Math:51 Verbal:40 终于到了我奉献JJ的时候了.我来好好想想看; AWA: AA: NO.11 The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper. "In the first four years that Montoya has served as mayor of the city of San Perdito, the population has decreased and the unemployment rate has increased. Two businesses have closed for each new business that has opened. Under Varro, who served as mayor for four years before Montoya, the unemployment rate decreased and the population increased. Clearly, the residents of San Perdito would be best served if they voted Montoya out of office and reelected Varro." AI:NO 2:"It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world's energy resources for future generations."
Math: 碰到了两三道已经贴过的JJ.但是现在好像回忆不出几道新题了.等想出来了再加上吧. 1.说一个三角形的三个内角比是1:2:3,已经最短边为a(某值),求最长边. 2a,很简单吧. 2.说有一个hexagon,已知各边相等,各内角相等,(就是正六边形啦),且面积为96√3(确定),求边长? 8 3.DS:说开车240mile, 求全程平均速度 (1)已知前160mile速度为v (2) 后160mile速度也为v E 4. DS:给了一个公式,以复利计,算每期的installment是多少多少的,没记错的话应该是:
完了,我不会贴公式,不知道有没有贴出来.干脆用原始方法打吧:q=pr/(1+r)的n次方.分母不一定对,但是意思对就是了. r:年利率,n分期付款的期数,然后告诉你说M和J的n, r ,都相同,求两个每期要付的installment之比. (1)已知M和J每期分别要付的installment (2)已知M和J的期初的存款 答案:D 5.jj,说在A四舍五入到billion为43,000,000,000 B四舍五入到million为86,000,000,说A/B的范围在5~500吗? 答案:E,不知数字记对没,反正算的时候,500正好卡在minimum 和maximum之间,所以答案是不能确定. 其他的以后想到再补啊 6. 终于又想到一题.数字不一定准确,但就是那个意思. 一个数N除以a余2,除以b也是余2,求N/(a*b)的余数 ANS: 2
RC: 1.JJ,关于妇女的suffrage的
CR: 啊,还是想不起来啦,对不起大家啦.
今天是在我们自己学校考的,之前有听10月在南京考的GG说过南大考点条件很差的.我强烈反对啊,其实要求不要太高啦,键盘用得还是很舒服的,鼠标也够灵敏,只是没有滚轮啦.今天Verbal 做得太慢了,主要是我太定悠悠了啦.最后30秒做了五道.数学也做得不快,慢慢地来的,一直怕粗心的自己会犯错.作文模板倒是背得很熟,只是写issue时举的例子好像太吹了.算了,考完就撒. PS:"红牛+德芙+耳塞"这个方法对我还蛮凑效的,谢谢新东方老师的推荐啦.:) |