了欢迎轮船的到来,一支仪仗队步调合拍的行进着。连警察也介入来维持秩序。 fficeffice" />


Hard Life 艰苦的生活fficeffice" />

stitch  n.一针,针脚v.缝,缝合

stock  n.备料,库存,现货,股票,债券 v.储存

in stock  现有,备有

stocking  n.长统袜

stomach  n.胃口,胃

stony  a.多石的,石头的,冷酷的,无情的

stool  n.凳子

stoop   v.弯腰,俯身;n.弯腰,曲背

storage  n.库房,库存,保管

storey/story  n.层,楼

storm  n.暴风雨,暴风雪,激动,爆发;v.猛攻,直捣

stove  n.炉子,火炉

straight  a. 直的,笔直的;整齐的,端正的ad.直接

straightforward  a.正直的,坦率的;简单的,易懂的;ad.坦率地

strain  n.疲劳,紧张,张力,应变;v.扭伤,拉伤;拉紧,紧张,尽力

stranger  n.陌生人,外国/地人,生客

strap  n. 带,皮带v.捆扎

strategy  n.战略,策略

straw   n.稻草,麦杆,吸管

strawberry  n.草莓

stream  n.小溪;流,一股,一串;v.流出,涌

streamline  a.流线型的

strangth  n.实力,力量

strengthen  v.加强,加固

stress  n.压力;重音;v.强调,着重


There was a stony inn nearby a stream. It was a two-storey. The host wa a diligent man. His wife was straightforward woman and often asked some quite straightforward questions. She cooked meal for her husband with a gas stove. But he had no stomach for supper. He strained his right arm by lifting a heavy bag just now. He strapped his arm with a cloth strap. The wife was stitching her stockings. When she sewed she made long stitches. She thought of a lot of sand things. Her husband put all their money in a company stock thus lost most of their money. Last week, their streamline car was stolen. The storage of food was not enough. The close-by store had no more food in stock, And now, the clouds threatened a stony storm. The woman couldn’t bear the stresses and strains of life. Tears streamed from her eyse. The host straightened his back. He must work out a strategy to deal with the coming storm. It would take great strength to resist the storm. First of all, he must strengthen the foundation of the inn. He stressed this to all his workers. Then he stooped to pick up his tool to work with them together. Even some strangers came to help them. Having finished work, the tired host sat down on a stool. Then he drank strawberry juice through a straw. After that, he asked all of the people to hide in the storage before the storm.fficeffice" />


一条溪流边有个石头造的客栈。 它是个两层楼建筑。主人是个勤劳的人。他的妻子是个坦率的人,常常会问写很简单的问题。她用煤气炉给丈夫做了一顿饭。但他没有胃口吃。他刚才抬一个重包的时候扭伤了右臂。他用一根布带捆扎手臂。妻子正在缝合她的长统袜。当她干针线活时,她的针脚总是弄的很长。她想起了许多沮丧的事情。她的丈夫把他们所有的钱投入在一个公司的股票上,因此失去了他们大部分的钱。上周他们流线型的汽车被人偷了。食物的储藏不够。附近商店没有备有粮食。而现在乌云暗示了一场无情的暴风雨即将到来。这名妇女无法承受生活的压力和紧张。眼泪从他的眼睛里流出来。主人挺直了他的背。他必须想出策略来对付即将到来的风暴。抵抗暴风雨需要许多气力。首先他必须巩固客栈的地基。他对他所有的工人强调这一点。然后他弯腰拾起工具和他们一起干活。甚至一些陌生人也来帮助他们。完成工作之后,疲惫的主人坐在凳子上。然后他用吸管喝了一些草莓果汁。那之后,他要求所有人在暴风雨来临前躲进库房。fficeffice" />


The world around Us 我们的世界fficeffice" />

stretch  v.延长,伸n.一段时间,一段路程;拉长,延伸

strict   a.严格的,严厉的,严谨的,精确的

stride  v.大步走,迈进,跨过n.迈步,阔步

strike  v.冲,撞;罢工;(使)产生印象,打动,发现,找到n.罢工

striking  a.显著的,惊人的

string  n.一串,一行,弦,线,细绳;v.缚,捆

strip  v.剥,n.窄条,条纹

stripe  n.条纹

strive  v.奋斗,努力

stroke  n.击,敲;报时钟声;一击,一划,一笔,一次努力;抚摸v.抚摸

structural  a.结构的,构造的

structure  n.结构,构造,建筑物;建造

struggle  n./v.斗争,奋斗,努力

stubborn  a.顽固的,倔强的;难对付的,难以克服的

studio  n.画室,播音室;制片厂

stuff  n.原料材料,东西v.填满塞满

stuffy  a.不透气的,闷热的

stumble  v./n.跌,绊

sturdy  a.强健的,结实的

subdivide  v.再分,细分

submarine  n.潜水艇 a.海底的,水底的

submerge  v.沉没,淹没;潜水

submit  v.使服从,屈服

subordinate  a.次要的,从属的;下级的

subscribe  v.订购,订阅


That morning was a stuffy morning. I got out of the bed and had a good stretch. My dog came to lie down beside me. I nearly stumbled over it. It liked to be stroked. I subscribed several kinds of newspaper. So after I stuffed myself full of food, I read them.There were a lot of stuffs on them. I was attracted by a piece of striking news. Because a subordinate in a film studio didn’t submit to the strict order from his stubborn manager, he was stripped off clothes and given 5 strokes of the whip. The angry workers struck to their human rights. They divided into two groups and subdivided into four groups. They strode on their sturdy legs down the street. They declared that they were not string puppets. All the other issues were subordinate to this one. The subordinate’s wife was invited to a television studio. She wore a string of pearls. Her skirt had white stripes between blue. She was a stubborn woman. Whatever happened, she would strive. It seemed that the struggle would last for some time. The second one was that a tall structure had been put up in downtown. I liked the structural idea. The third one was about building submarine cable tunnel. A company needed a submarine to submerge into the deep sea. It submitted an application for approval. After reading newspaper, I strung them together with a strip of sticky tape. Then I decided to go back to my studio.fficeffice" />





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