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GMAT 逻辑分析题 (27)

Test Prep representative: The GMAT test-makers change the test question pools every month to prevent cheating. Quite a few of our online students have obtained 750+ scores in GMAT and have subsequently been accepted by top MBA programs including that of Harvard University. This proves that only students who attend our online classes are prepared for the ever-changing test question pools. Therefore, to prepare yourself for the ever-changing GMAT questions, you should enroll in our online GMAT classes today and wait for the admission letter from Harvard tomorrow!

Any of the following points out a flaw committed in the argument EXCEPT

1) It treats something that is necessary for bringing about a state of affairs as something that is sufficient to bring about a state of affairs.
2) It draws its intermediate conclusion based on an unrepresentative sample.
3) It overlooks the possibility that a test-taker can prepare for the ever-changing test question pools without attending online GMAT classes.
4) It assumes that an online GMAT class will increase a student’s GMAT scores.
5) It assumes that enrollment in the GMAT online classes would ensure admission into Harvard University.
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1)将必要条件当成充分条件<----to prepare yourself for the ever-changing GMAT questions, you should enroll in our online GMAT .要准备GMAT考试问题,必须参加Online课堂
2)It draws its intermediate conclusion based on an unrepresentative sample.
<----原文说:Quite a few of our online students have obtained 750+ scores in GMAT and have subsequently been accepted by top MBA programs including that of Harvard University. This proves that only students who attend our online classes are prepared for the ever-changing test question pools. 以很多参加网络课堂的人都得高分并被topMBA项目录取,得出结论只有参加他们的课堂才能的高分。论据不充分:是否考虑其他GMAT考试的高分者他们是否参加过网络课堂。


4) is the right answer.  LS is right.

Although to eliminate 1), one might choose another questionable statement made in the stimulus.


4) is the right answer.  LS is right.

Although to eliminate 1), one might choose another questionable statement made in the stimulus.


It treats something that is necessary for bringing about a state of affairs as something that is sufficient to bring about a state of affairs.  
得了750+GMAT分数,就能被名校MBA录取),the boldface refers to



Yes. I would add "If only" ahed of it.



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