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Survivor game 生还者游戏fficeffice" />

Sixteen people (Team A and Team B)entered Survivor Game. Their bodies were in shape. Two teams faced severe tests. The first thing they needed to do was to check the geographical setting and settled down. Team A looked for a shady place that some trees could give shade. Thus, they could sit in the shadow when the sun shed strong light and heat. They sheared some branches from the trees then built a shed. Soon, a shed took shape. Though it was strong, it still would shake when elephants went by. The team menbers shared materials with each other. Team A’s leader was very severe. When any one felt sad, he would say, “There is no point in shedding tears.” But after the settlement of theire differences, they became friends. He taught them how to make setting with shafts. He led the team to avoid dangerous shallows. It was very sharp of him to see a shedding snake and warned the otheres. The snake’s teeth were as sharp as a shark’s. A menmber helpped him to shave his head bald because he wanted to save some shampoo. Another one helped to sew the button onto his shirt. Team B was not so lucky. There was a woman who had a rather shallow personality. She had no shame of her sham and shameful words. Team A defeated Team B in the first test. As a shady member of Team B, that woman was eliminated befor the next test.


16个人(分成AB两队)参加了生还者游戏。他们的身体都处于良好状态。两队都面临着严峻的考验。他们做的第一件事就是要查看地理环境安顿下来A队寻找一处有一些树阴多荫的地方。那样,他们可以在太阳散发强烈光热的时候坐在阴暗处了。他们剪了一些书上的树枝后开始搭。很快一个成型了。虽然它很结实,但当大象经过的时候,它还是会摇动。队员分享所有的物资。A队的队长非常严厉。当任何人感到沮丧时,他会说:没有必要眼泪。但在他们的分歧解决后,他们成了朋友。他教他们如何用杆状物底座。他带领队伍避开危险的浅滩。他非常敏锐地看到了一条正在脱皮的蛇并警告别人;那蛇的牙齿同鲨鱼的一样锋利。一名队员帮他了光头,因为他想节约一些洗发水。另一个队员帮他把扣子在衬衣上。B队没有那么幸运。他们对里有名妇女非常的浅薄。她对自己虚伪的可耻的话根本不感到羞耻。在第一次考验中A队战胜了B队。作为B队一名靠不住的队员,那名妇女在下次考验前被淘汰了。fficeffice" />


A Narrow Escape from Danger 死里逃生fficeffice" />

A shepherd’s name was Tomas, but he was called Tom for short. For this exciting sail, he spent all his shillings. He placed many beautiful shells on a shelf. He found them on the shore. But soon the ship encountered pirates. They shot at the ship. Tom used a shield to protect him from injury. The ship tried its best to flee away successfully. Then a sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm. The rain came down in sheets. Tom couldn’t find a shelter. He covered himself with a sheet.  He shivered from the cold. After the rain, the sun shined again. But the ship ran around. The fresh water was running short. And there was a shortage of food, too. Tom would not await his doom. He and other five people took a boat and went away, trying to find their way out. It was a sheer gamble. They rowed the boat in two shifts. Two days later, they saw a sheer cliff.  The land. They took a shortcut to go on shore. Later, they were shocked to hear of the news of shipwreck of their ship. They were lucky to evade it. But one of them, a shopkeeper was sad. He lost his shipment. The mayor cut short his meeting when he knew these people’s survival. The reporters gathered material report from Tom. They prepared to take down what he would say in shorthand. But Tom was too shy to say anything. That’s his shortcoming. Finally, he broke silence, “In short, we had a narrow escape from danger.”


