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Nowadays, the international situation is rather intricate. All things are interacted on each other. In the period that intervened April 1 and November 1 last year, two countries invaded each other at intervals. The people in these two countries heard intermittent gunshot day and night. The pain in the people's hearts increased in intensity. It was not right for any country to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. So the United Nations had to intervene. It introduced a diplomat to those two countries. The diplomat was on intimate terms with the leaders of both sides. He was a person who could tell things accurately by intuition. Before leaving, the diplomat reapplied for his passport because his former one was invalid. An intense young interpreter accompanied him. The young man had passed the intermediate level exam of English. In an interior city, both sides' leaders interviewed the diplomat. At the meeting, the diplomat made an interesting speech. His speech was interrupted by applause at intervals. The two countries had the intention of peace. The problem was solved by intensive efforts! A friendly intercourse was rebuilt between the two countries. The interior trade in both countries boomed again.


当今世界,国际形势非常错综复杂。所有的事情都是互相影响的。在去年介于ffice:smarttags" />41111之间,有两个国家不时地互相侵略。两国的人民白天黑夜都能听到间歇的炮击声。他们内心的痛苦更加剧烈了。任何一个国家干涉别国的政都是不对的。因此联合国不得不干涉此事。它介绍了一名外交官去那两个国家。这名外交官同两国领导人都有着亲密的关系。他是个能凭直觉准确判断事物的人。在出发前,他重新申请了他的护照,因为他原先的那个无效了。一名热情的年轻译员陪伴着他。这个年轻人通过了英语中级水平测试。在一个内地城市,两方领导人接见了外交官。,在会议上,外交官做了有趣的演讲。他的演讲不时地被掌声打断。两个国家都有和好的意图。问题被深入细致的努力解决了!两国之间重新建立了友好往来。两国的国内贸易也重新繁荣起来。


 Freedom is invaluable for any country. So the invasion from an enemy country irritated an Italian scientist. He invested all his money in inventing a new kind of weapon that could work by itself. The experiment involved irregular ion movement theory and isotope theory. The scientist had to have the work done, irrespective of the cost. No one except his mother could visit his laboratory without invitation. His mother ironed his shirt for him every morning. On the day that the Italian scientist completed his invention, he smiled. His smile showed his inward happiness. The investment was regarded enough. The war situation was inverted and the invaders were defeated. A joint communique of truce was issued on June 5 that year. There were 102 items on it. Since the weapon sold well, the scientist earned a lot of money. Thus he was involved in trouble. The government began to investigate his invisible earning. Taxation was the main issue in the investigation. The scientist was isolated in a special room. The investigation was all right in itself but it went on too long. Five months later, the scientist was acquitted.




Pete's parents divorced when he was studying at a junior middle school. Pete gave up his study. To earn money, he put on sport jacket and then danced jazz in the street. But his income only could afford a jar of orange juice. He felt jealous of rich people, especially a Jewish woman. She was a jolly woman. Every one could see the joy in her smiling face. But Pete though she had a proud jaw only because she wore jewelry! Some guys taught Pete to speak jargon and how to steal! One night, Pete went jogging and he saw the Jewish woman walk alone! He robbed of her jewel! The woman defended herself with a knife. She cut his wrist so badly that blood jetted out. Pete fled in a hurry. On the way, he hurt his ankle joint. Pete tried to leave on a jet plane. But it was late. He was arrested and put into a jail. The police knew that his motive was jealousy. But in the name of justice, all men should be equal before laws. Nothing could justify Pete's robbery. The jury passed judgment on Pete. He was judged guilty. A journalist heard of Pete's story, he wanted to interview him. As a journalist of a famous journal, he journeyed frequently. He drove a car to the jail. But he was held for an hour in a traffic jam. The traffic jam happened at a highway junction. In the car, the journalist began to think what caused Pete to be a criminal.




 Mr. Hughes was cleaning a keyboard in the kitchen when the telephone rang. It was from his daughter's kindergarten. The kid was kidnapped when she was flying the kite! Mr. Hughes kept down his voice to answer the phone. His wife was knitting. He kept the news back. Mr. Hughes asked the "Flying Tiger team for help. This team was known as the best team in the police office. Every team member had enough knowledge to keep a hostage from being killed. The kidnappers asked for ransom. The Flying Tiger set out. Mr. Hughes kept up with them. Their car kept up high speed for several kilometers before they arrived. A policeman knotted the pieces of string together then he climbed up the house. Another one turned the doorknob but it was locked. So he gave the door a kick then knocked it down. The gunfight began. A kidnapper poured one or two kilogram kerosene on the floor from a kettle. He fired it. But the fire could not keep back the policemen. They kept off the fire and kept on moving on. A policeman shot at the kidnapper. The latter tried to keep out of the way of the bullet but it still hit his kidney. He knelt down on his knees. One by one, all the kidnappers were knocked out. Mr. Hughes turned on a lamp of 1 kilowatt. He was keen on seeing his daughter. His daughter was alive! The next week, Mr. Hughes kept to his promise. He took his daughter to the park, Animal Kingdom.


休斯先生正在厨房里清洗一个键盘,这时电话响了。是女儿的幼儿园打来的。孩子在放风筝的时候被人绑架!休斯先生压低声音回电话。他的妻子在编织。他隐瞒了这个消息。休斯先生向“飞虎队”请求帮助。这个队被认为是警察局最好的队伍。每个队员都有足够的知识使人质受杀害。绑匪勒索赎金。飞虎队出发了。休斯先生跟上他们。在到达之前,他们的车子保持高速行驶了好几公里。一名警察把几根绳子打结,然后他爬上屋顶。另一个扭了一下门把手但它是锁住的。于是他了门一脚然后撞倒它。枪战开始了。一个绑匪从一个水壶里倒了一两公斤煤油在地上。他点燃了它。但火焰不能阻挡警察们的步伐。他们避开火焰继续前进。一名警察向那个绑匪射击。后者试图躲开子弹但还是被击中了肾脏。他双膝跪倒下来。一个接一个,所有的绑匪都被击倒了。休斯先生打开一个一千瓦的灯。他渴望见到他的女儿。他的女儿还活着!第二个星期,休斯先生保持了他的诺言。他带女儿去一个名为动物王国的公园游玩。fficeffice" />


A diligent lad worked at a laboratory. The lab largely produced laser instruments. The lad's job largely was to label the laser instruments. He liked his job at large and worked hard. He did not even rest on Labor's Day. In his mind, hard work was a ladder to success. One evening, as usual, the lad turned off the lamps in the ladies' room and men's room. Then he laced up his shoes and went home. He lived in an inn. It was a nice inn except for the cold landlady and the boring landlord there. The landlady always wore a dress with delicate lace. The lad carried a lantern because the lane he took was dark. On the way, he heard something. He looked back then found a lamb. The lamb was lame in its lap. It seemed to lack good care. The lad did not know the animal's language, but he touched it softly. At last the lad decided to adopt it even though he adopted a lark lately. The lamb followed him. It lagged behind because of its lame lap, so from time to time the lad waited for it to catch up with him. The landlady and the landlord would return by plane that night. Fortunately, the plane's landing was delayed because of fog. Thus the lad could hide the lamb in time.





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