我的考场optional break是十分钟,是都已经改了吗?我一直以为是5分钟。考了730,目标750来着,verbal。M50, V39. 数学很多JJ题,题库肯定还没有换,Verbal只碰到少数,语法很多拿不准,阅读也不是吃的准,如果不是后面两片阅读是JJ, 时间肯定不够用。我复习了2个月,剩下30天的时候知道GWD, 剩下7天的时候知道PREP这么难,狂补了黄金80逻辑和PREP SC 172总结。我自己的感觉是OG可以作为起步材料,但是数学机经一定要看,GWD,PREP verbal一定要做,这些才是与实战非常非常接近的东西,出题套路相近。其实个人偷懒的想法是OG, GWD的数学都不用作,把最近几个月的机经作一通也是近千道真题啊。比老真题管用。SC一定要熟练到基本是reflex的状态,考场上太短时间容你考虑这个用法不对,那个用法可能之类的东西。 AA: The following appeared in a letter from a part-owner of a small retail clothing chain to her business partner: “Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandida Heights neighborhood for several years, while the prices in the adjacent neighborhood of Palm Grove have remained the same. It seems obvious, then, that a retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago. So, it appears that retail spaces in Sandida Heights are now overpriced relative to those in Palm Grove. Therefore, it would be in our financial interest to purchase a retail space in Palm Grove rather than in Sandida Heights.” Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc. AI: A powerful business leader has more opportunities to influence a community and a nation than a government official. 阅读: 1。佛经。把JJ贴出来的原文好好看2遍应该就不会有什么问题。题目: 为什么提到那个G国在很多国家的交叉地带。这个可以原文定位it explains why scholars assumed a buddism literature opponent. 只是大概意思,不是原文,是与literature opponnet有关。 2. GWD一道题,妇女legal cases between 1698-1700's。记得primary purpose of passage那到题,GWD就没有统一答案,所以也就按自己的意见选了。大家应该好好讨论讨论那到题了。 3。纽约艺术展那个盒子也能作为art的那个。文章不难,选项不容易,吃不准。内容就是jj上的。有一句话Nothing is art unless things behind it constitute it.问这句话作为第二段结尾的作用。就不说选项了,省得误导。 4。实在想不起来了。 CR: GWD: 1. outlaw loberster harvesting, 9000 ton. 2. cigarett. 90 cents a pack over several years. everytime the tax increase 10%, the sales amount decreases 4%. company would not reduce the price. 3. deer tick. feed on once in a while. 4. An advocate health office was eastablished three years ago to do 1) investigate the health care to improve it. 2)receive complaints. It's found out that though the health care level is dramatically improved, the number of complaints are rising sharply. 选项 a. advocate health office staff did not count those complaints that they could correct immediately by correcting the perception of the person who made complaint. b. advocate office's serious work make it become reputable among the public. 其它选项也很迷糊。 SC: .demand for three-dimension image is boomed: medical shools use them to do, universities use them to do, airforce use them to train ... 考冒号后面的对称,注意此时的谓语在对称中是省略的 我选的是medical schools used them to do, universities to do, airfore to train the pilots. 选项中有混合 to do, doing 并列的。 Palentologist found a skeleton of XXXXX, which is close relative to genuea pig and they are now able to confirm it weighed 60,000 pounds. 选项就是典型的有没有which, they 和 it 的排列组合。大家讨论一下怎么才能把这句话写标准吧。 xxx the ants xxxx do not nest but instead wander restlessly when they are in search of food, or when the production of queen causes the breakup of the colony. 这到还有点儿把握,请大家斟酌。我写的就是我选的正确选项。 xxxxxxxxxxx, 某物质, the expert suggests, may block xx, work xxx, and reduce xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 选项中有 某物质the expert suggests may block xxx, work xxxx. SC 总体难度挺大。 数学:b^2+1能被5除吗?1) 5是b+2的一个factor; 2)5是b-3的factor. -3<=X<=1. 问以下那个相同 X+1的绝对值小于等于2. red stick, average mean of box W is 18 inches more than the length of red stick. box z is 6 inches less than the length of red stick. 有好几道什么某数被5除余个几,被6除余个几,问被30除余个几或者能不能整除。 craytons in the box. divide craytons among children, how many craytons in total? 1) divide among 5 kids, 2 more extra; 2) divide among 7 kids, 3 more extra. 具体数字不一定准大概就这个意思我选了E. 因为通过举例可以发现多个数字能够满足条件。 DS: 有个S出现的几率是0.6,有个T出现的几率是0。8,问他们中至少一个出现的几率。a)S and T are independent b) 他们一起出现的几率是0。05. 我选了C. PS: 有6个人,要分成3组,每组做1个关于topic的presentation,题目说了每个topic不同。原文好像是topic about african, china or america. 问这样的安排有多少种。我答90 一条线slope为8, 经过(5, c^2) (6, 2C), 问C的值。答案里只有一项符合计算结果的。 x*y不等于零。Y能被X整除吗? 1) Y能被2x整除; 2)Y>=4x 我选A
144.50,60,70 的weight mean is less than 60,问下面哪个对。 I W1<W3 II W1>W3 III W2=0 (W1,W2,W3是ABC的权重系数) 数学大概1/4机经题。得把2月份的机经也看了。JJ题就不说了,说了也是重复。math整体很简单。有的时候简单的可怕。
PS: 有6个人,要分成3组,每组做1个关于topic的presentation,题目说了每个topic不同。原文好像是topic about african, china or america. 问这样的安排有多少种。我答90 一条线slope为8, 经过(5, c^2) (6, 2C), 问C的值。答案里只有一项符合计算结果的。 x*y不等于零。Y能被X整除吗? 1) Y能被2x整除; 2)Y>=4x 我选A
144.50,60,70 的weight mean is less than 60,问下面哪个对。 I W1<W3 II W1>W3 III W2=0 (W1,W2,W3是ABC的权重系数) 数学大概1/4机经题。得把2月份的机经也看了。JJ题就不说了,说了也是重复。math整体很简单。有的时候简单的可怕。
PS: 有6个人,要分成3组,每组做1个关于topic的presentation,题目说了每个topic不同。原文好像是topic about african, china or america. 问这样的安排有多少种。我答90 一条线slope为8, 经过(5, c^2) (6, 2C), 问C的值。答案里只有一项符合计算结果的。 x*y不等于零。Y能被X整除吗? 1) Y能被2x整除; 2)Y>=4x 我选A
144.50,60,70 的weight mean is less than 60,问下面哪个对。 I W1<W3 II W1>W3 III W2=0 (W1,W2,W3是ABC的权重系数) 数学大概1/4机经题。得把2月份的机经也看了。JJ题就不说了,说了也是重复。math整体很简单。有的时候简单的可怕。
PS: 有6个人,要分成3组,每组做1个关于topic的presentation,题目说了每个topic不同。原文好像是topic about african, china or america. 问这样的安排有多少种。我答90 一条线slope为8, 经过(5, c^2) (6, 2C), 问C的值。答案里只有一项符合计算结果的。 x*y不等于零。Y能被X整除吗? 1) Y能被2x整除; 2)Y>=4x 我选A
144.50,60,70 的weight mean is less than 60,问下面哪个对。 I W1<W3 II W1>W3 III W2=0 (W1,W2,W3是ABC的权重系数) 数学大概1/4机经题。得把2月份的机经也看了。JJ题就不说了,说了也是重复。math整体很简单。有的时候简单的可怕。
这是一道DS题,问X是多少?1) W+Y=某个值; 2) Y=W=Z. 我选b.