一个牧羊人的名字叫汤姆斯,不过别人都简称他为汤姆。为了这次让人兴奋的航行,他花去了他所有的先令。他在一个架子上放了许多漂亮的贝壳。那是他在海滨找到的。不过很快这艘船遭遇到了海盗。他们向船射击。汤姆用一面盾保护自己不受伤害。这艘船成功的逃脱了。后来风向的突然转变预示着风暴即将来临。大雨大片落下。汤姆找不到一个躲避处。他用一张床单罩住自己。他冷得发抖。雨后,太阳重新照耀。但船又搁浅了。饮用水快用完了,并且食物也不足。汤姆不愿意坐以待毙。他同其他5个人乘坐一条小船走了,试图找到生机。这纯粹是赌博。他们分两班轮流划船。两天后,他们看见了一座陡峭的悬崖。是陆地。他们走捷径上了海滨。后来他们震惊地知道了关于他们那条船的失事的消息。他们很幸运的躲过了。但他们其中的一个,一位店主有点沮丧。他失去了装载的货物。市长知道了这些人生还消息后中断了他的会议。一些记者采访汤姆。他们准备用速记来记录他将说的话。但汤姆太羞涩了,以至于说不出话来。那是他的缺点。最终,他开口了:简言之,我们死里逃生。fficeffice" />


A Pleasant Surprisefficeffice" />

Mr. Nathan worked in a bookstore on the side, He was sick of working too much. But he must shoulder his responsibilities. That night after work, Mr. Nathan caught sight of his son. The boy ran forward with a happy shout, “Follow me, dad. Let’s do some sightseeing. I will shortly let you know where we go.” “It is going to rain, my child, My shirt will shrink when it is wet.” “It is only a shower. Besides, we can take a shower after we go home.” Mr. Nathan sighed then followed his son. They walked on the sidewalk, side by side. Then they walked sideways through a narrow passage. Suddenly, the boy gave a shriek of a delight. A bird was in sight. The boy waved until it was out of sight. Next, they came to a bar that had a wooden shutter. At first sight, it was very usual as others. A red flag was placed there as a sign. Mr. Nathan shrank. He said to his son shortly, “Your mum won’t let me drink” “shut out all bad thoughts from your mind, Dad, Let’s go,” A waiter showed them in . The bright light showed up the people inside. Mr.Nathan saw his wife smiling at him, “You showed up.” The son cried out, “Happy marriage anniversary.” Mr. Nathan pretended to be angry, “Don’t show off.” The boy adjusted the camera’s shutter then took a photo for his parents. To appreciate the shrewd son, Mr. Nathan ordered an ice cream on the side. He signed the bill,


内森先生在一家书店兼职,他厌烦工作太多,可是必须肩负起自己的责任。那天晚上下班,内森先生突然看见他的儿子。男孩快乐的呼叫着向他跑来:爸爸请跟我来,我们作些观光吧。我不久会告诉你我们去哪儿。”“天要下雨了,我的孩子,我的衬衫湿了以后会起皱的。”“那只是阵雨而已,再说,我们可以回家后淋浴嘛。内森先生叹了口气跟在儿子后面。他们肩并着肩走在人行道上。然后他们侧身穿过一条狭窄的通道。突然,男孩高兴地尖叫起来。一只鸟儿被他看见了。男孩一直向它挥手,直到看不见为止。接下来他们来到一个有木百叶窗的酒吧。咋一看,它和其他的酒吧一样普通。一面红旗挂在那里作为标记。内森先生退缩了。他简略地对儿子说:你妈不让我喝酒的。”“排除您所有不好的想法吧,爸爸,让我们进去吧。一名侍者他们领入。明亮的灯光使里面的人们很醒目。内森先生看见了他的妻子。她正向他微笑:出现了,儿子大叫:结婚纪念快乐。内森先生假装生气:不要炫耀男孩调整了相机的快门为他的父母拍照。为了感谢机灵的儿子,内森先生额外点了一份冰激凌。他在帐单上签了名fficeffice" />


Righteousness above Friendship 比友情更高贵的是正义fficeffice" />

The simplicity of the following story makes it suitable for anyone. Walter and Tony had been good friends ever since they met at school. There was much similarity on their appearance. They worked in the same company. Walter believed in Tony with childlike simplicity until today. When he was washing dishes in the sink, Tony asked hime to sit for a conference, He’d like Walter to sit in. From last year till now, Tony simplified the working process to save silicon, silk and silver then he sold them secretly. Tomorrow he would leave by airplane. Before he leaved, he would explode the factory. The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane’s taking off.  “I would be a singular businessman.” Tony said. Walter’s heart sank when he heard Tony’s sins. Now, Tony needed Walter to simulate the boss’s signature. He lured Walter with money. But money held no significance for Walter, He signified his rejection with silence, On the contrary, he wanted to stop Tony’s silly action. Walter was completely sincere in what he said. His sincerity was evident in every word, but Tony refused him with anger. That night, Walter sat up until midnight, At last, he signaled urgently to the police. A police car raced along with its sirens wailing. Walter’s actions were significant. The police arrested Tony and stopped his crime. The noun “action” is singular;  it is the singular form of “actions”.


