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[转帖]Failed to reach the good score JJ - 03/09/2005

AI. 30 AA. New 1.


1. 25*5^n = 1

2. 某数是否6的倍数?

(1)它是连续4 个正整数的积


3. 800 mile 去顺风时速350 mile,回逆风时速250 问来回平均速度接近于 (290)

4. 7^(4n+3) 6^n divided by 10余数 (8)

5. 有9个蓝色球其余均为红色,现在从中不放回任抽两个,结果抽到蓝的几率是6/11,共有几个球?

6. A company's profit increased x percent in 1980 than 1975, and increased y percent in 1985 than in 1980, is percent increased in 1985 than 1975 > 1/10? (different from old JJ)
1) x/y > 3/4
2) y/x > 4/5

7. 下列哪个等式成列 I. |x|/x=1; II.x^2/|x|=x;III (ONLY III)

8. buy one pair of shoes at regular price and second the 50% discount; the second one is 35% less than first pair. Ask how much percentage less if buy two pair shoes compared to at the regular price (20%) This question costs me at least more than 5 minutes

9. 说下订单买沙发和情人凳,沙发800元一套,情人凳600元一套,问买了多少情人凳?

(1)一共买了3800元(2)买沙发数量大于一套 (should be c but I pick B wrong)

10. 15个20到30间的整数,问平均数是否大于25

(1)中位数大于25 (2)其中有七个数大于20小于25 (E)

11. 先说min(a,b) 和max(a,b)的意思,那么min(10, w)=?

(1)w= min(10, z) (z is integer) (2)w=max( 10, w ) (B)

12. Buy a TV at the manfac.price and sell $720. Make 20% profit. If only make 10% profit at the manfac.price , what is the price?

13. There is a sequence of number only including 30, 40, 50. The number of 30 and 40 is the same. Ask if the mean of the sequence is less than 50, what is fraction of the number of 30 in the sequence? (I am wrong on this question and costs me much time)

a.2/3. B.3/8 c.4/5 d.5/8


This part is my weakest point. Though I worked harder and harder, I still got very low score. Could someone give me some suggestion? I thought I should get good scores on this part, because it did not seem harder than the practice I had in GWD.


1. Ecoefficiency: There is detailed JJ online.

2. to retain more customer comeback to buy new cars, Increased in service and performance for auto-service. But they fail to meet satisfication. They try to increase employee training but too much training mean less time on service, less money on tools etc. Point out the strategy can not meet its effectiveness.

3. Increased population of animals reduce their alarmness. Two theories: One thinks increased population when feeding reduces individual awarenees for alarm to predatory, the other thinks increased population reduce group responsiveness to predatory though increases chance to be predated (I pick up the wrong answer to this question). (3 questions: Main purpose; difference between two theorie;both author make what mistakes… I made wrong here?

4. I can not remember.



I personally think it is not very hard but I failed to get above 700. Could someone give me some help on this section?
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