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AI:24.\\"A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.\\"
The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of the Fizzle Soda Company.
\\"There is apparently a market for new beverages as can be seen from the fact that other companies have recently introduced new juice drinks and sports drinks. Given this market and customer surveys indicating that many drinkers of regular Fizzle soda add chocolate syrup to their soda, we can increase our company's sales by creating a new chocolate-flavored soda,'Choco-Fizz.' Choco-Fizz will help us attract new customers and keep our customers who might otherwise switch to our comprtitors' chocolate beverages. And Choco-Fizz will be more successful than Fizzle Plus, our most rently introduced flavor, because it will be easier to distinguish from regular Fizzle soda.\\"
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