下面的故事很简单,对所有人都很合适。沃尔特和托尼在学校认识那时起就是好朋友。他们的长相有许多相似。他们在同一家公司工作。沃尔特对托尼有着孩子般单纯的信任,一直到今天。当他正在清洗水槽里的碗筷时,托尼叫他参加一个会议。他想要沃尔特傍听。从去年到现在,托尼简化了生产工序来节省丝绸,然后偷偷地卖出去。明天他将乘飞机离开。离开前他会炸掉工厂。爆炸定时在飞机起飞的同时我将成为一个非凡的商人。托尼说,听到托尼的罪恶后沃尔特的心下沉了。现在托尼需要沃尔特冒充老板的签名。他用金钱来诱惑沃尔特。但金钱对沃尔特来说不重要。他用沉默表示他的拒绝。相反,他想阻止托尼愚蠢的行为。沃尔特非常诚挚。他的诚挚在每个字里都非常明显。但托尼愤怒的拒绝了。那天夜里,沃尔特熬夜到午夜。最终,他给警察了紧急信号。一辆警车发着警报声呼啸而来。沃尔特的行为是有意义的。警察逮捕了托尼并阻止了他的犯罪。名词action”单数,他是actions”单数形式。fficeffice" />


Avalanche  雪崩fficeffice" />

Abe was a medical student. He was studying the structure skeleton. Abe’s elder sister, Fanny was studying history. She was interested in slave and slavery. Fanny was a pretty and slender girl. Her skin was beautiful. She wore skirt of No.11 size. To keep slim, she only had a slice of bread for her breakfast. She was too slight to play basketball. But she was skilled enough in French to translate a novel. One Sunday morning, the sister and the brother watched some slides together in sitting-room. After that, Abe rolled up his sleeves and worked on a sketch of his sister. he was skilful at sketching. Suddenly, Abe suggested to go skiing. He preferred skating better. It’s fun to slide on the ice. But last year, he slipped and hurt his leg when he skated. Fanny slapped him on the back and said yes. Both of them disliked skyscrapers. They decided to skirt round the town center. The ski slop was situated just outside the town. Winter was the slack season at most hotels except here. The two young people were skiing happily when they heard a slight voice become louder and louder. Avalanche. The situation was dangerous. Fortunately they hid themselves in a cave in time. They only had a slender hope in their hearts. Rescue workers rushed to the site. A policeman wrote the skeleton of the rescue report. He was careful not to make any slip in his report. Finally, Abe and Fanny were rescued.


艾贝是个医科学生。他正在研究骨骼构造。艾贝的姐姐范妮正在学习历史。她对奴隶奴隶制感兴趣。范妮是个漂亮的、苗条的女孩。她的皮肤非常美丽。她穿11号尺寸的裙子。为了保持苗条,她早餐只吃一面包。她太纤弱了,无法打篮球。但她法语熟练到可以翻译小说了。一个星期天的上午,姐弟俩一块儿在起居室看了些幻灯片。那之后,艾贝卷起袖子给姐姐画一幅素描。他素描画得很娴熟,突然,艾贝提议去滑雪。他更喜欢溜冰。在冰上滑行实在太有趣了。不过去年,他在溜冰滑倒了并伤到了腿。范妮拍他的背说好的。两个人都不喜欢摩天大楼。他们决定过市中心。滑雪场就坐落在市郊。冬天是大部分旅馆生意萧条的季节,这儿可不是。两个年轻人正高兴得滑雪时,他们听到一种轻微的声音,然后越来越大声。雪崩!局面非常危险。幸运的是他们及时躲进了一个山洞。他们的心里只有微弱的希望。营救人员赶往雪崩地点。一个警察写下营救报告提要。他小心注意不要在报告里犯任何小错。最终,艾贝和范妮被营救出来了。fficeffice" />



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