Verbal 考得很滥,Math超简单, 吓得我都不敢下手做。 关于数学的一点体会就是,刚换题库的时候相对简单,越往后,难度慢慢增加。感觉1。23后的jj,有些题还是有些难度的,今天,可能因为是换提的第一天,题简单的都不敢做。废话少说,说点JJ. AWA: AI:' People have a duty to disobey laws that thet consider unjust' AA: The business manager of a department store makes the following recommendation that: The local clothing stores reported profit decrease for the last 3 month period from xxx to xx (date).However, the stores which sell home products reported profit increase for the same period. Therefore , the department store should decrease it's size in clothing departments and enlarge the furnishing and homeproducts deparment. Math; 1. -I-20I + I2I-I-4I =? This is the first math question I had.真的吓得我不敢下手。 2. a= 2^4, b=2^a, 2^x=a^b, what is value of x? 3. <(X+Y)/(X-Y)>* <(1/X-1/Y)/(I/X+1/Y)>, the answer is -1. The last quesion in Math. 4. X, Y are positive integers. Is Y odd? a. XY=even b. X+Y=even 5. How many mutiples of 3 between -100 and 100. I choose 67, as I consider 0. 还有几何题,可惜没办法话出来。 Verbal, RC1。关于证明一个sea xxx monstor 是否存在,用了DNA 2。关于妇女的地位问题,从税收的角度谈这个问题。 其他不记得了,靠得太烂。 |