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Admitted by IESE MBA

Just got offer from IESE. So excited and so fast!!!!!!!!!

IESE is my most favourite and suitable business school. Dream finally comes into reality. Sincerely wish everyone in chasedream will realize your dream!

I would like to express my greatest and warmest thanks to Bamboo, Ian, Jason, Nancy, Sam and Zhang!!!!! Thank you so much for your constant support and help during my application period!!

I would also like to show my gratitude to chasedream which is accompanying me since I started to prepare for GMAT and also helped me to know so many great friends with the same goals.

Next, I would like to share some interview topics I did yesterday.

1.Self introduction
2.Why IESE
3.Why MBA
4.Short-term goal
5.Something about childhood and How did it make you to be the person at present?
6.Example for the adaptability to multiculture environment
7.Example for how did you help others to realize their objectives
8.Other issues regarding financing and family
9.Opinion on Tibet upheaval

I wish it will be helpful! Anyone who has questions regarding IESE, please don't hesitate to message me.

One more information I'd like to share:
I just learned one guy turned down the offer from INSEAD and joined IESE. I know it will be a big surprise for most of us because INSEAD is really a great business school. The point I'd like to share is that you'd better choose the most suitable one for yourself when you have to make your suffering decision. Hope it's helpful to those who are choosing among different options.

P.S. My background

GMAT750, TOEFL waived, GPA: 3.49, Msc from Top 5 UK university, five years W/E, two years in managerial role

Good luck! Chasedreamer!

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Hi there,

I just got accepted by IESE too, but i'm worried that I won't have enough time to move there.

Have you settled things with your accomodation and when do you plan to move there?

Can we talk more over msn? hoh_audrey@hotmail.com" target="_blank">ohoh_audrey@hotmail.com










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